Listed here are some Vastu Guidelines for trees and plants. Since Vastu is a science, every guideline is based on logic and scientific reasoning. As an Architect, I have attempted to explain these guidelines rationally and scientifically, under the following headings, so that you have a choice and can decide what you want to follow or what you don’t, instead of looking at Vastu as a superstition:
What trees should be planted in the house garden according to Vastu Shastra?
Where should the trees be planted in the plot according to Vastu?
Which plants should be planted in the house garden according to Vastu?

MANGO TREE – Most parts of the mango tree have medicinal value. It’s leaves are used as a pesticide, and its twigs are used for brushing teeth. The tender leaves of the mango tree contain tannins called anthocyanidins, which help in treating early diabetes. Its leaves are used for puja purposes. It is considered very auspicious if the dead are cremated using mango tree fire-wood. Then of course, mango fruit is the king among fruits and very tasty. The raw mangoes are used for making pickles and as a vegetable. Mango trees also have a very long life and can survive for 400-500 years. Obviously, this is also a very useful tree to have in your garden.
JACK-FRUIT TREE – Jackfruit is an Ayurvedic tree used for the treatment of wounds, Bell’s palsy, improving the body strength, diarrhea, skin diseases and cases of poisoning. Like the ‘mango tree, the jack-fruit tree also produces very tasty, seasonal, fruit in large numbers. The yellow juicy kernels inside the jackfruit are used to make different types of sweets and halvas. The raw fruit kernels are cut into strips and made into tasty jackfruit chips, a speciality of Kerala. The Jack-fruit’s seeds are also nutritious and are used like a vegetable in South India. The beautiful yellow coloured wood from this tree is used to make furniture, doors, windows etc. Its leaves are considered auspicious and are used for puja. Therefore, it is useful and can be planted in your garden.
BANANA TREE – The tender saplings of the banana tree are used for decorating doors of houses, pandals etc, during functions and festivals as they are symbols of prosperity and wealth. . Almost every part of the plant has some sort of economic or medicinal use. Bananas are available through the year and are very nutritious. Banana fruit is the best source for instant energy and are rich in potassium. Raw bananas are cooked and eaten like a vegetable. Banana leaves are used for eating traditional meals as they can be used and thrown and so are considered hygienic. The skin of the fruit is used in dyeing. The sap contains tannin and is used as marking ink. From the dried leaf stalks, fibres can be made and they can form a sound kind of string and are also used for tying fences, etc. A lot of illnesses can be treated with concoctions made from the roots, stem, flowers, and leaves of the tree. As far as usefulness is concerned, only one other plant can compete with the `Banana Tree` and that is the coconut. So this is a must-have in your garden.
COCONUT TREE – Every part of this tree is useful. The tender coconut water is a very healthy, cool, low fat drink. The coconut flesh is used in South Indian cooking in large amounts and gives it a distinctive flavour. The oil extracted from coconut is used in cooking as well as a hair oil. Coir is a very useful by-product which is used in making mats, carpets etc. The leaves of the coconut tree are weaved and used as roofing for huts by the poor. Its dry leaves are also used as fire-wood. It has a long life of about 100-150 years and is prohibited from being cut. Due to its usefulness it is considered a sacred tree. Hence it is considered a must, in every one’s garden.

Smaller shrubs– may be planted on the East or North sides, but no trees should be planted in the North-East corner as they block the useful morning sun rays.
Tall trees– like Coconut can be planted in the South-West, West sides but should should not be too close to a building as they block the sunlight completely. A tree should be planted such that it’s shadow should not fall on the house, at least between 9.A.M to 3P.M.
Large trees– like Peepal, Banyan should not be located too near the house as their roots can damage the foundation and compound wall. Also, the large trees absorb most of the sunlight, meaning these positive rays will not be received by the building.
Good trees– that can be planted in a house compound are useful trees like coconut, neem, betel, sandalwood, lemon, pineapple, bilva, almond, jackfruit, pomegranate, mango, amla, and katha.
Avoid flowering trees in gardens: Reason – They shed leaves during the summer.
Trees with insects, worms, honey bees, bumble bee, owls, serpents, should be avoided for obvious reasons.
If a tree must be removed because it is inauspicious or for other reasons, the day before cutting the tree, one should express regret to the tree, and it must be removed from its rooting. A new tree should be planted in its place within the next three months. This is a way of conserving nature.
