The Puja Room is the room where the family’s deities, idols, religious texts are kept and used exclusively for prayer, worship and meditation. It is a sacred room and the space from which all positive energy radiates to other rooms. That is the reason why, according to Vastu Shastra, it is preferable to have it in the centre of the house. However this is not always possible and so it can be located in certain auspicious directions as explained in this post.

The important thing to consider regarding a Pooja/prayer room, is that it must be protected from “negative energy”. Once you have made a pooja or prayer room in your home, the room automatically starts to radiate positive energy. However, if the pooja room is left unprotected, the positive energy starts to weaken due to influence of negative energies that may be present in your home. Hence, you must make some tweaks so that it emanates positive energy in and around your home.
So, what can be done to make this possible? According to Vastu Shastra, the right placement of the pooja room, the arrangement in the room, lighting and the colours, can ensure that this room is protected from negative energy and radiates positive energy. So to know more about making your Pooja room a vastu compliant space, read on…..
Listed here, are some of the Vastu Guidelines for a Pooja room. Since Vastu is a science, every guideline is based on logic and reasoning. As an Architect, I have attempted to explain each of these guidelines rationally and scientifically under the following headings, so that you have a choice and can decide what you want to follow or don’t instead of looking at Vastu as a superstition:
What Is The Best Location For A Pooja Room?
What Are The Vastu Guidelines For The Interiors of A Pooja Room?
Where Should The Idols Be Placed In A Pooja Room?
What are the Vastu guidelines for the pooja things in the Pooja Room?
What Are The Ideal Colours For A Pooja Room?
What Should Be Avoided In A pooja Room?
- First choice for Pooja Room loaction: North-East Direction or the Centre of the house.
- Second choice for Pooja Room location: East or West Directions of the house.
- If none of these corners are available, the pooja mandir can be located in the NE corner of any room except bedrooms, toilets and store rooms.
In earlier times, a well designed, large space was exclusively reserved for prayer but today with reduced space availability, the Puja Room has become a tiny space, sometimes just a small mandir placed in the Kitchen. Whatever the size, the location of the Pooja room is the most important consideration.

If there is no space for a Puja room, the Mandir can be placed in the North-East corner of the Kitchen or any room except bedroom, store room and toilets: The Scientific Reason – In apartments it may not be possible to have a separate Puja room, but since one starts the day by entering the Kitchen, having a Puja here helps one to spend a few quiet moments in meditation.
In a big site, the Puja room can be in the Centre of the House: The Scientific Reason- The central part of a large house should be kept open to allow proper flow of air and cross ventilation. It makes sense to have a Puja room right in the middle of this court as it can be seen from all rooms and the space is utilized.
In normal sized homes, the Puja room should be in the North-East. East or West are the second best locations: The Scientific Reason– Early at dawn, the Sun is in the North-Eastern part of the house. These hours are ideal for Yoga, meditation, prayer or study as it is very quiet and peaceful. Also, the early morning Sun’s rays have a very beneficial effect on our health. Therefore, the North-East corner is the best position for the Puja Room/prayer room or meditation room.
The Puja Room should be in the Ground Floor and not in the Basement: The Scientific Reason – A basement is a dark and dingy place and one cannot benefit from the morning sunlight here.
The Puja Room should not be on the upper floors: The Scientific Reason – The Puja room is meant for worship or meditation and this activity is recommended for everyone, everyday, especially in the mornings when our minds are fresh and not yet corrupted by many thoughts. If the Puja room is located on an upper floor, then it can put off physically inactive people like the obese, or the elderly or the ailing, from making the trip to the Puja everyday. The climb up the steps can put them off and since it is out of sight from the commonly used rooms on the ground, one may even forget to spend a few minutes everyday, in thought about God or life!
The Puja room should have a lower ceiling: One can use false ceiling for the same. The Scientific Reason – A Puja room is generally a small room and so having a low ceiling will make it appear more proportional.

Door to the Puja room should have two shutters: The Logic – When doing puja or meditating, the door is kept open outwards and can come in the way if it is one shutter.
The Puja room can have a pyramid shaped ceiling: The Scientific Reason – It is known scientifically that the energy under a pyramid is extremely positive and can help in meditation.
Keep the Puja room clean always: The Logic – By cleaning the Puja room everyday, it ensures that one spends a few moments in prayer. Also it is a way of showing respect to God.
There should be a threshold at the entrance to the Puja room. The Scientific Reason – A threshold prevents ants and insects from entering and this is useful in a Puja room, as foodstuff may be offered in prayer.
For lengthy meditation, sit facing East and avoid facing the idols: If meditation is going to last for more than 15 minutes one should not sit exactly facing the idols. The Logic – When meditating it is best to face East as the morning sun rays are beneficial to one’s health. If one keeps looking at the idols, it can be distracting. Moreover the energy that radiates from them can be very strong.
Idols can be in the North-East, East or West walls of the Puja room. Avoid placing them on the South wall: The Scientific Reason – The morning sunlight streaming in from the North-East, East and the evening light from the West will light up the idols enabling you to see them better.
Idols should be kept at least an inch away from the wall and make sure they are not broken, cracked or disfigured: The Scientific Reason – Keeping the idols away from the walls, ensures that there is proper movement of air and incense smoke through the room.
The idols should be placed at a height, such that they are above your navel when you are praying depending on whether you prefer to stand or sit while praying. The Scientific Reason -You will be able to concentrate on the idols best, when they are at this height (neither too low down nor too high up).
The idols must be in perfect condition. They should not be broken, cracked or disfigured: The Scientific Reason – While praying to a disfigured idol, you may feel that there is no well-being because you are not able to replace it with a perfect one. It affects your mind.
The idols must not be too big in size- they should not be more than the span of your hand from tip of your thumb to the tip of your little finger: The Scientific Reason – It is difficult to concentrate on a big idol as as you get distracted by the different parts. In case of a small idol, you can take it in wholly.
There should not be too many idols. Give away duplicates of deities and keep the Puja room uncluttered: The Logic – An uncluttered space does not harbour positive energy. Also, when there are too many idols, you can get distracted while praying.
The idols can be made of stone, wood, silver, gold. Alternatively they can also be of brass, bronze or clay depending on your preference.
