The Study room, as the name suggests is used for studying or as a library or as a home office. Sometimes it is also used for sleeping. In a house, you have a dedicated place or room for every activity, in the same way you must have a study room where you – or your children – can concentrate on your studies. However, most people do not think it is necessary to have an exclusive study room.

Studying needs a lot of attention, concentration and focus. This demands a place where one can sit with a calm, composed and open mind, a place where the grasping power of mind and the retention power of the brain can be increased, a place where one is comfortable and can study undisturbed. For this a separate study room with a calming atmosphere is essential.
So, is there a way to make the study room a space that is condusive for studying? Well, it is possible according to Vastu Shastra – the right location of the study room, the door placement, furniture, lighting and the colours, can ensure that the study room becomes a space for focus and concentration. To know more about making your Study room a vastu compliant space, read on…..
Listed here, are some of the Vastu Guidelines for a Study room. Since Vastu Shastra is a science, every guideline is based on logic and reasoning. As an Architect, I have attempted to explain each of these guidelines rationally and scientifically under the following headings, so that you have a choice and can decide what you want to follow or don’t instead of looking at Vastu as a superstition:
What is the best location for a Study room?
What is the ideal vastu shape of a study room?
Where should the door and windows be placed in the study room?
What are the vastu guidelines for the furniture in a study room?
What are the ideal vastu colours in a study room?
- First Choice for a Study room location: West
- Second Choice for the study room location: East and North-East
The Study room should ideally be in the West of the House: As it is believed that Mercury, which increases brain power, Jupiter which increases ambition and curiosity, Moon which helps in the generation of new thoughts and ideas and Venus which helps in the growth of talent have a better effect if the Study room is in the West. The Scientific Reasoning – Rooms on the West side have the advantage of being well lit and bright in the evenings due to the evening sunrays. Hence it is a good location for a Study room as the children can use it for their studies in the evenings after school and play.

The next best options for a study room are the East and North-East directions: The Reason- The NE corner is the best place for meditation and concentration and hennce suited for a study room. The East is a good location for a study room as it has the advantage of the morning sunlight.
The study room should be rectangular in shape and should have rectangular study table. The Reason- The rectangle or square shape is the most efficient and most suitable for keeping your rectangular books, tablets, notebooks etc
A Study room used only for studying and not sleeping, can be pyramidal shaped as it gives fantastic benefits: The Scientific Reasoning – It is scientifically known that the pyramid shape has a positive effect on the brain and mental health of a person. So if one can create a pyramid within a room, why not?
The door to the Study room can be in the North-East or North or East: The Logic – Since the Study room is ideally located in the West, the door to the study can open from the North, East or North-East.

The larger windows in a study can be in the East or North wall and the smaller one in the West wall: The Logic – It is necessary to have windows in the East side to enable the student to study in the early hours of the morning, as well as to have windows in the West to enable him to study in the evenings after school. Also, the morning sunlight falling on the student has a lot of beneficial effects on his health. If East or west side windows are not possible then have one in the North, from where there is constant light through the day.
The study table should face North, East or North-East: The Logic – It is generally recommended that students start studying early morning as their brain and body are fresh after a well rested sleep. At dawn, the morning sunlight enters a house from the North-East and as the morning progresses, it enters from the East. This morning sunlight is very useful to the human body (synthesis of vitamin D) and by exposure to it, the student can derive a lot of health benefits. Also it lights up the room and allows him to see and read better.
Do not keep the study table facing a blank wall. Ideally there should be space in front of the table; if that is not possible keep the table a few inches away from the wall: The Scientific Reason – Open space in front of the table facilitates an open mind and encourages new ideas to come to the mind.
Avoid cabinets or tables in the centre of the Study room: The Logic – It is always advisable to leave the centre of the room empty so that movement and access are easy.
Keep the shelves along the East and West walls and avoid keeping any shelves above the study table: The Reason – A shelf above the study table limits the space and obstructs. It can distract your mind.
Keep electrical gadgets like computer and lamp in the SE corner of the table: The Reason- In any room, the electrical gadgets are to be placed in the SE corner because that is the ‘fire’ corner in Vastu Shastra.
Keep a clock on the North wall of the study room: The Scientific Reason- The East and West walls are occupied by the shelves. So keep the clock on the unoccupied North wall which can be seen from any part of the study room.

Colour of the Study room walls: They should be green, light green, blue, cream, and white. Light colors are preferred over dark ones. The Logic – It is very important to have a well lit study room without too much glare, and this can be achieved by using light colours. Light colours make a room appear bigger and brighter as the light colours reflect and re-reflect the light.
The Vastu Guidelines are very similar to the guidelines used by modern Architects in designing a house. To read about an Architect’s guidelines on the Design of a Study Room, go to:
So now you can see how important it is to enhance the energy in a Study room through design. Since the study room is usually located in the Upper Floors where there is peace and privacy, it is worthwhile to make the rest of the rooms in the upper floors, also Vastu compliant. Sometimes, the study room is used as a Home Office.
If you want to make the rest of the rooms of your house/apartment Vastu compliant, then go to:
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Related Topics:
- Vastu Shastra | Explained By An Architect
- Vastu Shastra | Principles For A House
- Vastu Shastra | Factors That Impact A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Designing A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Interiors Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Exteriors Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Selecting The Right Site
- Vastu Guidelines | Construction Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Rituals For A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Non-Residential Buildings
- Remedies For Vastu Defects
My home office is rectangular in shape. My study table is facing north east on one corner. My shelves and cupboards are located in west and south directions.
My question is can I keep another cupboard in the north east direction, in the next corner? It will be straight and aligned to my table , a few feet away.
Thanks for your advise.
Is it good to have student’s study table in NW corner of the room. Facing North
Can we place a study room above puja room.
Very well explained, scientifically as well as vastu wise. I have one question…. what should the position of bed be for sleeping where the study is also used for hosting guests? Thanks.
Hi Sonali,
Thank you for your appreciation. Like in a bedroom, the head can be in West, East, South. Avoid North. It depends on the arrangement of the rest of the furniture in the study room.
my duplex flat stair is starting from east to south and north, means it is in north east direction from ground floor to first floor.Is it okey or any remdies is required. please suggest.
Hi Durga Prasad,
If there are windows below and above the staircase make sure you do not block them off with heavy curtains and keep them open to admit light and air.
sir can we keep study table in east below window and facing east while doing study?
HI Shubham,
That is a good position.
Very useful tips
Thank you for the appreciation Krishnakumar
What should be the location of book shelf in study room?pl reply urgently as i m getting the work done.
Hi Parul,
It depends on the location of the study table. Ideally one should sit facing East or North at the study table. This leaves the west and South walls free for placing the book shelves. It is better not to have any shelves above the study table.
Very help full…. i specially liked the scientific explanations….thankyou