TULASI (BASIL) – It is also known as holy Basil and it is always good to grow a Tulasi plant on one’s property. Tulasi should be located on the North, North-East, or East sides of the house, or in front of the house. Tulasi is a medicinal plant and is used extensively in Ayurvedic medicines. It purifies the blood and improves the digestive system. It is believed to be useful in treating many types of diseases. Hence it is recommended to eat a few leaves every day. Its probably for this reason, that it is considered a sacred plant and used in daily worship.

THORNY PLANTS – Thorny plants should not be planted near the house. Cactus should not be planted at all. Thorny plants other than roses have a negative energy. Ideally all thorny plants should be pulled up and destroyed. The reason could be that the thorns can hurt you when you brush past them.
JASMINE – In general, plants with sweet smelling flowers like jasmine, red lotus, blue lotus etc are good in the house compound as they give out a pleasant perfume, and can also be used in daily worship. Flowers like the Jasmine are stringed together and used as a decoration on the hair by Indian ladies. Moreover, as these flowers are produced round the year, they are always available.

CREEPERS – Creepers or other plants should not be grown using the building or compound wall as a support as their clingers will slowly creep into tiny cracks in the walls and gradually widen them as they grow, causing damage and seeepage of water through the walls. Creepers should only be grown in a garden, and they should have their own independent supports. A creeper like a money plant can be grown within the house but should not be grown outside, using a tree for support.
LAWNS AND WATER BODIES– Lawns should be in the East or the North. A small water-fall of three to four feet or a water body can be constructed in the East or the North leaving the North-East corner. If there is a swimming pool in the garden, it should be in the North or North-East direction, so that the people using the pool benefit from the sun rays and also, the water will get purified by the U.V rays of the Sunlight.
BENCHES – Benches are useful in big gardens and can be placed in the open space in the East and the North direction so that people sitting in these directions, can benefit from the useful sun rays.
This post was about the Vastu guidelines regarding the useful trees and plants that can be planted in a House garden. One passes through the front garden to reach the front Verandah and it is adjacent to the Car Porch. Read about the Vastu guidelines for these spaces, here:
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Related Topics:
- Vastu Shastra | Explained By An Architect
- Vastu Shastra | Principles For A House
- Vastu Shastra | Factors That Impact A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Designing A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Interiors Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Exteriors Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Selecting The Right Site
- Vastu Guidelines | Construction Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Rituals For A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Non-Residential Buildings
- Remedies For Vastu Defects
We are planning to rebuild our house, but have a Coconut tree in south west and our site is south facing. We are in a dilemma whether to cut or retain it. Can you let us know if there are any issues in keeping the tree part of the house as per vastu and any issues that you have come across with roots causing problems for the house in long run?
As long as there is at least 10′ space between the coconut tree and the house, it should be fine.
Sir,i want to plant betel leaf plant near tulasi plant.kindly suggest me the advantages of it.
Betel plant does not have thorns and does not produce milk. So it can be planted within the house compound.It is better not to have any tall plants near a tulasi plant, that may cast a shadow on it.
can betel tree be planted in home ??
Some people are saying it shouldn’t be in home..
Pls suggest me..
Betel plant does not have thorns and does not produce milk. So it can be planted within the house compound.
Can arali plant grown in house compound, told by elders it should be planted in temples or public places. Advise me.
Arali, I am assuming is Oleander. It has pretty flowers but is poisonous. Just touching it could potentially cause irritation, and smoke from burning cuttings can potentially cause severe reactions. So it is best to avoid it.
Hi Sir,
Actually I have a North West facing building. I have no space at south or at west to plant trees.But I have free space or garden in North,north-East but I want to plant trees so please suggest should I start planting trees in this free space.
Hi Amrinder,
You can plant trees in the North but keep only short plants in the NE corner.
Hi Sir,
My house is east facing. Can we grow pomegranate tree in the west as i have provision to grow plants in the west only.
HI Deepa,
Yes you can grow the pomegranate in the west.
Can we keep aloe Vera in home ,if yes inside compound wall or outside gate? Here in my area many people kept it in the compound wall near entrance as they told it is to keep evil eye away. Is that true?
Hi Sandhya,
Aloe vera is a useful plant and can be grown in the house compound. If you believe in this superstition, then go ahead and follow the same as it will reassure you.
There is a pepal tree next to our compound around 20 fts distance is it harmful to us according to vastu ?