The puja things should be stored in the South-East of the Puja room: The Scientific Reason – All the puja stuff should be kept away from the North-East and East, so that there is no obstruction to the morning sunlight.
A cupboard lower than the idols can be placed against the South or West wall: The Scientific Reason – This way, it will not be an obstruction to the useful morning sunlight.
Incense sticks, oil for lamp, kumkum can be stored below the pooja ghar: The Scientific Reason – It is practical to keep the regularly used items just below the pooja ghar.
Food offerings should be placed in front of the idols: The Logic – Whatever is offered to god should be always placed in front of the idol as a mark of respect. Moreover, it is less cumbersome to remove and replace if it is right in front.
Colours in the Puja room: Can be white, light yellow or light blue. The Scientific Reason – Light colours reflect light thus enhancing the bright and well-lit look of a space.

Similarly, if you are using marble or granite for the flooring or counter or shelves, make sure you use only white colour. The Scientific Reason – White marble/granite reflect and shine more than other colours.
Avoid having a pooja room under a staircase or in a store room: The Scientific Reason: As one climbs up or down the stairs you may feel you are trampling on the gods.
Avoid Puja mandirs in the Bedrooms. And avoid sleeping in a pooja room: The Scientific Reason – Many people may feel uncomfortable to lie around with their feet pointing towards the religious idols, as they believe it is disrespectful to god. But if there is no other choice, you could consider having a pooja mandir in the NE corner of the bedroom.
Avoid keeping broken idols or torn pictures or old idols brought from temples: The Scientific Reason – Praying to a broken idol or torn image of a deity can be distracting.
Avoid a Toilet near or above the Puja Room: The Scientific Reason – A Toilet causes disturbance when people use it and also the smell can distract while one is meditating.
Avoid placing idols on the South wall of the pooja room: Because then the worshiper has to face South which is not advisable. The Scientific Reason – When a worshiper sits facing South, his feet are towards the south and his head is in the North. This causes the magnetic North of the body, namely the Head to repel the Earth’s magnetic North Pole.
Avoid idols facing each other: The Logic – The purpose of having idols in a Puja room is for one to be able to see them and meditate on them.
Avoid a bell in the Puja room: The Logic – A Puja room at home is not made to replicate a temple. It is more of a meditation room and loud sounds should be avoided.
Avoid pictures of animals or photographs of dead people in the Puja room: The Logic – While many people believe in showing respect to the dead, it is better not to have their photos in the Puja room as they may be distracting or bring back painful memories.
Avoid pictures of wars, crimes, turbulence or any negative emotion in the Pooja room: The Reason – It is believed that these pictures unconsciously disturb are minds in a negative way.
Avoid storing or hiding money or valuables in the Puja room: The Scientific Reason – Many people may feel they are being disrespectful to God by hiding things and hiding stuff here.
Do not keep a dustbin in a pooja room: The Scientific Reason: It brings in negative energy.
This post was about the Vastu guidelines for the design of a Puja Room. The Puja room is usually adjacent to a Living Room or a pooja mandir is placed in a Kitchen.
If you want to make the rest of the rooms of your house/apartment also Vastu compliant, then go to:
To know how suitable a house is, according to Vastu Shastra, you can cross check it’s Vastu compliance with a score sheet which works as a guideline. The score obtained will help you make a fruitful decision whether to take up or reject the house. Check it here in my other blog: House Construction In India:
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Related Topics:
- Vastu Shastra | Explained By An Architect
- Vastu Shastra | Principles For A House
- Vastu Shastra | Factors That Impact A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Designing A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Interiors Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Exteriors Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Selecting The Right Site
- Vastu Guidelines | Construction Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Rituals For A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Non-Residential Buildings
- Remedies For Vastu Defects
Hi Sir,
I have bought a new flat where pooja room is facing south. And so the idols will face south and I will be facing North while praying.
Is that fine? Please give your valuable feedback on this.
Many thanks for your time.
Hi Kumesh,
Yes it is fine.
sir, In my house kitchen is in north east direction is it ok. if not please tell me the remedy for the same. i cannot vacate the house right now.
Hi Savitha,
NE is not the ideal position for a kitchen according to the vastu practiced in most parts of India. But surprisingly is the preferred position in Kerala. This clearly shows that vastu is not fixed. So do not brek your head over it.
While performing Pooja should we light diya with two cotton pod in one diya..someone suggested this but I am not sure if this has any significance
Hi Shetty,
I have also heard this, but I am not sure why. However, I have done some research and what i have gathered is that 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 wicks lit at a time are okay. I feel it depends on the size of the room in which the diya is lit. If it is a larger room like before the start of a function in an auditorium or in a temple, it is better to light more wicks as the light is more. In a small pooja room, 1 or 2 lit wicks should be sufficient. The light from 2 wicks is spread more evenly in front of the deities and so this may be why 2 is preferred to 1.
Respected Sir,
We do have a bed room in the North East side of our 3BHK apartment. Kitchen is in eastern side. Another 2 bedrooms and bathrooms in the West and south- west side of apartment.
So Is it advisable to place Pooja lamp and idol in living cum dining hall, if non-vegetarian food like fish used to be cooked in that house almost every day?Please advice.
Thanks & Regards
Hi Anjaly,
In an apartment, you cannot expect to have the ‘perfect’ place for a pooja room. What you have planned is okay. If non-vegetarians cannot have a space for prayer in their homes, then should they be going to places of worship?
Gd day sir. Im writing from Malaysia. Moving to new house. Vastu master came to my home n ask to locate pooja altar on north wall and face north while praying. Meaning my god photos will face south wall. Im confuse. My pooja room on northeast portion.
Hi Sheila,
It is preferable for you to face either East or North while praying. So your vastu consultant’s suggestion is right.
I need one information. We are constructing house and do have Pooja room facing towards East. Just want to know the shutters position. Is the door supposed to open inside Pooja room OR it can open outside?.
Hi BSN Swamy,
Place the shutters in the middle of the wall. IT is preferable to open the shutters into the pooja room as they will come in the way when kept open. But if there is space restriction, you can even open them outwards.
