Proper ventilation is necessary in a Kitchen, for maintaining a healthy indoor environment and minimising airborne health risks. It is also important to control moisture which causes many types of mold.

For proper ventilation in a Kitchen you need to have a window and a good ventilation system. Ventilation fans remove moisture, odour, and the unhealthy by-products of combustion, including carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides. The ventilation systems like chimney above the cooktop, reduces the heat and lingering cooking odours/smoke that emanate from the cooking area to provide you with a safe cooking area.
Here are some tips to help you to reduce the Kitchen odours. They are tried and tested by me personally and have been found to be effective.
Dustbin: To keep your dustbin odour-free, pour talcum powder or baking soda into the bottom of it.
Microwave: An easy way to clean and deodorise your microwave is to put half a cup of water with one tablespoon of baking soda in a bowl in the microwave and cook on high for one minute. The steam from the water loosens any food item sticking to the base and makes it easy to wipe away. The baking soda absorbs odours.
Refrigerators: Items stored in refrigerators sometimes emit an unpleasant odour. To get rid of it, leave an open box of baking soda in the back area of the refrigerator and freezer to absorb strong odours or soak a piece of cotton in a vanilla or lemon essence and keep it preferably on the top shelf. A piece of fresh lime also helps to reduce the unpleasant odour of chopped onions in the fridge.

Cooking odours: To dispel cooking odours, boil a little vinegar or a teaspoon of cloves/cinnamon in half a cup of water and set it out in the room. Soon the room will be odour-free.
Smoke: To remove the smell of smoke from the kitchen, burn a few drops of vinegar on a hotplate or pan.
For a pleasant smell: Add a few teaspoons of sugar and cinnamon to an empty pie tin and slowly burn over the stove. Your home will be filled with the lovely aroma of baking.
Garlic/onion odours: After chopping garlic or onions, rub a freshly-cut lemon over both the knife blade and the cutting board to help remove the smell.
Cooking causes odour-carrying fumes and vapour to cling to your kitchen surfaces. It is important to clean the Kitchen surfaces regularly, otherwise it will become quite impossible to get rid of the dirt, grime and grease after a while. Here are some easy tips to help you keep your Kitchen clean, neat and germ-free.
Kitchen cloths: Wash the kitchen cloths, curtains, dishcloths, and aprons in warm water to remove food stains and odours.
Kitchen cabinets: Clean kitchen cabinets regularly. Dust with a clean cloth or microfiber duster. Hardwood cabinets should be cleaned according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Don’t forget to clean the knobs and handles.

Glass/metal surfaces: Clean plastic, metal, laminate, and glass surfaces with an all-purpose household cleaner.
Plastic: To get rid of the oily film on plastic bowls, make a paste of baking soda and a little water. Rub it on, then rinse, and wash as usual. The bowls should be squeaky clean.
Garbage: Keep wet garbage in bins with tight lids. If possible, take the waste of perishable food outside the house as soon as possible and store them in secure containers.
For a concise Vastu guide and evaluation of your Kitchen and Kitchen Backyard, please refer to the posts on my blog: House construction in India
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T. Johns
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Good work.
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May God Bless you and family with Health and Happiness for serving mankind
Hi Mr Manmohan Singh,
Thank you for appreciating the effort and time that I have put into this site. It is just as you have put it – the information is to help people like you, who are planning to start house construction in India. I still have lots more information to share but time is a constraint and since I believe in doing it well, it is going a bit slow.
Anyway, wish you all success in your project and enjoy the process as you construct (usually) only once in a lifetime!
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