One enters the house, through the main entrance door and this is the entry point of energy, ‘positive or negative’. Every time you enter your house you activate a presiding energy in relationship to the mandala of the house at that point. According to Vastu Shastra, a door must be precisely located for the activation of most beneficial energy.
The placement of the door depends on the cardinal direction that the house faces. To know more about the right location of the main door in each case, refer to the Vastu guidelines listed here. Since Vastu is a science, there is logic and reasoning behind every guideline. As an Architect, I have attempted to explain each of these guidelines rationally and scientifically under the following headings, so that you have a choice and can decide what you want to follow or not instead of looking at Vastu as a superstition:
Where should the main entrance door be located?
What are the Vastu tips for the main entrance door?
What are the Vastu specifications of the main entrance door?
According to Vastu Shastra, what should be avoided with regard to the main entrance door?
To figure out where to place a main door, imagine that you are standing in front of the house and divide the front facade of the house into into two parts with an imaginary, middle, vertical line. The door should never be placed in the middle but only on either side of the middle line, to the left or the right half, depending on the direction the door faces, as stipulated here:
North- facing door should be in the left half when facing the house, that is more towards the North-East. The Scientific reason – Its preferable to have more openings in the North and East to allow the useful sunlight constantly, through the day.
The door should not be at the corner of the walls, but a few feet away from the corner junction. The Scientific reason – Its preferable to have more window openings towards the North and East to allow constant sunlight through the day. Since the door is opaque, it should be placed away from the N-E corner, more to the centre.
West facing door can be located in the left half when facing the house, that is favouring the North-West. Avoid placing a door in the right half (South-West). The Scientific reason – Its preferable to have more window openings towards the North to allow constant sunlight through the day. And it is better to avoid having an opening towards the South or West as it will allow in hot air. You can read about it in detail in my post: Vastu Guidelines For West Facing House
If a house has a main entrance in the West it should have a corresponding door in the East also. The Scientific reason – To allow maximum, useful UV rays found in the morning sunlight, into the house, since it is beneficial for health of the inamtes. (vitamin D synthesis)
South facing main door must not be in the center of the building but should be in the right half when facing the house, that is more towards the South-East. Avoid placing a door in the left half (South-West). For all houses having main door in South direction, they must have another door in North direction also. The Scientific reason – It is always preferable to have fewer or no openings in the South-West as explained above, since the hot infra-red rays of the afternoon sunlight are projected, maximum towards this direction and causes the air to get heated up.
If a house has a main entrance in the South there should be one more corresponding to it in the North direction also. The Scientific reason – To allow the constant light from the North into the house.
East facing door can be located in the right half when facing the house, that is more to the North-East. Avoid placing a door in the left half (South-East). The Scientific reason – Its preferable to have more openings in the North and East to allow the useful sunlight constantly, through the day and better to avoid openings in the South or west as they will let in hot air especially during the afternoons. You can read about it in detail in my post: Vastu Guidelines For East Facing House
Thus you can see in Vastu, there is no bad location for a main door. Its the pseudo vastu pundits who claim that South and West entrances are bad and the entrance door should only be in the North or East, because they take the Vastu Shastra guidelines too literally – Since Vastu recommends more open space in the North and East to enable the pleasant morning light and constant North light to permeate the house, it makes sense to have the entrance from either of these directions. But it’s not a hard and fast rule.
The main entrance door should be fixed on an auspicious day after performing Vastu Pooja. The Scientific reason – The main door leads one into a house and this is the place from where energies, either positive or negative, enter and exit a house. So obviously you want more positive energy to enter a home as the residents will prosper. Therefore it is good for you to do a special pooja for the main door as it will psychologically make you feel confident that it will be a positive channel to good energy.

The entrance gate and the main door should be on the same side: It is not considered good if the main door to the house is on the opposite side to the entrance of the property. The Scientific reason – It doesn’t make sense to have the entrance on one side and then have the main door on the opposite side as guests and outsiders are forced to walk right across the length of the site, to the back of the property, thus invading into the privacy of the inmates.