Dear sir,
I have purchased a flat recently which is east facing door in fact door comes in north east corner, I am little worried about where to keep pooja room. We are thinking of an option. That is placing pooja room next to the main door (I.e on east facing wall). We worship facing towards west.Please advise.
Hi Dayakar Reddy,
Since this is an apartment, there are limitations and you will have to find the most convenient space for the pooja room. What you have proposed seems ideal.
hello sir I have pooja room in west direction of house where should I place mandir in pooja room .I have placed it in north direction so we are facing north & gods are facing south . but people have told me to place mandir in west so the gods will be facing east & we are facing west while praying help me out please
Hi Neeraj,
Your present position of the mandir is fine but what people have suggested is also good. You can decide which direction you should adopt by consulting your family elders- what has been the practice in your family – follow that.
Ours is an east facing house and the dining hall and balcony is on south side of the house. Is it okay to have a puja room in the dining hall with the idols facing east. The ventilation is good there as the balcony is near. Please help!!
Hi Lipsa,
Yes you can have it in this position.
Dear Sir,
I have bought 2nd hand flat. Flat’s main entrance is East. My flat’s entrance is sounth. Hall is on the South West. Master bedroom is in South East. Master bedroom toilet is Centre between NOrth, East , Sounth. Child bedroom is North East. Kitchen is in North West . Pooja Room is incenter Located between North, East , Sounth in the hall and back side of the Master bedroom Toilet. Pooja room’s entrance is facing west and the racks of facing North.So the God photos will face north. The common toilet is in the hall located between South, West, North facing East and opposit to the pooja room. Suggest me is that ok or any changes to be made.
Regards, R. Deenadayalan 9884417880
Hi Deenadayalan,
It is not ideal to have the toilet opposite to the pooja room. similarly you should not be facing south while praying. So make necessary changes. Keep the toilet door closed.
Hi admin
we r hOly with it information .we r placing Pooja cupboard in kitchen but we don’t have a provision at north east can we place colons cupboard to norh side wall so that we can face to words north while doing pooja
Hi Suvarna,
Yes you can. It is all about practical convenience.
Sir our house is west facing m bathroom in north east in hall on south wall I have arranged my pooja mandir idols facing north pls give some tips of it.
Hi CK Jain,
It is better to have the idols facing South or West or East. But avoid them facing the North as you, the worshiper will have to face South, which is not ideal.
i put my mandir on north east side nd idols facing south side & while praying my face is at north side . Is it ok because on east side , backside is toiet wall so not possible to keep mandir at east side so wht i do ? plz reply. thank you
HI Sapna,
Facing North while praying is okay.
I am constructing a house in rectangular shape. But south east corner an extension of 2.28Mtr length of second kitchen there.North east corner is pooja room. South east corner is kitchen and extension is second kitchen. Is it ok for the open space at east side, north of second kitchen comes as north east corner. I am planning to cover this open area with sheets to avoid confusions. our south west corner is master bedroom and north car porch and east of porch is guest room. After guest room at east of that is a space kept as court yard and then coming pooja room facing west. My house is west facing. First floor has children’s room above master bedroom at ground ie south west at first floor. And top of guest room is also children’s bedroom. Court yard’s east side at half north is pooja room and its top is kept vacant. Curt yard’s top at south half is toilet and its east , south half (and south side of pooja room at ground floor)is a room for washing machine. As a whole, North east corner is pooja room and south of that is a library. Pooja room’s and library’s west is court yard and top of library’s west is the toilet. I think these descriptions are understandable. Please let me know the status of my house plan.
Further to the previous doubt, my pooja room is made in such a way that one can be entered in that by climbing at least a step. (pooja room and dining hall are in same level, but the court yard is made a step below through which only pooja room can be accessed. Master bed room at south west corner is constructed a step higher level than dining or any other rooms. Kindly get me the status of all these.
Hi Suresh Kumar,
You have too many doubts and I do not understand them. So I cannot help you. It is better you consult a vastu expert near your place.
In most of the Tamilnadu, people suggest to keep idols facing east. Is this correct? Or should we place idols facing west?
Hi Swapnaa,
Both are okay but it is all a matter of personal choice and convenience.
I own a villa (G+1) which is East Facing and it is still under construction. In the master plan by builder there is no Puja room. Hence, based on vasthu, i have the below options.
1) Kitchen is east facing and on North – East side, reduce the Granite stone and make a small puja room
2)In First floor, we have a Lounge (sit out) attached with Balcony on east side (above the main entrance which is east facing). We have a sliding doors to enter the balcony. I am planning to move the sliding door to make place in North-east wall and make a small puja rows. Not a room.
3)In the first floor, we have a small room (store room) which is adjacent to Master bedroom which is rectangular shape. On the east and west wall, they are linked to toilets of Master and Child bedroom (we cant see the toilets, its only sharing the wall). We enter from North to South and back side of South wall, open to sky. Hence, i am planning to have mandir facing North in this place.
Out of these 3 options, I am opting for option 3, but not sure if it is ok or not. Based on your information, i understand we can have puja room North face but should not perform puja’s for longer time. What is meant by this? Are you saying, we cannot perform vrathas which are usually longs for more than 30-60 minutes? What will be the alternate for this if we should do pujas like this?
Please suggest.
Hi Vamsi,
From the three options, as you say, the 3rd seems to be the best considering that you perform poojas for long durations. But facing south for a long time is not ideal due to the ill effects of the magnetic field on you. You can place the pooja mandir either on the East or the west.
we have pooja room on 1st floor and in ground floor entrance door is there in north east corner is it ok for a duplex house
Hi Vinaya,
It is okay. The only negative is that it may be a hassle for elderly persons.
Dear Sir, greetings! I am happy to read all the vastu guideline you have given and also offering clarifications to all those approach you. I too need a clear clarification regarding the position of entrance door, whether single or two-shutter, inward or outward opening, can the door be straight towards the idols, can we have small circular openings on the wall and door for visibility, etc. Mine is an East-facing plot. I plan to have Pooja Room in the North-East corner, and a children bedroom next to it on the north-eastern-east side (after the location of east-facing main entrance). Your suggestions would be of great help for me to clear many of my confusions in this regard. Kindly offer advice! With thanks in advance and best regards, Sankar.
