FLOORING OPTIONS | An Architect Explains

The purpose of flooring is to provide a horizontal, clean surface to support the occupants of a building, the furniture and equipment. Therefore the flooring must be strong enough to bear the super imposed loads. There are several flooring material options and each has it’s own advantages and disadvantages. An Architect reviews the flooring materials with their pros and cons, to help you decide which one is best suited for your home/building………..

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NATURAL FLOORING | An Architect Explains

For centuries, natural materials like Marble, Granite, Slate, Limestone, Kota, Hardwood, Cork have been used in flooring. Each material has it’s own pros and cons. Some of the materials like Marble and Granite or Limestone and Slate have very similar properties that it becomes difficult to choose between them. To make it easier for you, an Architect has reviewed the pros and cons of natural flooring materials and suggested where they are most suited…….

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MAN-MADE FLOORING | An Architect Explains

With the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century, machines started making flooring products like Ceramic tiles, Vitrified tiles, Terrazzo, Concrete and Laminate wood, which are stronger, more durable, cheaper and require less labour for laying. But some of these materials are quite similar. To make it easier for you, an Architect, has reviewed the pros and cons of the man-made flooring materials and suggested where they are best suited……..

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RESILIENT FLOORING | An Architect Explains

Resilient flooring is essentially flooring made with materials that are elastic like Linoleum, Vinyl, Rubber and Carpet. These materials are highly durable, more affordable than other flooring materials and useful for noise reduction. So they are used in commercial and public spaces. However, each type of resilient flooring material is better suited for a specific purpose. To aid you in choosing the right one, an Architect has reviewed the pros and cons of different resilient flooring materials and suggested where they are most suitable…….

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