It is preferable to have two doors, an entrance and an exit door: However, the exit door should be smaller than the entrance door. The Scientific reason – The fresh air entering into the house through the entrance, will find a way out through the exit door and thus be forced to pass through the rest of the house, allowing the house to breathe.
The main entrance door should be the largest door of the house as it allows in positive energy: The Scientific reason – A large main door looks inviting and allows big objects, like beds, to be brought in from outside without difficulty.
The main door should open inside and clockwise: The Scientific reason – If the door swings open in a clockwise motion, you use your left hand to open the door for the guests, thus enabling you to guide them in with your right hand.
The main door should have a threshold: Shoes should not be kept in front of the door, but to the side. The Scientific reason – The threshold will deter ants and other pests from entering into the house. The shoes in front of the door can be an eyesore and cause you to stumble.
The main door should always be a bit higher than ground level and the number of steps to reach it must be an odd number. The Scientific Reason- Since most people are right handed, they generally put their right foot first, while climbing steps. So when they end the climb, they somehow prefer to end on the right foot. This is possible only when there are odd number of steps.
Always keep the main door well lit and visible: The Reason- As one approaches the main door, it should look inviting and bright instead of being dingy and dark.
Always have some beautiful design on the main door and some auspicious signs like ‘Om’ and “Swastika’: The Scientific reason – When you or a guest stand in front of the door it is better to see some pleasant images instead of just a plain, drab door.
Wood of Teak, Honne, Matti are good for the main door: The Scientific reason – Its important to use strong wood for the main door, so that it cannot be broken down or damaged easily.
Wood from Peepal, Coconut, trees giving flowers and fruits; Thorny trees, fragrant trees, etc should not be used. The Scientific Reason- It is also vital that we protect useful trees that provide us with fruit etc. The wood of thorny trees is not easy to work with.
Avoid circular, sliding door for the main entrance: The Reason- They are not structurally as safe a s a regular rectangular door.
Avoid the main door directly facing the main door of the opposite house. The Scientific reason – It is quite uncomfortable when both the doors are open, as one unconsciously tends to look into the other house. Avoid the main door facing temples: The Reason- The temple is a busy place where people congregate and there is always sound. It disturbs the peace of your house.
Avoid having obstructions like trees, poles in front of the main door. The Reason- As you step out, you see the obstruction that psychologically feels like an obstruction in your life. Also the obstruction, obstructs the view to your door partly.
Avoid the main door directly facing an abandoned, rundown or dilapidated building: The Scientific reason – It is quite disconcerting, every time you open the door to see a bad looking building right in front of you.
Avoid having an underground tank, septic tank under the main entrance: The Scientific reason – In case the tank has to be opened or cleaned, it can be very inconvenient if it is right in front of the main door.
Avoid locating the main entrance door in the corners of the house. Keep it at least 1′ away from the corner: The Scientific reason – If the door is in the extreme corner, it will be difficult to have a neat furniture layout in the room, as the corner is used for movement.
Avoid locating a wall directly in front of the entrance door: There should be a door that opens to the next room in line of sight, opposite the main door. The Scientific reason – The fresh air entering the house every time you open the door, should be allowed to flow into the rest of the house and for that there should be openings. This allows the house to breathe properly.

Avoid self-closing doors: The Scientific reason – With self closing locks available nowadays, the doors can shut and close by themselves, but there is the risk that the door will close accidentally in the breeze while the keys are inside the house.
Avoid creaking doors: The Scientific reason – Doors that creak indicate bad workmanship, loose and unoiled hinges.
This post was about the Vastu Shastra guidelines for the design of the main entrance door which leads into the into the Interior of the House and the Living Room. It is important that the positive energy from the main entrance door radiates into these rooms and from there into the rest of the house. For this, these spaces should also be vastu compliant. Read about the Vastu guidelines for the design of these spaces here:
If you want to make the rest of the rooms of your house/apartment also Vastu compliant, then go to:
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Related Topics:
- Vastu Shastra | Explained By An Architect
- Vastu Shastra | Principles For A House
- Vastu Shastra | Factors That Impact A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Designing A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Interiors Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Exteriors Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Selecting The Right Site
- Vastu Guidelines | Construction Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Rituals For A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Non-Residential Buildings
- Remedies For Vastu Defects
Hi my home main entrance is in west side,,Is it good r not,,can u suggest me now wch side s good,,
m confused now bcz i saw n so many articles west side entrance will cause health issue,
Pls suggst me, west side is good r not
Hi Swathi,
There is nothing wrong with west side main door. Stop reading superstitious articles. You can read more about it in my post on West facing Houses. But of course the final decision is yours
can we have a underground water tank in front of the main door ? is one should not enter to the house by walking over the water tank?