Hi Raghu,
A distance of 20′ maybe okay but dig below to check if the roots are creeping towards your house.
Can a Moringa (drum stick) tree can be planted in the front court yard of a East facing house? Does Vastu Shastra prohibits this?
Hi Prem Kumar Sharma,
A drumstick tree can be planted anywhere except maybe in the NE corner.
I plan to buy a 2 floor building of 600Sq ft. near to the wall of building a banyan tree is there which was around 30 years.
whether is it ok?
Hi Santhosh,
I suggest you check whether the foundation of the building is intact before you buy this building. Get it checked by an engineer.
Sir I want to know whether I can plant annar tree in my house in the pot.
Hi Akash,
You can but I do not know whether it will yield fruit in abundance.
hi sir
Nice information I heard that pomegranate tree is very auspicious and good for money and bilipatra tree in which direction we should plant and on which day
Please give ur comment
Haniya desai
Hi Haniya Desai,
Pomegranate is a useful tree and can be planted anywhere in the compound as it is not a very tall and shady tree.
Sir, my house in East facing shall I plant a neem tree in front of the compound in left side
Hi Palanivel,
Yes you can do that.
Sir , I have north east facing home …and a peepal tree is south of my house ( 8 feets from house boundry)
How it will affect me.
Hi J N Jha,
A Peepal tree though religious, has got very far spreading roots and can damage your house foundation. 8 feet is not enough to prevent the roots from penetrating your foundation. If you feel the need to retain the tree, then dig a deep trench near your house and build a rcc wall to prevent the roots from reaching the house.
Dear sir, Is planting Drumstick tree in home garden ? If yes, which direction is most recommended.
Hi Rajasingam,
I am getting a lot of queries regarding drumstick plant because many vastu sites say that it is not a good plant to have in the house compound. But I have classified as good or bad depending on their usefulness. If a plant/tree is useful medicinally or for its produce, then in my eyes it is good to have it in your garden. So by that premise, a drumstick is worth having. Plant it in the backyard.
Can we plant Akaththi (Agathi)plant in our house garden?
same says it’s not good for hose hold,is there truth in it? any reason behind it?
Hi Umakanthan,
The plant is named “Agastya” because its flowers bloom on the Agastya star day of Sharad Ritu (autumn). All parts of this plant serve some medicinal purpose and the leaves, pods and flowers are used in cooking. So, being a useful plant, I believe it can be planted in the house compound.
when mango leaves are made in to a garland and hung on the main during all functions , how can you suggest that has to be cutif a branch from neighbouring house comes in to our house . I feel it is anuninvited and auspicious guest .
Hi Leela Sastry,
There are always different ways of looking at things. You could look at the protruding branch of a neighbours tree as an uninvited but auspicious guest or as an obstruction to the light and ventilation to your house. It is how one chooses to look at it.
I have a peepal plant in a pot what should i do where should i place it till its little growth.
Hi Saurabh Ashish,
Obviously you cannot plant it near your house as its roots will destroy your house foundation. So the only thing you could possibly do, is to keep it in the pot and probably keep trimming it.
Dear sir,
Your comment on vastu and plants was very have described it in a very simple manner with picturaisation….anybody can easily understand the subject..
sir, my house is facing south,having only a distance of 3 meter from the compound wall….since we have paved interlock ,unable to prevent the heavy dust from the road,which have a bend starting near my home..whats your suggestion about planting some shrubs on the southeast,south area to prevent dust…the issue is that,we have paved interlocks in these area…the only way is to grow plants in pot…sir please help to select the ideal plants for this area
hope your kind help
Hi Dileep,
First of all, thank you for the appreciation. It is a good idea to grow shrubs as they can cut down the dust and sound. IT is okay to grow in pots but after a while, the surrounding area will start getting dirty. So maybe you can build a flower trough near the compound wall and then grow the shrubs.
Hi it will be a great helpful to me if any one suggest me: We are having a amla tree north side in my compound and it has well grown. Shall we keep the same…. thnks in advance.Radha krishna G
Hi Radha Krishna,
Keep it.
Sir mY outermost gate is in the east and my house gate is also in the east i have a guava tree in the vacant space .it is in front of house gate and in the left side of outer gate .the location is right or wrong
Hi Smriti,
As long as it is not in the way of your passage to your house, it is okay.
It’s really wonderful information. It help me to plant my new garden.
Thank You Satish for your appreciation. I am glad it was useful to you.