Hi Sankar,
The entrance door should always open into the house. It can be single shutter or two shutter – a single shutter is easier to operate. The pooja room can be in the position you suggested. As you enter the house you can have idols. It gives a good feeling.
1. my home facing east. my kitchen is in SE in ground floor. in the first floor I have Pooja room on top of kitchen (SE). idols kept in west direction of Pooja room facing east. I face west while praying. door for Poona room is in NW of pooja room. I do not have space is NE part of the home as it is a open balcony. east I have dinning hall in ground floor and first floor its a lobby and the stairs from ground to first is these two room. plz advice me.
Hi Desingh,
I do not see any problem with your present placement of the pooja room. Unless it is difficult for an elderly member of your family, it can remain there in the present position on the first floor. The direction of the idols are also okay.
I am constructing new house. I plan to set pooja room in North-East corner. I.e from North side to East, plan to construct a pooja room with 3 x 5 feet (3ft towards west and 5 feet towards south). Shall I place swami photos in the East wall. In this case swami potos face West side and worship will face East side and pray god. Is that right. or do I need to place swami photos in the West side and stand towards West to worship GOD. I am bit confuse on this. In the North – East, where to keep idols (God Photos) and where to keep the door, which face door should open and worshiper where to face to pray the god. Please clarify
Hi Suresh Babu,
What you have proposed is the best option. Place the deities on the east wall so that they are facing west. the door to the pooja room can be on the west wall so that you can see the deities as you enter.
my house pooja room is in south west corner facing east is it ok. main door north kitchen south east
Hi Vikram,
It is okay.
My small temple in kitchen but op side is toilet what should I do because it is 1BHK please suggest something to avoid negativity.
Hi Nimesh,
In a 1bhk apartment, it is impossible to expect a perfect vastu arrangement. There is nothing wrong in having the toilet opposite the pooja. Just make sure the toilet door is always kept closed.
We have pooja room in north east corner of the house. The architect provided the pooja room as extension to north east side. As a result the door is in south direction but we have the option to keep the idol in north or east direction. Please advise if it is ok to have entrance to the pooja room from south direction.
Hi Suresh,
There is nothing wrong in having a door from the South side as you will be facing North.
our house is 30 by 30 house constructed ground floor
now constructing 1st floor in 1st floor we have constructed kitchen in south east and portion of that in the right side adjacent to the room wall we have constructed the pooja room
made sufficient big so that we keep the god facing north and we face east and do the pooja is it fine please let me know if any remedy.
Hi Purushothama,
It all appears to be fine except for the positioning of the God. While doing pooja, you should be facing the God and since you are facing East, the God’s idol should be placed in the west wall.
Hello sir,
Continuing my comment before … copied here again …
We have a East facing site. we plan to build a house with main enterance at east, drawing room north-east and kitchen south-east, master bedroom south-west and guest bedroom north-west. (Toilet between the two bedrooms at the south side.
we want to keep the pooja room facing east (to the west wall of the kitchen) with idols and photos facing east. We can stand facing north while doing prayer – not directly facing the idols. Is this okay? Any suggestions? Thank you.
ERROR in mentioning bathroom placement.
Master Bathroom is on the west between two bedrooms and the guest bathroom is between the guest bed room and the hall in the north. Pl advice.
HI Padmashree Simha,
Your room arrangement is perfect. Even your pooj arrangement on the west wall with idols facing east is good. But why do you want to face North while praying. You should ideally face the idols while praying and facing west is not wrong.
Good morning sir…my flat faces souththe master bedroom is located in the north east with the children children bedroom in the south east….and going in to my left from the entrance I have the dining room in the south and the kitchrn in the northern and this passage leads to my motherinlaws room….in the south east corner of the dinig we hv the pooja room…and idols are put on east wall and I would face east while praying….this is the general structure of the home…my xoncern is, as its a flat structural changes is not possible…can we do some remedial xhanges if the vaastu of my home is not right…need ur guidance sir….thanks…
Hi Gayathri,
In apartments major changes cannot be done because of the structural elements but internal walls can be knocked down and shifted. If at all you want to make any changes, it should be because you want to increase the room sizes or make the plan more efficient. Then automatically the plan will be in concurrence with Vastu principles.
hi, sir,
i have bought a new flat, where kitchen is in north-east, living is south-east, m.bed is south-west and g.bed is north-west. i have a problem regarding pooja rm. according to my planning pooja can be in kitchen on south wall idols facing north is it ok. please give some suggestion
Hi Varsha,
it is preferable if you face North, East or West while praying. So try to find a nook in the North, East or west walls. Avoid the south wall.
Sir, my home main door east side than my Pooja room I given a north east direction and hall and pooja room attach ,pls suggest to me its coorect or not
Hi Pankaj,
All that you have proposed are fine.
We have bought new flat, which is North facing entrance. we are unable to keep the Pooja room in NE corner since we have one bedroom in that side and we don’t prefer to keep in Kitchen side since we may cook Non veg. Request you to kindly advise which are the alternate places where we can keep Pooja rooms.
I came to know from my carpenter that we can keep the pooja room facing east from west side. is that advisable?
Hi Sen,
Find a place which is ventilated and bright and does not affect the circulation space for placing your pooja mandir. the direction you face while praying is a mater of choice – what you are used to.
Our flat is East Facing.We have marble mandir. Can I place the mandir on the west wall that means all idols will be facing to the east?Please clarify
Hi Hima Bindu,
Many people like the idols to face East and it is perfectly acceptable. However, this will mean that the person praying will face west. But if you are used to some other direction, like facing East or North, then it is better you orient the mandir in that direction.
Hi this is Purva , I kept mandir in bedroom at north east corner as there is no right place in my home . kindly suggest remedies to avoid this.
Hi Purva,
If there is no other space, then so be it. Only make sure that your bedroom is not cluttered and there is space around the mandir to move about.
Can we keep our small mandir in South West direction having face of idols and opening doors of mandir in west direction. I have attached home plan having proposed location of mandir in red square attached with kitchen in home with this comment.
Also please suggest which mandir I should use for home. It should be wooden or Marble.
I am waiting for your reply eagerly.
Thanks in advance.