Hi Balaji,
It is not ideal. But nowadays, the tanks are strong and unlikely to collapse, so can be accepted.
Hi I am planning to shift in a house which is West facing and earlier used south facing apartment faced many problems. …plz suggest also the kitchen is in the north of the house and cook facing West. .plz advice…
the master bedroom is in the north of the house
Hi Garima,
If your old experience is haunting you, then you must look for a house that is mostly vastu compliant.
Sir thank you for your valuable answers. Sir my question is we have shifted in a rented house . But the main entrance is in southwest with large door and by the side of this door we have another small door which is in northwest for servant and this is very small.mi have googled and many people are saying the entrance is not good. Do you have any remedy. please suggest and one bathroom is in northeast followed by a balcony.
Hi Ritu,
So many questions about a rented house over which you have no control! Just let it be.
We are planning to buy a flat. Apartment is West facing and our flat is also West facing. please advice if main door West facing and north west facing flats is good to purchase. As I have heard there should not be cuts and extensions towards south and west but there are many other flats constructed in row in West and south side.
Also please advice what does that mean that male member if the family will remain out if house is West facing does it mean abroad or anywhere always out for work. Please advice.
Hi Archana,
A west facing apartment is okay, but not considered as “vastu compliant” as a North or East facing one. You can read more about it in my post on West facing Houses. Regarding what they mean by ‘male member will remain out’, I cannot explain. Ask the admins of the site that you read this superstition from.
Sir my flat is existed on first floor and the entrance of the door is in west. Can I purchase or make any alterations. Please suggest
Hi Ravindra,
A west door is not bad. You can read about it in my post on West facing Houses. But the final decision is yours. If you feel good about the house then go ahead.
I want to purchase a flat the entrance of flat is facing south and the main entrance of the building faces north with 25 feet road ….please suggest whether it’s okay or not….
Hi Prerna,
Normally you look at the vastu of the individual flat that you are purchasing. The most important test is to ‘feel’ the apartment. If it feels right for you and your family, then go ahead and buy it.
I stay in a house which has the main door on south east corner, i have no alternative of changing the door direction because it is a flat . Is this very inauspicious. I have one bedroom in NE, one in NW and in SW. kitchen is in middle facing east. the master bedroom which we sleep is NW. Kindly suggest
Hi Vihanga,
It is all okay according to me. Like you say there is not much choice in apartments, so live with it and do not waste time cross checking whether it is bad or not.
Hi,my house enterance gate SW but main enterace to house east. any comment
Hi Me,
Its okay as per vastu.
Hi, I have a flat with a south entrance and the front neighbours door is across the corridor in straight line from my main door. There is a bed room with an attached bath in southwest corner. What do I do?? I am not living in it yet. It cannot be rectified as it is an apartment block. Is it okay to live in it?? Can I email you the floor plan, would it help in advising or is it a total much ado about nothing as it is tough to build flats as per vastu? The neighbourhood is an expensive one but I got this doubt so asking.
Hi Sinha,
Like you say, it is not possible to have vastu compliant flats in an apartment block. Some may be more in lines of vastu principles while others are not. An opposite door is inevitable in an apartment. so it is best to ignore all this and focus on the positives. Organise a pooja /prayer in the flat before you shift in. That should make you feel more positive.
my mother owns a west facing plot. We planned to put the borewell on the northeast corner of the house. but when the geologist checked he suggested us to dig the well southeast area. I will brief you about this. My west facing plot is 50ft length and 30 ft width. When we take the width, below and upto 15 ft on the left side comes under northeast direction, but as per geologist, we have digged the bore @ around 18-19 ft from the northeast corner (i.e. exactly 3 – 4 feet from the centre). is that OK or do you suggest any remedies.