Shall I grow grass lawn in up down position. I planning to grow 10 ft by 80 ft areas plz guid me.
Hi Satish,
If you mean that you want to grow a lawn in a sloping manner or in steps, both are acceptable. Only make sure that the lawn gets direct sunlight, otherwise it may not last long.
Hi which direction is most suitable to plant a banana tree.
Hi Iranee Enayeth,
According to me the banana tree can be planted anywhere in the house compound except in the NE corner.
Is it okay if i plant one Muringa tree in my garden?
Hi Sumagopal,
According to me a Muringa or Drumstick tree is a useful one, as it has medicinal value and its leaves and produce are good to eat. So there is no harm in having one in your garden
I have planted a “murungai” tree at the SW corner of my backyard. My front entrance is facing East. Elders in the family say the tree shouldnt be planted within d compound but outside the gate. Please adviseif I should remove the tree.
Hi Mjey,
A drumstick tree is very useful as its leaves and fruit are edible and tasty and have medicinal properties. So according to me it is a useful plant. But if you are getting affected by the advice of the elders you must think about whether you want it or not. iT is a personal choic.
Sir I havplanted frangipani tree in front of the house is it good
Hi Swarnalakshmi,
It is fine.
Dear sir,
My home is facing northeast,and theplot facing towards northwest.there is a plastic goddown in my northeast which 15 ft wall blocks sun rays from north . So i leave a 6 ft path(varandah) from north corner to enter my house from plot having a belltree(lord Shivas belpata) allready in eastern corner and a guava tree next to it twowards home southwest,Northwest ,southeast are free.please suggest where to plant ashoka and amla tree.
Hi Chintamani,
Plant tall trees in the S, SW.
sir can we plant a neem tree in front of our house. it is in north direction. also it is straight in front of the door. please reply sir.
Hi Sravan,
Do not plant anything right in front of the main door. It is preferable to plant a tall neem tree in the west or south.
if i have put in pomegranate bonsai in my home, So what effect in my family. we have purchase new home.
Hi Gulabao More,
I will not consider it as detrimental, though bonsai are considered stunted and against nature.
Sir we have space in south west to house. Can we plant amla there
Hi Jayachandran,
Yes you can.
My neighbours mango tree started creeping into my varandah in northeast from last 6 years I have been sweeping its leaves but someone said its not good as its blocking my northeast area.I have been facing mental unrest problems.Instead of complaining repeatedly they are not cutting down the peeping bdanches.But they kept their northeast free of any single tree.Howcan I proceed now.As my northeast entirely blocked by the huge tree branches.Any solution.
Hi Navneeta,
If the tree branches are in your space you have a right to complain to the neighbour. If they do not comply , then you can register a complaint and get the tree cutting dept to do what is necessary.
Can we plant papaya tree in our garden?
Hi Kiran,
Yes you can.
Dear sir, my house is west facing and west south corner there is a Red Coconut tree , is there any problem to keep red coconut tree in front of house.
Hi Anil,
No there is no problem.
Hi Sophia,
The breadfruit tree is a bushy tree and so avoid planting it in the NE and north sides.
Kya almond tree ghr me shub h ya ashub
Hi Trilok,
Almond tree is good.
Distance should maintained by house from peepal tree…..
Hi Jyothi,
Peepal tree has long spreading roots. So keep at least 20′ from the house.
Dear Sir,
I am indian and stays in hyderabad, I have two big Neem and Peepal trees at northeast corner and very close to underground water well. Some for my friends said me that these trees are not good at northeast corner and it has to cut. Please help me in this.
Hi Tuljaram,
The peepal tree roots spread very far and are quite invasive. They can harm your well and your house foundation. But cutting an auspicious (religious) tree may be a hassle. So consult the tree cutters and you need to get permission from the forest department.
First time in this wonderful site, providing accurate ifo to the seekers.
could you please tell me having a Christmas tree towards East direction not directly opposite to the main door, in a North East facing double story house. The plant was a small sapling when gifted to my daughter. Now grown big.
Thank you
Hi Muralikrishnan,
It is okay.
Hi sir
Request your suggestion in below mentioned points.
1. Have north facing house balcony on east side.can we plant tulsi, aloe vera in our balcony
. Which direction of living room do be keep purple colour plant flr prosperity
3. Also the aquarium in which direction of living room and count of fish in aquarium.
. Remedies of Kitchen head facing west while cooking. Do not have any option to face in east being rented or can face south.
