According to Vastu Shastra, the Site slope affects the design of the house and the flow of  the run-off around the house. Two plots may be identical in size and orientation but the natural slope of the plot determines the overall energy balance of the plot. Therefore before you buy a plot, it is essential to look at the natural slope of the plot. Vaastu lays down guidelines to aid you in the Selection of a Site with the ideal ‘Slope’.

Slope applies not only to the property but also to land surrounding the property, roofs and floor levels within a building and a room. Generally, the slopes that influence the Vaastu of a property the most are the natural slopes of the surrounding land and the property itself. A downward slope amplifies the flow of energy down the slope.

The natural slope plays an important role in the overall energy balance of any plot but just the slope and its direction must never be the only criteria for accepting or rejecting a plot. All the Vastu Shastra factors including the slope and the main directional axis of the land must be taken into consideration before deciding on a site. 

Since Vastu is a science, every guideline is based on logic and reasoning. As an Architect, I have attempted to explain these guidelines rationally and scientifically under the following headings, so that you can decide what you want to follow and what you don’t, instead of blindly following them like a superstition.

According to Vastu Shastra, what is the ideal direction for the slope of a site?
For each of the four directions, how should the site slope?
What are the other Vastu guidelines for sites regarding slope of the land?
Is there any solution for sites which do not have the required slope of the land?


The North-East half of the plot is called the Solar half and the South-West half is called the Lunar half. Ideally the Solar half (Sun) should be lower than the Lunar half (moon’s surface). In short, Vastu recommends that always, the:
North-East corner should be the lowest,
North-West should be higher than the North-East corner,
South-East should be higher than the North-West corner,
South-West should be higher than the South-East corner.

Downward slopes should be towards the North, East and especially North-East. The North-East corner should be the lowest and the South-West corner should be the highest: The Logic- This ensures the unobstructed flow of light and solar energy from the North-East corner (morning light and constant light) into the house. Also, when the South-West corner is higher than the North-East corner, it serves as a buffer (to the West and South-West sunrays) and prevents the heating up of the rest of the house.

No matter what, the North-East should never be higher than any other part of the property. If the land is completely flat it is acceptable: The Logic- The same reason as above.


In East facing sites, the slope should be downwards to the North-East direction from the South-East, from the North-West to the North-East and from the South-West corner down to the South-East. This way, the North-east corner is the lowest.

In West facing plots, the slope should be directed downwards to the North-West corner from the South-West, from the South-West towards the South-East and from the North-West corner down to the North-East corner. This ensures that the North-West corner is low.

In North facing plots, the site should slope down from the North-West corner to the North-East, from South-East towards the North-East and from the South-West downwards to the North-West corner to ensure that the North-East corner is the lowest.

In South facing plots the slope should be downwards to the South-East corner from the South-West corner, downwards from the South-West to the North-West and down from the South-East to the North-East. This way the South-east corner is low.


Avoid plots with a depressed or raised centre: Avoid plots humped at the center and sloping on all sides. Similarly avoid plots that are depressed at the center. The Logic- If the center is either too depressed or humped, it is difficult and expensive to level the site as it may even have rock below, which will have to be blasted out.

The road level should be lower than the Site: The Logic- Normally there is a storm water drain between the Site and the road, so when there is heavy rainfall, even if the drain overflows, the excess water will flow onto the road instead of the site. Also, all the excess water from the site will flow out into the drain and road instead of vice-versa.

The road level should be lower than the Site

In cities, it is difficult to get sites that meet the requirements of Vastu. However, there are ways of correcting sites that are not in accordance with Vastu.

Plot sloping down from the North-East: The Solution- If the North-East corner is at a higher elevation than other sides of the property, you can dig soil from that corner and dump it in the South and West portions. This way the land will slope down from the South-West toward the North-East.

Plot with a raised/humped centre: The Solution- If the plot is raised in the centre then, the earth can be dug out and dumped towards the South-West of the plot.

Plot with a depressed centre: The Solution- If the plot is depressed in the centre, then earth can be dug out from the rest of the Site and filled in the centre to balance out the levels.