Hi Sudhakar,
You have to dig the borewell in the position suggested by the geologist. If you decide to dig it in the ‘auspicious’ vastu corner, you may not even get water. But you could cross check with a second geologist.
Our kitchen is in the opposite to main door and toilet is in the north east corner and also sharing a common wall with kitchen .l am facing a financial problem after start living in this flat .what could I do now?
Hi Sanjana,
There is no need to attribute the financial problem to the toilet in the NE. But if you feel that this is affecting you, then stop using the toilet in the NE (keep it closed) and see if your financial situation improves.
Road runs on the east, so this is East facing house.
House has entrance door on North towards North East.
Kitchen is located on South East corner of the plot.
In the drawing room, where the entrance door is on north towards north east, the east facing wall has a sliding door towards south side of the wall. Is the location of this door improper?
While vasthu says, avoid south east door, should we refer to it as door located in south east of the over all plot or the south of the front room that faces east?
Please clarify. Thanks.
Hi Gesis,
You should consider everything with reference to the overall plot.
Dear Sir,
Our main entrance door is facing West and it is slightly towards south. It is not possible for us to change the location of gate or our house at this moment. We are facing financial and physical problems from many years. Our bathroom is facing North West but located south west of the house.
Kindly suggest us what should we do to protect us.
Hi Aashu,
You seem to be looking for reasons for your financial problems. Stop blaming the house and look at the decisions that you are taking. But just to feel psychologically better, do a pooja/prayer in your house. But before that de-clutter and re arrrange the furniture to give it a new vibe and feel.
hi sir,
Our new apartment main door is in the south east direction, so we have made another door at the north-east. so to enter the house we will have to enter through the SE door which leads to a private balcony and then take the north-east door to enter into the main house (hall/kitchen etc). is this ok ?
Hi Arthi,
Since the door to the main house is the NE one that can be considered the main door.
Dear Sir,
I am planning to join two apartments next to each other. the entrance now after attaching if from the south i.e, the passage between the two apartments is included while joining both the apartments. the entrance now is south facing and it is in the centre as we have joined both the apartments.
please suggest and advice
Thank you
Hi Sanjay,
When you join two apartments the direction of the door can change. In your case it became South facing. But then it is okay because you are getting many more benefits by joining the 2 flats.
My main door is in the south-east and one door in North West, I wish to know if it’s ok to have the door in southeast. Thanks.
Hi Hansini,
If it is possible to use the NW door as the main door, then the SE door can be used as a back door. But all depends on where your living room is.
I have some doubts.kindly clarify the same.At present i have a bulding facing main door to west road.Now i have a plan to construct duplex i.e first & second floor with north facing door at 10 ft away from north west corner.Let me know is there any Vastu problems for this.Kindly advise. Also in a house how many toilets can be constructed?
Hi Ravi,
Yes you can construct it as proposed. The number of toilets dpends on your requirements.
Hi , we have an independent house which is on the main road .its a north facing plot.the main door is in the north and the entrance gate is also exactly opposite the main door.we have extended the roof slab recently and planning to built shops before our existing house without touching the house . tere would be a gap of 4 feet between the house and the shops .
so my query is can we built shops and a wall infront of the main door leaving a space of 4 feet between house and shops and can we shift the entrance gate to the north east corner. shops will be facing north to the main road.there is a small gate in the south corner as well.
Pls advise
Hi Vamsi,
Yes you can shift the entrance gate to the NE corner. But now you will have to reach the main door via a 4′ corridor which constrains your entrance. Ideally your main door should face the road or at least open into a large open space.
Dear Sir, The article is very informative, i have small query regarding the entrance door.
i have recently moved into a rented apartment, it has two entrance points, one is south facing and another is east facing , we have completely closed the south facing door and we are using the east facing entrance ( it is not the main entrance), could you please suggest if it is ok .
Hi Haribabu,
Thank you for the encouraging words. What you have done is fine. You could use the south door as a back door to access a garden etc.