Hi Chirag,
Yes you can plant tulsi in balcony. I think it is better to have fish in even numbers. You can face west while cooking but avoid facing south.
Hi Tek Bahadur singh,
You have useful trees which provide shade and fruits. So it is all okay.
We have a tall Ashoka tree which is quite old its age in front of our house. It has grown tall and is slightly leaning on one side. It is advisable to remove the tree because in the net, it is given that Ashoka tree is good for the growth of the family, removes evil effects and promotes good health.
Or otherwise can we start growing a new on elsewhere in the compound and then remove the old tree. Kindly advise.
Hi Ramesh,
Maybe you can trim it so that it does not grow too tall and the tilt can be arrested. Alwayas better to avoid cutting a tree.
I hv two coconut trees on the. NE corner, we r planing to for an extension of 2 no floor where these trees hv to removed . Is there any ritual to b followed b4 cutting them. We do hv place it in other arts our house.
Hi Partha,
The best way to go about it is to give the job to the specialists who cut coconut trees. They do a prayer or a pooja before cutting.
I want to plant one Amala tree in house garden. Is it adequate to plant it in house garden as per Vastu Shastra. If yes, then in which direction of the house it can be planted. please suggest. Also suggest the advantages and its disadvantages planting in house garden.
Hi Raj,
Amla is a useful tree and can be planted in the North or NE part of the garden.
We have kanikonna on the south of house. House is south facing.
Is it a right location?
Hi Vinod,
It is okay as it will provide shad in the hot south side.
My grandparents told me that Planting Lemon Tree, Oranges and Similar trees in the citrus family at home is not good. Home will turn out to be hell. That’s what they said. Please update me on this.
Hi Yohan,
They must have said this because citrus trees have thorns and thorny plants are generally not preferred in home gardens. But if you are careful, they provide more advantages than disadvantages.
Hi Bhargava,
The location of the guava tree will not affect you. Unless it affects you, there is no nee to cut it down.
Dear Sir,
Can you suggest a cattle safe, low maintenance creeper for the road facing boundary wall of my house?
Hi Prabhakar,
Bougainvillea is a good option.
Hi sir,
My house is north faced . I have planned to plant any flower plant in a northeast side . it is correct place or not. It is correct means which plant is recommended.
Hi Arun,
Plant only short shrubs in the NE side.
Nice to see u r kind enough to reply queries of so many people.. I have north-west facing plot (30×60) having seven feet space between compound boundary and road provided by developer. Since harsh sun rays will be coming from western side after 2 pm, what plant/tree should be planted on western side of plot so as to cut hot sunrays upon the house?
Hi Bijesh,
Thank you for the appreciation. Any shady, leafy tree is suitable. You could get free saplings from the forest department and they can help you with the type of tree which does not have far spreading roots. You could go through Karthik’s journal on flowering trees for more information.
sir can i have grape tree in home
Hi Koti,
Yes you can, it is a useful plant.
Hello sir,
I have planted 2 almond plants in front of my shop cum home (north phase), please can you tell me it good for it.
Hi Ganesh,
Almonds are good and are not too shady to obstruct the light.
Hello Sir,
I have a 15ft tall neem tree outside my house in the north east corner. It faces my entrance door.Is this ok.
Hi Shammugam,
If it is in the way of your entrance to the house, then it is not okay.
can banana tree planted in flower pot and keep in side the house boundary for worship as we do for basil(Tulsi)
Hi Suresh,
If it will grow in a pot, then why not!!
I heard that planting neem tree and curry leaf tree causes problem in personal life of family members of house if planted in terrace of that house.
HI Neha,
I do not know about that, but I do know that the terrace should be well water-proofed before you put any plants on top.
I planted a blue berry tree many years ago near my house and it is a huge tree …It can be compared to a old banyan tree in respect to its size I want to know that is it safe…
Hi Payal Paul,
If the tree looks healthy, there is nothing to worry.
Thanks for your reply.your answers to various people’s comments give more clarity. We hav 5 feet free space in south and west of the house. So can i plant medium size trees like leamon amla cocount and gova at 2 feet distance from house foundation.
Does it damage house Foundation… could you please share your views…
Hi Venkat,
Thank you for your kind comments.It is better to keep as much space as is possible between the trees and the house foundation. So keep it at 3′.
Sir is any negative effect can be come if we plant coconut tree in front of the main door
Hi Nilay,
Avoid any tree or plant in front of the main door.