Achal Soni
Hi Achal,
Yes you can have the mandir in the corner adjacent to your kitchen with the doors opening from the west. You will be facing East while praying and that is good. The second option of the pooja room in the centre of the house is not ideal as it will eat into movement space. As for the material to be used, it should be your personal choice based on practicality and aesthetics. Marble can get stained by oil and kumkum etc. wood can catch fire. marble serves as a sober backdrop for the idols whereas wood is a rich dark backdrop to the idols. If your idols are in wood they may get lost in a wooden backdrop. So consider all aspects before you decide.
Sir. I have heard that pooja room door and the entrance to bedroom should not Be in exactly opposite. Is it true. Can u plz suggest me about this issue. Thanks
Hi Ratan,
Yeah, you heard right. But it is applicable only if your bed is in front of the bedroom door as it feels disrespectful to be lying down in the bed with your feet facing towards the pooja room through the door.
Can you have a pooja room (wooden full lenght) to West wall(common wall for bedroom2 and pooja room) which is back to living room and north west corner?
Please find the below structure of falt
bedroom1 | bedroom2
pooja room
dinning room
kitchen | Living room
And after opening the main entrance door of the flat, the pooja room is visibile. Is it ok to have like or can we arrange something like curtains to separate living room and dinning.
Hi Venkat,
Whatever you have suggested is okay. What is there if the pooja room is visible from the entrance door? But if you are uncomfortable about it then you can have curtains or a divider between the living and sdining.
we have three doors facing east,north and south . while doing pooja i keep open only east main door. but somebody said that all the doors should be kept open while performing pooja.kindly clarify.
Hi Mathura,
Are you talking about the main doors or the doors to the pooja room? In case of main doors, you need not keep them open. But if it is the pooja room doors, then you need to keep only one door, the east one open.
Hi ..I have a shaft between bathroom n kitchen whose door opens in drawing room…can we make puja room on the wall between ..the back of the wall will have a t.v. unit…the shaft is in North East side n the wall I’m talking about is north side…
Hi POOja,
Yes you can.
I want to know is there any vaastu principles for building the platform (one/two step)in the poojaroom. We could get lot of tips from you Thanq please let me know
Hi Badarinath,
I prefer a simple pooja room with one platform. You could also have an additional shelf or two more.
Hello sir
We are staying in eight story building and our flat is on 7th floor. It is 2bhk and both are attached with bathroom Main door is west facing and next to main door there is one Store room but store room is attached with toilet and it is in south west Corner, but we are not using that toilet so in that case can we make Store room for pooja and if yes then which side is good for keeping God….And to reduce the effect of toilet can we keep the one water bowl with
Salt…Plz advise
Thank you
Hi Sailly,
I assume the toilet is sharing the wall with the store room. That is acceptable as long as the toilet door does not open opposite the store room. Keep the idols in such a way that you will be facing either North or East while praying. You do not have to use salt and such things.
I have bought a 2 BHK ground floor flat House.Main door is facing east side,opposite to main door there is a staircase to 1st and II nd floor owner’s.Is it ok (there is no alternative)there is staircase opposite to my flat main door.any vasthu deffect.above the main door i have fixed a thrisdi vinayagar marble stone and also placed a perumal pic opposite to the main door whoever enter, first they are looking Lord Perumal Picture like idol.
In the hall there is one cupboard is available in the north west corner of the hall facing east and also having two doors.In the back side of the cupboard there is a small wash (wash basin )place without door.adjacently to the wash basin there is common bathroom with toilet is built facing east side.
Opposite to the cupboard there is one room is available . that is in the north east corner having door facing west.
At present iam utilizing the cupboard as pooja room with two doors and keeping that place very clean.Idols and pictures are facing east side.The place is also well lid and having big window in the north side near to the cupboard.
Whether this place is correct for Pooja Mandhir
Please advise.
Next to the cupboard an entrance for master bedroom is there( located in the south west corner with attached bathroom.)
Hi Rajakumar,
Everything seems to be okay. light and ventilation are the key.
I want to place a marble temple in my balcony which is in NW direction of my flat.
Please suggest if it is okay to place temple in balcony.
Hi Prashant,
The idea is okay, but be aware that a lit lamp may get extinguished by the breeze outside.
Dear Admin
Can we step down to a room from inside a house.
Thanks in Advance
J Karthega
Hi Karthega,
Ideally not. If the entrance is a step down and then the rest of the house is a step up, it is okay. The scenario you are talking about is discouraged because one tends to miss a step when entering the house as the step-down is not expected.
Ours is east facing house, and want to know where to place pooja mandir from the below options: 1) facing east (in the north-east corner of the house) in the hall) 2) facing north, in the dining room
We are preferring to go with option 2. can u confirm if it is fine?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Lavanya,
I agree, the dining room option seems to be better as you can have more privacy while praying.
Hi Sir,
The front of my house faces north-east direction and a big living room. I want to keep the pooja shelf in that place, prefer a open shelf. Is that okay? Is it okay to use two open bookshelves since I have lots of pictures and small idols.
Is it okay if i keep the shelf or shelves against the north east wall and idols will be facing the opposite direction which will be south or south west, and i will be facing northor north east direction while praying.
Its so confusing to decide…. Your article is very informatve.. Thank you.
Hi Aarti,
You can have 2 shelves and you can have them in the NE. Since you will be facing North or NE, it is fine.
sir can i have puja room without doors……
Hi Neha,
Yes you can. In fact in many houses, the pooja room is always kept open, so there is not really a need for doors.
respected sir,we have a northeast corner main doors &south side toilets &southeast we have a kitchen &we don’t have a option to build pooja room in northeast direction that’s why we built southwest direction is it correct place to keep that side & we have east side road, to the straight of main doors have a current pole please give me your valuable suggestions eagerly waiting for u sir…..
Hi Rajkumar,
Since you do not have option anywhere else, it is okay to have the pooja room in the place you suggested.
Can we hang light in pooja room like what is there in Temples please? Awaiting reply.