This post was about the importance of  ‘Site Slope’ in the Selection of a Site. Read about another important Vastu Shastra consideration when Selecting a Site, namely:

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27 thoughts on “SCIENTIFIC VASTU | SITE SLOPE | An Architect Explains

  • July 8, 2021 at 1:56 am


    I have a property location on Northeast area 240 sq. mtr rectangular shape the lot is lower than the road side but if it rains the water is stagnant in my property lot. Can i possibly make it 1 mtr higher than the road side? or is it a No as per Vastu…

    Hi Marie,
    You should definitely raise the plot. After the building comes up, slope the setback areas slightly from SW to NE so that the NE is at least 6″ lower than the SW. That should take care of the Vastu aspect.

  • May 17, 2021 at 4:22 pm

    I have a plot facing west. It slopes towards west from east. And there is adjoining public drainage to the north of the plot. How can I make the plot Vastu Friendly before I begin construction.
    I am Rabindra Neupane from Kathmandu
    Hi Rabindra,
    After you finish your construction, slope the land in the setback areas of your plot, in such a way that there is a slight slope from SW corner toward SE and NW. From the NW corner slope the land towards the NE corner. Similarly from the SE corner slope the land towards the NE corner. But when doing all this make sure that all points in your plot are higher than the outside road and drainage.

  • April 5, 2021 at 5:59 am

    Hi Sir,
    I am looking for Flat, it is South facing terrace flat, and slope of terrace is from south to north (Door upside to north window ) . is it good, according to vastushastra ?

  • March 19, 2021 at 8:07 am

    1)What is the logic behind dividing a plot by just making a underground wall/ underground tiebeam instead of making a full size wall to make it a square or rectangular shape plot?
    2) Does energy around plot travel from beneath the ground level or above the ground level?

  • January 17, 2020 at 11:56 pm

    Dear sir,
    I am planning to purchase a plot which is East facing corner plot, with road at East and South for residential purpose. Plot slopes a bit from South to North (South elevated), but it slopes too much from East to west (East elevated).
    Please suggest.

  • October 19, 2019 at 9:57 am

    Hi Sir,

    I am. Planning to buy a plot. It is east facing site. Entire site is 30*50.
    Where the site on east is completely higher and the full sites slopes down, towards west around 10 feet downwards.
    Please suggest if we can go ahead..
    If it is really a bad option I would want to drop the plan and look for other options.
    Kindly give me your prompt reply.

  • February 1, 2019 at 3:01 pm

    Dear Sir,
    We are planning to buy a property which door is facing north-west. Land size is rectangle & sloping downward from north to south. The slab is levelled. Is the good property or bad as per vast?

  • March 18, 2018 at 6:14 am

    Hi Sir, I am planning to buy a flat, which is tickley populated area. My flat is east facing and also not in road facing side, but in west there is a open car parking followed by compound wall and other empty land is in place. Is it good Vasthu to buy this flat?

    In addition, south side has big big buildings and north side is empty. East side is a 80 feet road.

  • February 12, 2018 at 12:57 am

    sir we have build ahouse in a plot where west side is lower that east side. We level the plot height (west side) in same height as east side and build the house.any vasthu dosha & can you suggest some remedies.

  • January 28, 2018 at 6:04 pm

    Dear Sir
    Ours is south facing plot with north east entrance. In southEast down words slope is there… What to do to rectify? Please advise.

  • January 23, 2018 at 10:29 am

    Dear Sir,

    I want to buy a plot to build my house. It is been difficult to find a plot with the correct slope. My question is: For example, I buy a plot facing north, with a downward slope to the north but a downward slope to the west. If I correct it “artificially” are the effects enough to cancel the bad things? I mean, they talk about death, poverty, severe risks with a downward slope to the west… It is really scary! I wonder if there is any way to fix it since there is still no construction in the land…

  • October 19, 2017 at 8:59 am

    College is on hillslope towards south.inform solution.

  • August 29, 2017 at 8:44 am

    Hi Sir,
    I am buying a home Facing NORTH and Its a BASEMENT home so there is NATURAL SLOPE towards SOUTH direction and the LAWN at the south is flat for the most part and then there is a natural slope at the end of the lawn(Towards SOUTH).

    Will it be OK? or is there any Remedy would you suggest?


  • August 12, 2017 at 10:42 pm

    My House is North Facing and front half portion is high because i constructed
    The front portion which include 1 Bedroom, Bathroom and Garage. That was constructed last year. And back portion is two step low which include 2 bedroom, kitchen, store and drawing room. This portion had 30 year old. Road is lower than lower portion (back portion) of the house.