Thank you very much for this Useful information. I dont have much free space in south or south west. Is it ok to plant lemon ,amla ,gova ,cocount trees plant on north or north east away from the house?
Hi Venkat,
You can do that provided they do not obstruct too much of the light to your house. Keep them as far away as you can from the house.
My flat is east facing and front balcony is in the south.All the plants placed there in the balcony including Tulsi and BelPatra. Recently I came to know that Tulsi is not good in the south direction. Is it true that plantation shouldn’t be done in the south direction ? Is it ok to shift the plants on the rooftop of our flat since lack of space.
Please suggest plants for southeast and south directions.
I am confused as I am occurring big losses and debts in business.
Hi Kamal,
Ideally taller plants and shrubs should be planted in the South to reduce the heat and light from the South and West. I do not think having a Tulsi in the South is bad. But if you are superstitious about it, then shift it to the terrace.
sir, there are 2 questions
1…we have 2 coconut trees in our house premises within our site. one in east, and other one in south..
I personally want to remove the one in east, as it is restricting our car parking space.. but our family members fear the effects of removing it.. please provide information about the effects of removing coconut tree.. if we can remove it is there any scriptural guidelines we should follow?
2… sir , our house is single ground floor building. currently while climbing up the steps which is outside our house, we face south at first( only 2 small steps), then west and then finally east ..
if we clear the first two steps.. we all face west directly while climbing steps .. can we do that as it increases the parking space?
please guide us… thank you sir
Hi Chandru,
You can get the coconut tree removed by some specialists who will first perform a small pooja. So you need not worry about the ill-effects.
As for the steps do not bother so much about the directions.
We are looking for a ground floor apartment for pre school on rent…
It has a big peepal tree in between the front gate n entrance …still leaving space to walk n go in the house…
Position of the neem tree is southeast ..
My question is does it have any effect on rental property decision…
Hi Sonali,
It should not affect you so much. If it is your own property it is necessary to make sure the invasive roots do not affect the building.
Sir,I am a bonsai maker, l have a good collection of baniyan tree , many ask me “is bonsai good for vastu” if yes in “which side of the room it should be placed”?
Hi Pinaki,
Bonsai are cute and beautiful to look at, but go against nature. They are stunted and probably that is the reason why it’s use in houses is discouraged by Vastu experts. So keep them outside the house.
Dear Sir
I am from Australia and our land area are very small here compare to back home. can you please advice me is it ok to plant Avocado tree near the house I am planing to plant it in a large pot (bud tree). Can you also please advice me is there any kind of tree/s has negative energy release that is not good to plant near the house.
Thank you heaps
Hi Shan,
You can plant the avocado plant in the pot. As for ‘negative energy’ plants, avoid the ones that produce a milky sap and have thorns (except for rose). I have listed some poisonous plants that you could avoid. Some of them are believed to even cause cancer. Here is the list: Zanzibar Gem, Euphorbia, Spotted water-hemlock, Oleander, alfalafa, etc.
A big Ber tree in situated North-East side of our house .Is it right or wrong ? Please tell me.
Hi Sanchita,
The ber tree is useful but if it is big it can obstruct the useful light from the NE. Try to keep it trimmed to a very low height.
I have a Neem tree infront of my home is facing to east side, recently someone told Neem tree is not good to grow infront side of the home.
Kindly advice if i should cut it off neem tree or keep there.
Hi Mineesh,
A neem tree is good as it prevents mosquitoes and the air around it is good for the inhabitants. But if it is too tall and large, it could cut off light from the front. So keep it trimmed below 10 feet.
for badam tree where it may planted
if it is having in eashnaya so we get problem
Hi Naga Jyothi,
There is no problem. Only make sure the tree is trimmed regularly so that it does not cut off light.
Sir,my house is east face,today I have planted two coconut trees east side of my house (not exactly opposite to the main door also 10yards away from building).please let me know is it good as per vaasthu.we have place west side of home but its very near to building so we planted on east side.
Hi Mahesh,
The presnet position of the trees in the East is preferable as there is ample distance between the trees and the house.
sir our house is west facing and garden is also at south west side. We have curry patta tree plated (not in pot) at south west corner, and money plant in pot and placed at the south east wall inner side. is it ok or not, because money is not coming, downfalls are in our life. pls suggest what to do
Hi V K Verma,
Maybe shift the money plant inside the house and see if your luck changes! Also de-clutter the house.