Hi Chitra,
You can decorate, light, arrange the photos and idols in the pooja room as you like.
we bought appartment and it didn’t have the pooja room so i m thinking to plan my pooja room to the wall in the east of my dinning hall i want to fix it in upper part of my window to the northeast corner is that ok to place it like that and i want to place wooden staircases in front of the poojaRoom to done pooja on heights is that ok pls suggest me
Hi Praveen,
Why have a pooja above a window and access by a staircase? Instead keep it at eye level on the wall.
how many bells to be used for pooja room door?
Hi Shwetha,
I am not sure but I have heard that they should be in multiples of 3.
I have gone through most of your ideal position ideas, loved them. I live in a 1 bhk apartment, located in the southern side of the building, entrance to my flat is through north leading to drawing cum dining and kitchen, bedroom southwest, bathroom southeast, & kitchen northwest separated by an arch. My query is rather are: 1. Bed is placed in southeast in bedroom, dressing table southwest corner facing north tv northwest facing south both not directed towards bed. Is position ideal?
2. Refrigerator placed northeast of kitchen beside arch. Is it ideal?
3. Water filter and dinning table is in southwest corner of dinning, is it ok. Can the water filter be placed on the eastern wall which has a window. And puja mandir on the northeastern corner.
4. Puja mandir in the northeast with idols facing west. Just beside the window on the east.
Lastly can you please let me know as per vaastu does the door of a toilet demarkets the end of the toilet or the continuation of the wall beyond the toilet on the outside is considered part of the toilet. Does construction of a pillar in the mid of a wall divides the wall.
Sorry for the lengthy queries.
Subhra chatterjee.
Hi Subhra,
You have managed to keep most things according to vastu in the house even though it being 1 bhk, restricts the options. Most of your placements are right according to vastu. You can keep the filter on the eastern wall and the pooja as it is. The door of the toilet demarcates the end of the toilet.
Pujaroom is in south, facing north. Worshiper facing south. attached flat plan. Please suggest any remedy if it is not ok. Thank you.
upload images free
Hi Ramprasad,
Do not spend long hours doing pooja while facing south.
I bought a flat,main door facing is North,
There is no appropriate place for pooja cabinet, can i place opposite to kitchen. Idol facing in the east direction.
Please suggest me.
Hi Subramanian,
Yes you can do that.
I have bought a flat,main door facing is North.
There is no appropriate place for pooja Room cabinet.
I am planning to place opposite to kitchen,Idols facing East
will it be better.
Kindly suggest.
Hi Subramanian,
Yes that appears to be a good idea.
our house having west side road and the main door placed at the north east side.(facing north with double door) If it opens, can see the pooja room.
Please suggest the main door location is auspicious place or not and when main door opens can see the pooja room is good or not.
Hi Srinivasan,
All that you have described is okay according to vastu shastra.
Hello sir,In our house pooja room idols are facing to north side and we are praying facing by east side and it is very small size. Also the pooja room doors are double door and facing north side. Pooja room back side having kitchen.
Please suggest whether pooja room is in auspicious place and in which direction we should face to pray?
Hi Srinivasan,
It is in an okay position. Praying facing East is also good.
can we place pooja room door face south whereas Idols are placed towards west direction due to space constraints
Hi Gurumurthy,
You can.
I bought a duplex house, whether pooja room cab be set in first floor, can you pls suggest me…
Hi Revathy,
It all depends on how you use it. If you do daily pooja and find it difficult to climb upstairs, then it is better in the ground floor. But if there are no such issues, then the first floor is fine.
Hi Sir,
My Home is facing West- East side please suggest me can i build pooja room in center wall of north south or should i build in south – east corner because house has build and door is the north east corner .
Hi Manish,
You can build the pooja in the SE if there is no other space for it.
Due to space issue, we constructed 3 feet puja room inside North east corner of Kitchen room. God photos are kept east and north wall inside puja room. We can’t enter into the room only god photos and puja materials are inside that room. We sit outside of puja room and we do the puja. We arranged 1.6 width size two doors for that puja room. Actually my flat is having 8 doors(dvaramu) and 6 windows (including kitchen dvaramu). Is it consider puja room door as other door and count goes to nine? Is it vastu issue, if yes ..can we keep curtains instead of doors for puja room. Please suggest us.
Hi Srinivas,
Count the number of door openings instead of the number of door shutters. So yours is an even number which is fine.
North or north east corner falls into bedroom and I am not sure where should I place the Mandir. could your please help here.
can we place mandir @ SE corner or SW corner. any alternates please suggest.
Hi Dhaval,
You can place the mandir anywhere else in a convenient location. You do not have to stick to NE corner only.
My apartment is facing East. SE is the Kitchen. Can I keep the pooja unit in the northwest corner of the kitchen. The door of pooja unit facing west. Please advice.
_______ E __________
| | |
| Hall | Kitchen|
| |__ |
| | P| |
| |
|______ Dining |
|Toilet |
|______| _______|
Hi Sukumar,
Yes you can.
Hello, can U plz advice me on this. I have small single b flat. N the puja rooms backside is the bathroom wall. Is it ok to as there isn’t any place .plz do reply…or to my mail id…
Hi Pooja,
IT is okay.
The north east corner is in the guest bedroom in our house. It does not have toilet. The left side will have window of the bedroom and the right side will have bed. We are planning to place temple there. Should that be fine as I read that temples in bedroom is a complete no-no . also can I make a wall hanging instead of floor temple ?? Thanks in advance
Hi Akash,
Since you have no other space for a pooja, it is okay to have the pooja mandir in the guest bedroom. Moreover, this room may not be used regularly.
Hello sir,
Is it ok to have a pooja room under the staircase(size 1×1) facing the northeast. I want to make poojaroom there as it is in northeast direction and next to the entry of the house and I can see the deities everyday..Thanks
Hi Suman,
Yes you can since the location fits into most of your criteria. But go ahead only if you or your family members do not feel that you are stamping on the deities as you climb the staircase. It is all about how you feel because when you are on the first floor and a pooja room is on the ground floor, you normally do not think that you are walking over the deities.
My apartment is facing North. NE is the Main door. NW is the Kitchen. there is no place to keep the pooja room in NE side..
However I have a open area in the SE side in the first floor. There is a roof glass in the middle of the House . So can I keep the idols in the SE open area in first floor close to the middle roof opening… Idols facing West?