  • June 18, 2017 at 6:51 am

    My house is on 2 levels as it is a hilly area .The land area is about 7000 sq feet and the house is a corner terrace house built on 3 levels meaning middle is road level ,there is a lower floor with 1 room and a living area and a upper floor with 3 bed rooms and a living area .the middle floor is the main entrance with a hall dining room and kitchen .
    The lower floor is in the north west and about 20 ft below . The entrance faces east . The land in the southwest is about 20 ft lower .
    I am palnning some renovation mostly to extend the house towards the southwest and north west meaning building it upmso as to raise it .
    What is your advise

  • June 9, 2017 at 7:51 am

    We have a east facing house, and in the back yard which is the west is sloping down to a lake, is it OK or something should be done, the slopping is man made

  • April 4, 2017 at 7:49 pm

    Dear sir I’m going to built brand new house in the use
    But there is East side is up. And west side is down. Slope east to west. What should I do

  • January 15, 2017 at 12:28 pm


  • November 15, 2016 at 9:49 am

    Dear sir
    Our house door is west facing and land is higher on East side and west is slope . Road is lower . Is there any solution as we can’t dig that much soil and make it level .
    Thank you
    Hi Vijay,
    It is okay since the road is lower than the plot.

  • September 15, 2016 at 4:28 am

    This is Venu again, Thanks for the feedback. Ground slab meaning the foundation correct? Yes the slab is leveled, and is higher than all other corners of the home.
    I did not get why you mentioned leave it as it is especially when slope in S, W and SW corners is bad for many reasons.
    Hi Venu,
    It is better not to fiddle with the natural slope of the site especially if it is going against the flow of the sewage from your house.

  • August 21, 2016 at 4:28 am

    I have a North facing home and lot, with lot sloping down from Middle to South and Middle to West. That means both South and West are sloping. also east corner also. In total South, South- east, south- west, south and west all are sloping from mid center high where home stands on. Is this valid according to you Shastra analysis? If not what can I do architecturally to make the his correct? Retaining wall is a very expensive deal, but if I were to build what the best for me cost wise?
    Hi Venu,
    If the ground slab is at one level then it is fine. If the slope is too much then a retaining wall may be needed, otherwise leave it as it is.

  • August 19, 2016 at 10:16 am

    My house has NE highest and slope is on S side. I cannot do any soil or digging like that as the land is done and the house is built. It is an existing house that I am buying.
    What should I do? Not buy the house at all?
    Prakash Dalal
    Hi Prakash,
    Ideally the slope of the land should be down, towards the NE. But it does not mean that anything otherwise is unacceptable. If you get a positive vibe from this property, go ahead and buy it.

  • February 18, 2015 at 9:00 am

    I have constructed a two portioned house with north east entrance,where as the road is at west side. After formation of cement road, the height of the building has become so high, and both the house and compound wall are appearing like a fort. There is a heavy slope from north to south direction. To avoid the ocquard look, i would like to remove the compound wall and construct shop rooms in the empty place left in the west side earlier. By doing so, the roof of the shop rooms will be 2 feet higher than the existing main house. Is it according to vaastu rules. Please advise. With regards,
    p.syam babu, LIC OF INDIA.
    Hi P Syam Babu,
    Shops on the west side which are higher than the house are okay as they will cut out the heat to the house from the west side. But if they are attached to the main house, then you will be cutting the ventilation from the west side. So consider all these aspects before you do anything.

  • October 3, 2011 at 8:47 pm

    I have a couple of questions on vastu for my house which is under construction and on the completion stage. Could you be kind enough to clarify the same.
    (1) My site is west facing and the main door of the house is north facing.
    I am planning to make the part of the house which is between the boundary wall of the site and the wall of the house in such a way that the slope for rain water drainage in this part will be from north-east to north-west. Should I change this to make the slope from north-west to north-east in this portion of the house?
    (2) Although the main door of the house is facing north (almost towards north-east), the steps leading to the main door is towards west (almost towards north-west). Should I change it to make it north facing (or north-east facing) too?
    Thanks in advance.
    Kind Regards,
    Hi Gogoi,
    Since your site is west facing, it is practical to slope the land form the North-East to the North-West so that the water is easily drained out to the road.
    To access the entrance door, it is easier to climb from the roadside, from the West. So do not change anything.


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