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
July 26, 2016 at 2:56 am
Hi Sir,
My house is west facing
Can I plant badam tree (Almond) in front of my house
If yes where I can plant
Dear admin
How much time you will take to answer
Hi Sathish,
I have answered your previous comment today. Remember that this is a free site and you are not paying me to answer you. So I will take my own time to answer you, depending on the amount of free time available to me. It may be a week, a month or a couple of months!!!
Sir, i have planted the Jaamun tree in South East corner, Anar tree in South West corner, Lemon tree in South West corner and a guauva (Amrood) tree in North of our house.
Are these trees to be planted in house garden??
if yes than which place is right for these trees??
Hi Chetan,
All the above trees are useful and can be planted in the garden. Since all except the jamun tree are not very tall, they can be grown anywhere in the garden. Keep them trimmed.
Dear Sir,
Is it good to plant lemon tree near the house. i have few lemon trees around my house. Is there any problem.
Hi Linci,
No harm in having lemon trees. But do you need so many trees for your general consumption? Keep only as much as you need.
Can we plant drum stick tree at home. Please help.
Hi Swapna,
Yes you can have one.
Hi Sir,
My house is west facing
Can I plant badam tree (Almond) in front of my house
If yes where I can plant.
Hi Sathish,
You can plant it in the west or the south side.
hi I m planning to put Christmas tree in our balcony pls tell me the direction
Hi Monica,
You can put it in the South or west sides.
Can we place flower plant pots on terrace of house
Hi Raghavendra,
You can but be sure that the water proofing on the terrace is adequate and that water seepage will not cause a problem.
We are having a Pomegranate tree planted in GAMLA in rooftop along with other plants. Our flat is SOUTH facing . Is there any bad effect of this tree in the family. Some one of our neighbour asking to remove that tree because of its bad effect. Recently I got some heart problems. For which I have to go for some operations.
Hi Mozumdar,
Pomegranate is a useful plant, so there is no harm in having it. But if the neighbour’s words are weighing on your mind, then remove it since your mind must be at peace.
Hello Sir,
Can we have a drumstick tree at home garden , in which direct it should be planted.
Hi Vilas,
You can have one as it is a useful plant. Better to have it in the West or South as it is a tall plant and can serve as a shady tree.
Sir their is amango and jammun tree at the north side of our house is it good for us.our house if north facing.their is a drum stick plant too is it good for house or not.people said nog to grow drumstick plant.
Hi Suraiya,
The trees you have mentioned are actually good as they provide fruit/vegetables. But just make sure that the trees in the North side are not too tall. Trim them on a regular basis. Let them not be taller than one floor as they can cut off light and create permanent shadow.
Hi Ganesh,
You can do that.
Can we keep aloe vera plant in the house? Is it good or bad?
Hi Shweta,
It is okay to have it as it is a very beneficial plant.
Hi I am planing to plant an bilva tree in north space at the main entrance of my home…is favourable to plant bilva plant at home or not ?
Hi Ayush Sharma,
You can plant the bilva plant in the North.
We have karela(veg) plant in the north direction and it is taking support of compound wall through wire….is it recommend to plant or no?
Hi Hemalatha,
If the climber plant is not to high, it is okay. Kepp it within a height of 7′
really sir u r answer are very accurate and justuified also.
Hi Jyotiprakash,
Thank you for the appreciation.
I want plantations of Saptaparni and bottle palm tree at south this selection is good or not and how much distance is essential
Hi Manish,
If these two trees are useful (flower or fruit yielding) then you can plant them in the south but kep at least 5′ from the house.
Dear Sir,
I have purchased plot for house my plot measurements is 70 X 64. In this plot road is east , South and North side so which trees plantation all side.
I think I am plant sagwan trees all side so this decision right or wrong please tell me
Thanking you
Hi Sagar,
I doubt if you can plant sagwan (teak) trees now. It is a protected tree and not every one can plant it.
sir i want to plant a pomegrate plant at infront of my house plz can u tell me its good or bad
Hi Vikrant,
A pomegrante tree is a useful plant and so will be good in a garden.
Hello sir
I have planted a small type of bamboo tree in the east direction (in front of main door) It lasted for five years, but now some of my relatives & neighbors who are aware, are saying that is negative effect on the house. Am concerned about it.. ie…is good or bad as per the vastu sashtra.