There is a bathroom diagonally opposite to this place..
Please advise.
Can you please share your email id to send the plan?
Thank you
Hi Divya,
Yes you can.
Hi Sir,
We live in US. Our home faces south east (more towards south). I ham considering to use a closet around the Back right side of house (sorry of North east) . Closet has no windows, just a door that opens inwards the closet. This is on first floor. The idols will be placed facing west sort of. Is this configuration ok?
Also planning to put Ganesha idol on main floor facing the entrance (this is sort of middle of the house). Idol will be placed in a carved niche on wall. Niche is not directly facing the door.. Faces slightly south east (more towards East) . Is this ok too. Some say to use another Ganesha at door entrance facing opposite.. Any suggestions in the shape size directions? Thanks so much!!!
Hi Deeksha,
Ideally a closet without windows is not the ideal place for a pooja room. Look for some other nook in your house where there is ample ventilation and light. It does not necessarily have to be in the North-East. As for the Ganesha, I am not sure about your friend’s suggestions. I personally think it is fine to have it in the niche.
We are facing problems in finding right place for Pooja ghar at home. Our house main door is in SW and there is one study room adjacent to it which is the only available area for making Pooja ghar.but this area lies in sw of house. Can I make mandir here close to wall that shows east?
Hi Ira,
Since you have some free space, use it for the pooja room. It does not matter that it is in the SW. As long as it is well-ventilated and lit, it will do.
Sir we bought a flat.main door facing is west, southeast kitchen, northeast kids bed room,
There is no appropriate place for mandir.there is a bathroom in kids bedroom.the wall of the bathroom is in front the main door of the house in the east direction.the bathroom door opens in to the kids bedroom.can I put the mandir to that east wall Facing west to the main entrance.
Hi MT,
Yes you can.
Hello Guruji,
My parents have taken a 2 BHK house for rent.
1. Behind the Pooja room there is attach bathroom.
2. Pooja room entrance is in Hall and door s facing to East
3. That attach bathroom entrance is inside the master bedroom and facing towards south
4. In that bathroom the toilet is west side
5. And the roof of the pooja room can be seen when we enter that bathroom
Could you please suggest whether its a vastu problem and any solution for the same
Could you please give the solution for the same.
Regards, Leena
Hi Leena,
Do you mean to say that the roof of the bathroom is open? In that case it is not good for your health.
My Pooja Room is in east direction, Opposite to the washroom, please suggest any remedy for it.
Hi Ankita,
You do not need any remedy. Just keep the door to the washrom closed always.
Hello sir
I live in us i have a duplex house . Ihave doudt of place puja shelf if I place puja shelf in northeast it is facing the steps for the second flour and it appears when someone enters the first floor straight. Is it ok or can i place it in south west wall.
Hi Anu,
Place the pooja shelf in any place where you feel comfortable and peaceful.
1. Is it ok for the Pooja area to be in the south east corner of the house and if so should the idols face east or west. Incidentally it is also part of the kitchen
2. Is it ok to place any cupboard or pictures behind the wall of the pooja room
Hi Reena,
It is okay. The facing of the idols is a matter of personal choice. Keep it the way you are used to in your family.
I have pooja room in north east corner, but adjacent to this have kichen(common wall for kitchen and pooja room and far opposite to pooja room there have toilet both are extremely at two ends. On top of pooja room i have a bed room also..Pls advice have to change anything on my plan.
Hi Hari,
No need to change the plan
There is no space in my home to keep pooja ghar. My house is north facing and north east corner has been occupied with kitchen. We have ventilation towards south. South east is having a washroom and it doesn’t have a door towards south west. shall we keep pooja ghar in south west corner. There will be ample space beween washroom and pooja ghar. Just wanted to ask whether we can keep pooja ghar in south west corner or not.
Hi Divya,
If there is free space in the SW corner, go for it. Only make sure to place the deities facing the way you are used to. Some like the deities facing East, others prefer them facing west.
I have my puja Ghar on top of the fireplace is this right what should I do but it is in the north east corner of the house it’s my in laws house if I say something they always get offended . Pl give me some suggestions
Hi Vinay,
Leave it as it is. Why do you want to change something that has been there and anyway it is not your house. Doing pooja while a fire is blazing below may not be safe and will be uncomfortable. If you do not light a fire in the fireplace, then it is fine.
can we place pooja mandir (dont have seperate room for it )in living room?. here problem is that when we open main door pooja mandir will be seen . is that ok ?..
Hi Sash,
You can. Many people like to see the pooja mandir as they open the door.
Hello Sir,
I am planning to buy an apartment, which is north facing. The living room in the apartment has a small balcony on the west side of the flat, facing towards east and located adjacent to the common bathroom and foyer (besides main door). I mean this balcony is in between foyer and common bathroom. This balcony space, now I want to change it to Pooja room, which accordingly suits the best in the place. Now the problem is Vastu, which I don’t know. I googled about this and found out that pooja room should be placed in north-east corner of the house and should not be besides bathroom. Can you please advice whether this balcony place is suitable for pooja room?
Hi Mohan,
As long as the toilet door is not opening into the balcony, it should be okay.
I am having karuppuswamy photo in my pooja room, Can i keep that photo? my friends saying must not keep that photo in home, and my mother-in-law having big vinayagar(black stone) idol in pooja room some people saying according to vasthu black stone idol must not keep in home. Can i remove those two? My family facing many problems one after one financially i dont know the exact reason? pls help…
Hi Revathi,
I personally do not agree, as I feel one should keep the idols and photos that one believes in the pooja room. But if your friends’ advice is affecting you, then better to remove the above mentioned idol and photos. Psychologically you will feel more positive.
My Pooja room is in the south corner of the house. I know this is not vastu compliant , but this is the only place we had for pooja room. Our idols facing west and worshippers face east. Any remedy for pooja room in south part of the house.
Hi Saurabh,
You have made use of the available space. So it is okay. The positioning of the idols is also fine.
If there is no concern for elderly people or other similar problem, is it okay to have Puja room on first floor.
Is there any other reason for not having it on first floor, instead of ground floor.
Thanks RP
Hi RP,
It is okay to have the pooja room in the first floor.
can we keep the single door for pooja room?