Dear Sir
we are planning to buy our first house in United kingdom, My Date of birth is 30-12-1980( 04.15 Am is birth time place -Gadhboriad, gujarat) and My husbands’ 18/03/1976 [ Time 23:20 Place- Alirajpur M.P] please suggest me the which entrance will be good for my sign. please suggest me su suitable entrance.
Best regards,
Hi Preeti,
Please consult an astrologer.
Dear Sir,
We are planning to buy a flat.Actually we are confused between 2 flats.
Flat 1:-is a north,east & south open flat.Which has a big balcony in the north,one bedroom is north open,second bedroom northeast side with north & south open and the third bedroom is south & east open and the kitchen is also in the southeast corner.There is also a small service balcony with the kitchen facing the east. The flat faces southwest from inside.
Flat 2:- is a north,south & west open flat.The balcony is north facing.1 bedroom is north open,second bedroom is northwest corner with north and south open.Third bedroom is south and west open.Kitchen is in the south east with a small service balcony facing west.The main entrance is southeast facing from inside the flat. Please guide us to take the right decision.
Hi Chaitali,
Don’t rush into it. Take your time, assess the two apartments, discuss with your family members and go by your gut instinct.
And also have stairs @ northwest corner while climbing its facing west and its anti clock wise turn . as there is no space to turn in right from the stairs it was constructed in that way .can a bathroom be constructed @ south east corn of the plot .and main gate @ center of east opposite to main door , which is east facing.
Hi Teena,
Leave the staircase where it is. You can have a gate opposite to the main door. And you can have a toilet in the SE if it is suitable for you there.
my nakshatra is ARUDHRA. for door facing, some say that North and North east are preferable to me and some say even west suits me. I am really confused. Please advice
Hi Kaushik,
For goodness sake, stop deciding your door position based on your star or name or DOB. Remember that there are other inmates too in the house – thus you may require 4 or 5 door entrances according to their stars and each of you may have to enter by your respective doors! Is it practical? So let it be and go for the position that is best suited according to the plan of your house.
I have bought flat and noticed it has door facing in south west direction . Should I consider my flat direction or my whole apartment tower facing. …Please suggest my wife is too worried for this.
Hi Sanjeev,
Normally we give priorit to the vastu of the individual flat rather than the overall apartment complex. But if it is a question of fear affecting your peace of mind, then you could do the reverse and consider the vastu of the whole building rather than the individual flat. And if that is okay, you can convince yourselves that it is fine.
Dear Sir,
would like to request for your advice, I am deciding to purchase a West facing builder floor having entrance and underground water tank near to West south. It’s on second floor but every one is suggesting not to buy this home due to bad vastu on the other side, I along with my entire family willing to get same.
So humbly request for advice to get or leave it.
Thanks sir!!!
Hi Mayank,
If you and your family are all happy with this house, then why the hesitation? Any how the house you are interested in, is on the second floor, so there is no need to worry about the overall vastu of the site. This is my opinion but it is finally left to you.
1.My housemain door(Northeast) is facing the main door of opposite house.Any pariharam for this?
2.My bedroom and kitchen have a common wall.My stove facing east.If I keep my bed at west that facing east.Some say it is not advisable for bed and stove placing next to next in a wall.Please advice..
Hi Sumathi,
It is not ideal to have your main door facing the opposite house main door, but many times, it cannot be helped. The positive is that there is some distance between the houses and if you keep the main door closed it should be okay. the only negative in having a bed against a wall with a stove on the other side, is that the heat could radiate to your head which is not very comfortable. So maybe you can build a one foot headboard as a buffer.
We r planing to buy home door is in North side when we enter but while exist it’s come south. Need help this home is good for us or not.
Hi Sonal,
This is a South facing house. Whether this house is good for you or not can only be judged by you. If you feel instinctively that this house is good, then go ahead.
Purchasing the villa , plot facing east but the main entry of the villa is towards south. Is it ok from vastuside. Enlightened by reading the queries n replies there to.
