The International Union of Architects was founded in Lausanne (Switzerland) on 28th June 1948, to unite the Architects of the world without regard to nationality, race, religion, or architectural doctrine.

From the 27 delegations present at the founding assembly, the UIA has grown to encompass the key professional organisations of architects in 123 countries and territories, and now represents, through these organisations, more than 13,00,000 Architects worldwide. Over time, the UIA has become an accomplished non-governmental organisation of Architects that reaches all continents. The UIA works in co-operation with high-ranking organisations around the world.
- UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation –
- UN-HABITAT: United Nations Centre for Human Settlements
- UNEP: United Nations Environment Programme
- UNECE: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
- UNIDO: United Nations Industrial Development Organisation
- WHO: World Health Organisation
- WTO: World Trade Organisation
- IOC: International Olympic Committee
Non-governmental organisations with which the UIA develops interdisciplinary relations:
- ISOCARP: International Society of City Region Planners
- IFLA: International Federation of Landscape Architects
- ICOMOS: International Council of Monuments and Sites ISC20
- DoCoMoMo: Documentation and Conservation of buildings, sites, and neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement
The first Celebration of Cities international consultation, launched in 2004 by Jaime Lerner, then UIA President, invited the architects and architecture students of the world to imagine “urban acupuncture” operations to repair the imbalances and fractures in cities around the world. In 2006, the UIA launched a second call to the community of professionals and students inviting them to participate in an urban democracy process for the improvement of the living conditions in our cities.
MAXMIX CITIES is a response to the multiple contradictions of contemporary cities: high density and anonymity; man’sdistance from nature and his desire to retrieve it; opposition between the urban world and the rural world, between the past and the present. How can we mix the elements of this urban reality to improve the quality of life in cities today and respond to the citizens aspirations ? This is the objective of the competition for which the projects should be set in a real situation.
The jury met in Kyoto on 3 October 2009. Chaired by Mauricio Rivero Borrell, UIA 1st Vice President it was composed of Lisa Siola, Patricia Emmett, Kazuo Iwamura and Albert Dubler, UIA Vice-Presidents and Bae Byung Ki, Vice-President of the Institute of Korean Architects. Jae Yong Lim, President, KIA Committee for international Affairs, participated as jury co-ordinator.
Three prizes were awarded to the projects of the following architects: Mario Tvrtkovic (Germany), Nikita Sergienko (Russian Federation), Jung Woo, Oh (Republic of Korea).
Three prizes were awarded in the category for student projects to: Davinia Fuentes Cabrera (Spain); Sena Dogan (Turkey); Hyobin Jung (Republic of Korea).
View all the winning and mentioned projects on-line at:
For more information on UIA, visit the official website at:
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