Hi Rajani,
Sure you can.
Sir which side should the door of the pooja room should face? when Hall is a square when we place the pooja room in the north east corner then the doors will be facing the west is this ok?
Hi Vasanthi,
It is okay and you can face East while praying.
My living room is rectangle. While main door is near North east corner. I can cut the living room and make the east-south east corner as mandir room. But I am not comfortable since if we get any guest, person praying in the room may get disturbed also theorising room will get significantly small. So can I keep my mandir opposite my kitchen which is technically in the west (central) part of my flat. The wall sharing mandir is of my kids /guest room. Idols will be facing east. While we will be praying facing west. But this place gives some privacy. Please guide
Hi Suraj,
The second option is much better. Privacy is important while praying.
My wife suggested to keep amman calendar in pooja shelf
and have to tear the dates to current date daily basis
Is that some kind of belief or is it ok to continue?
I ‘ve never heard of this belief
Suggest me please
Hi Hari,
Always respect others beliefs, especially wife’s! If your wife believes in a calendar, allow her to have it in the pooja room.
Can I keep same god picture more than one time in pooja shelf
Pooja almirah is 3 steps
I kept lord venkatesh pic in all 3 steps
suggest me sire
Hi Hari,
Why not? If you have so much faith in this god, have as many as you like.
sir i have flat of east facing entrance and toilet on north side and i want to place pujaroom backside of that toilet is it ok if i will maintain the toilet neat n clean .plz guide
Hi Mitesh,
I am assuming that the puja room will be sharing a wall with the toilet. If the door of the toilet does not open opposite to the pooja room, it is fine.
We r in us. I have kept the God beside fire place. Is it fine? There is no wall behind God. Gods are kept on table without any wall behind them. Is it ok to have them in open middle kind of space?
Hi Deepanjali,
Keeping the idols near the fireplace is okay. But keeping them in the middle of the room witout a backdrop is not okay. Ideally there should be a solid back (wall) behind the idols.
sir, my house facing east direction , my doubt is we should have pooja room opposite to the main door so that when i open the main door i can see the pooja idol?
Hi Kirthika,
Many old houses have the arrangement as you describe – as one opens the main door, they see the pooja room, maybe it was considered auspicious to see god’s idol as one enters the house. It is perfectly fine.
I staying in 3 room rented flat, but there is no specific pooja room.
But we have decided to keep one room for pooja purposes.
The room is where suppose to be pooja room.
However there is space to keep the idols so in the cupboard we kept the idols
Is it okay or how are we suppose to keep, please guide.
Hi Bhavani,
Since you have decided to keep a room exclusively for pooja purposes, why not invest in pooja mandir or fix some shelves to place the idols. A cupboard is fine but the doors should be kept open.
Can a room be built above the pooja shelf is kept? pl advice.
Hi Rethi,
Do not bother too much about what is built in the upper floors. Jut make sure your pooja area is well ventilated and lit
the pooja room in the north east corner while facing the photos in the west is correct or not. The house facing the east entrance main door.
Hi Geetha,
The pooja room is in the right corner according to Vastu. Facing west is okay as the idols will be facing East.
sir, my flat maindoor is facing east and where should I keep small pooja mantap as northwest corner is for going to kitchen I have two options southeast corner and southwest corner or west wall or east wall
Hi Harisha,
You have four options East wall, west wall, SE corner or Sw corner. Choose the position in which there is ample light and ventilation and where you can stand and pray without being disturbed by movement of the people inside the house
I have query on idol facing and our facing. Actally in our new house we are planning to keep pooja room in such a that it/idols faces north direction and we will be facing south direction,
So is this direction are suggestable? If not any work arounds?
Thanks in advace for your suggestins/help,
Hi Praveen,
If your prayer time is short this would be okay. But ideally it should be the other way around – you facing North and the idols facing South.
Can i face the photos and idols facing south and myself while doing puja facing northside.
Hi Jaya,
Yes that is the right position.
Sir our flat main door is east facing .ther is no place tu keep puja room in northeast .can we keep in southwest corner.
Hi Pushpa,
Sure you can. Practicality is more important in such matters.
1. Can the Mandir be placed facing the NW corner of the house? Means, when worshiping I am facing East/NE?It is a duplex house, with the Mandir placed near the stairs going down. Kind of a small landing on the 1st floor
2. Can I place small decoration ganpathis in the family room with their backs facing West-North corner of the house (WN corner has windows) ? which means the idols face East?
Thanks a lot for very informative suggestions that you give!
Hi Vivek,
The positions you have suggested for the mandir and the ganapathis are all fine. Please go ahead
Pooja room in my house is in middle of the house towards north east side.main door is West facing ,when we open the main door pooja room will be seen.pooja room has gap of small portion ,wall is not it advisable to close the wall with a glass to direct viewing of pooja a mandir When we enter into house.kindly advise.
Hi Srinivasa Rao,
You could do that so that your eyes are drawn towards the mandir as you enter the house.
my pooja room and bathroom share common wall and are adjacent to each other. everywhere in online it says both should never be adjacent or opposite.
but i never found exact reason for this
can u help explaining me this in detail?
Hi Priyanka,
The premise is that, while praying, you may get distracted by the smell, the people going in an out of the toilet and the sounds of ablution! Another worry is that the toilet walls may get damp and can adversely affect the adjoining rooms. But in today’s world, toilets are kept clean, odour free and are water-proofed to avoid seepage and dampness. So there is no harm in a toilet and a pooja room sharing a wall provided it is a thick one.
what material should you place the idol on
Hi Nikki,
You could place it on any natural stone (granite, marble) or wood shelf. But avoid porous stones like Kota, limestone etc in case you are placing oil and lamps as well on the shelf.
Hello Sir,
Great information!
I have a doubt. Is it okay to just light a lamp and pray without any idols or pictures?
If so, in which direction should I light the lamp?
Thanks and regards
Hi Lakshmi,
sure you can. I would suggest you pray facing East. But some people pray facing west (the idols face East). Follow the tradition followed in your family.
My Building Face North Side, I construct pooja room next to front door north-east side Building Corner. is this right side for pooja room.
Hi Maruti,
It is the ideal position for a pooja room. Go ahead.