Hi Col Surendra,
An East facing plot is good according to vastu. But a south facing door is not that ideal. However if it is in the SE quadrant of your house, then it is fine. But when you take such an important decision, it is better for you to go by your instinct. If it is a positive feeling then go ahead and purchase it.
my flats main door is on south west corner on west wall and toilet in master bedroom is in south west corner of the room with dressing mirror on south west corner of south wall, now i cant make any structural changes in this what solution can you suggest pls
Hi Jitendra,
So don’t make any changes. Leave it as it is unless you feel the internal room arrangement is not suiting you.
hi sir we are planning to purchase a house with north-west facing .is it good to purchase or not pleas suggest
Hi Chary,
North west facing site is okay. But you should take the decision only if you are convinced that you feel positive about this site.
Please let me know the flat No. 301, which is to the South West of the entire condominiums.
1. It has a long corridor on the Eastern side.
2. It has a South side Balcony.
3. North East side it has a Bed Room.
4. The main gate is on the North Eastern side.
5. The South west side of the land is larger than the other parts, But a little higher.
Please suggest for any Vastu non-compliances and deviations what needs to be done as no alterations are allowed.
Warm regards
Hi Madhusudhan,
Most of it seems to be in compliance with Vastu principles. So there is no need to do anything. Let the NE bedroom be used by your kids.
My house has a main door opening in the north but in the west it good or not? And the bedroom also have 2 openings, one in north and other in the south to the terrace. Plz guide me.
Hi Nilesh,
Having a main door facing North is good enough. Why do you want to worry whether it is in the right corner or not?The doors opening to the terrace are okay.
Hi Sir,
We are planning to purchase a flat which has a wall of kitchen on entering into the flat, so kitchen falls first, after that is the drawing room, kindly suggest is this ok…. or what remedial measures we can take.
Hi Rajesh,
On entering the flat you will be passing by the kitchen wall. So what’s wrong with that? THere is no remedial measures to be taken.
Hi sir,
I have a mirror on oppsite wall of the main door.
on entering from door in hall we have mirror so main doors reflection is seen in the mirror. what is the remedy to correct this without removing the mirror . plz guide.
Hi Rajesh,
Place a big flower vase or a sculpture so that the mirror is covered and does not reflect the main door.
Thank you for this simple and informative article. Our bungalow has a main gate on the east. We stay in a joint family but the floors are divided. We stay on the first floor and I have a staircase in the South which leads to my front door on the South East. We have been suggested to shift our entrance by many and we plan to shift it on the east side. With a few adjustments we can have the main door in the center of the east wall. Will that be OK? Also the main entrance leads to my Hall cum kitchen where the kitchen is in the South West. Hope that’s not a concern!
HI Mansi,
Main entrance in the east wall is good. But if you go through the net, you will only hear negative comments about a SW kitchen. And this could affect you psychologically. So, to be less fearful, try to keep the cooking stove in the SE corner of the kitchen and cook facing East.
Hi sir
We are planning to buy an east facing flat. But the entrance of the apartment is towards the west. Are we supposed to consider the facing of the main gate apartment or just the direction of main door of the house? Or both ?
Hi Sindhu,
You first consider the door to your apartment and then the main entrance gate to the property. In your case, either way it is fine
Sir l have purchased an apartment with entrance door exactly in south east (cross) direction.on north side is 24 meter road. Please let me know if it is good or bad and also please let me know any remedy from vastu point of view.
Hi Jayendra,
How do you feel in this house -positive or negative? That indicates whether it is good or bad. Please do not worry about the door direction.
I have a company quarter.I live from 03 years . The main door is south faces and open out side. i feel many financial crises from last 03 year .can you suggest any vaastu tips for me.
Hi Satish Kumar
You cannot fiddle with the company quarters even if you wanted to. So convince yourself that the door has nothing to do with your financial problems. If you are not able to convince yourself, then try de-clutteering the house and opening the windows to light and air. If that also does not work, then think of asking for a change of quarters.
Hi ,
We bought a flat facing today west direction , morning sun light is coming in utilities of my kitchen and children bedroom till 11.30am. We have very much cross ventilation in our flat but our main door is placed in west south direction of my house but staircase will come after our main door ( in the middle of two flat)and than start another flat with the same dimension . I want to know wether it is bed for living .
Hi Sanjana,
After buying a flat with obviously so many plus points, you should be rejoicing instead of doubting. Think positively and you will have a ‘good’ living.