Sir… one more thing needs to be cleared – when do we plant some trees like coconut, banana &mango within and around the premises. But any family members are not allowed to do the plantation, instead there should be a third-party(not a family)to do the plantation, otherwise the bad omen flows to the family, in this connection and as per vastu sashtra is this fact or there be any principles.
Hi Rohit Rai,
First of all I would advise you to stop listening to half-baked vastu experts. How can useful trees from which you derive benefit pass on ‘bad omen’ to your family, if you plant it? There is no truth in this. Then regarding the bamboo plant, no doubt it gives shade and looks nice, but it is an invasive plant and spreads very fast since it is a grass.So the roots can invade your building. So better not to have it.
i have a plot of 1400 is empty now with no fencing. i don’t have plans to construct home at least for another 10 years. but i want to plant neem tree in that plot. can i do that?in future when in construct the position of foundation can be adjusted according to the position of the roots of the tree right sir? ur opinion please.
Hi Regunathan,
You can plant the neem tree in the SW or S of your site close to the compound wall so that in the future it does not interfere with the fututre house foundation.
Hi,there is gulmohar in front of my shop.its is almost at south west it useful or not?
Hi Tushar,
Definitely, it is useful. It will cut off the heat and harsh light from the south and the west.
hello admin,
we have purchased a sapling of amla, my question is according to vastu, can it be planted in the compound premises or outside the compound wall premises. And which side should it be plotted apart from south, as we have our neighbor house there.
Hi Hemchander,
It can be planted within the compound if there is space, a little away from the house in the East or North.
We have a big neem tree at the northern side of our house compound. Since it is now grown wider, few branches are hiding the road view of our first floor. Hence planning to cut off only two branches to allow the sunlight to come inside. Our house is facing west. Pls. suggest if we can cut the few branches of neem tree? is it ok?
R.SriRekha Magesh
Hi Sri Rekha Magesh,
You can cut the branches as it affects the light coming into your house. But be sure that in trimming, the tree does not get harmed.
Hi I want to arrange some small pots at my flats entrance door. Is it ok according to vastu. If yes which plants can be planted. advance
Hi Zalak,
It is okay and go for indoor plants.
Hi sir … My house is North facing..we want to plant 3 neem trees at West. Do odd numbers are valid or else only even..
Hi Harika,
Normally trees are planted in pairs. I don’t know the reason – probably for symmetry. But I guess 3 is also okay.
Hello Sir,
Your post is very informative. Keep up the good work.
We have west facing home and garden area to the right side of the home i.e. in the north side. We have Kavath (Wood Apple?), Lemon, Bael, 4 to 5 Hibiscus, Curry Leaves, Sapodilla (Chiku), Mango, Figs (Anjeer), Rai Amala, Amla, Indian Blackberry (Jambhul), Pomegranate (Dalimb), Sitaphal, Parijatak, White and Yellow Chapha and few flowering plants in our garden. Just wanted to know which trees out of these have invasive root system and what would be remedy except removing them as we are too emotionally attached with all of them.
Hi Vedashri,
Thank you for the appreciation. All the trees that you have in your garden are fruit trees and not very large. So the likelihood of them having invasive roots is less. But keep a track of the wall of your house near the garden. If you see big cracks, then it is better to dig near it and see if any roots are invading.
Dear sir,
We have seen a rental property for office, a tall coconut tree is at South East corner grown higher than the main building, ist ok? Please suggest with your valuable inputs.
Hi Suresh,
A coconut tree is never bad/inauspicious. But just be sure that it is not too close to the building, as the roots and falling leaves and fruits can affect the building and persons.
I have curry leaves tree in the house can I should remove or not.
Hi Sandeep,
No you should not, as it is a useful tree.
I have planned to plant Madhuca longifolia tree(Iluppai tree) in front of my house which is in north direction. so shall i proceed to plant in front of home ?
Hi Anbu,
Madhuca longifolia also known as Mahua tree is useful as is good for the skin and has medicinal properties. If the tree does not grow to a great height, it can be grown in the North.. Otherwise plant it to the west.
Is there any restrictions on planting oleander in the front garden.
Hi Deepa,
Oleander is not recommended in a gardn probably because all parts of it, the stem, flowers, leaves etc are poisonous.
I plant the neem tree the outside lawn of my house. My house is east facing. sir i want to plant the bannana tree also
Hi Vivek,
Plant the banana tree near the periphery of your site towards the South, west or East. Avoid in the North East