Salutes to your work!!
We have an independent house in India. Our main entrance is west facing. We have our backyard door exactly opposite to it (east facing). We have two kids aging 7 & 1. They are always prone to minor health issue throughout the year. Many say that west facing entrance is not good and is the reason for such illness and money loss. Request your opinion..
Hi Subhashini,
All directions are good, according to me. If West or south directions were bad, then there would never have been sites facing these directions in the towns in olden days. But if you look at old city plans, there are houses in all 4 directions. So rest easy. Kids, till they hit their teens will keep falling sick. Just make sure that your house is well ventilated and well-lit. Keep it clutter free and hygienic. All the minor issues will vanish.
Sir plz can u tell me my question is I wanna to buy 1rk in maharastra that south west or North west are gd for me entry or exit or vaise varsa of this direction for our helth &welth? Plz let me know as soon as possible thnx
Hi Fabiya,
NW entry is preferable to SW.
Dear Sir,
Our house is west facing with Main Door on west wall, and now we are planning to do some alterations to match with the vaastu recommendations. But the Entrance gate of property is located in the south side boundary wall near west corner. There is no chance to shift the location towards east corner or any other locations due to the terrain of plot. Please advice any remedy to overcome the bad effects.
Thanks & Regards,
Hi Anila,
Have you faced any ‘bad effects’? There is no need to waste money and embark on changes because whatever you do, it will be impossible to get a perfectly vastu compatible house. 25% of people in layouts live in south facing properties, another 25% live in west facing sites and so on. Do all these people suffer from the bad effects of not having the main doors in the ideal vastu directions?
Dear Sir… Ty for such an informative article…
We are planning to buy an apartment which is west facing, even the main door of the building is west facing… I found it good when i entered it… Kitchen is such that the cook will be facing west but we can fix that.. But now im reading in various vastu related blog that it is not advisable to buy west facing flats… Now im badly confused and a little sceptical as well… Elevation is equal to the east facing flats of east facing building infront…. What should i do… Pls suggest… Thank you so much.
Hi Nishant,
Go with your gut instinct. There is no such thing as west facing being bad. If you felt good about the flat then it’s for you.
Hi Sir,
One should avoid mirrors on the wall opposite to main door.How about placing the mirror on the left or the right side walls when one enters through main door.
Hi Jerry,
Yeah, it is okay to have mirrrors on the left or right side walls.
We have bought West facing apartment on 3rd floor, which is the last floor of four storey building. The main door is in the corner of the house, but not sure whether it is South West or North West. Please advise on if it South West what remedy can be followed and if it North west what remedy can be done. However house has full natural light coming in through windows.As soon as we enter the house is extended on left side of the main door and its open kitchen, which would be either at SW or NW corner.
Hi Mehendi,
You first need to be clear about the direction of the main door.When you stand inside the apartment facing out, note the direction that the compass points. That is the direction of your main door. This is only for your knowledge. Anyway, it really does not matter which direction the door face because in flats, there is not much choice. The fact that the house is full of natural light is a plus point.
Hello sir,
We bought an almost rectangular flat (diagonal plot as per vastu),corner unit, and it has a small extension on the north east side towards east corner to accommodate a foyer area and main entrance. Hence the original entrance as per plan was at the east corner with door facing southeast side.
We decided to place grills instead at that place and moved the main door on the northeast wall closer to east side( the place where extension starts towards east) for security and better utilization of foyer area. The main ventilation in the living room is on the northwest side.Is this vastu compliant and is there anything we need to take into account. Thanks in advance.
Hi Mini,
You made changes to ensure better utilisation of the foyer space. So there itself, it becomes vastu compliant as an efficient plan is in tune with vastu.
i changed the direction of entrance to my flat from south to north east but now i will have two doors one facing south,and the next facing north east,is it ok
Hi Ganganand,
It’s okay to have two doors to your flat. But use the NE one always for entering the house.
HI, I am planning to take a flat for rent. Its a west facing entrance.
1. The main door is opening towards south west (right corner).
2. The kitchen is in between Hall and child bedroom touching the east wall. The cooking will be facing the north direction.
3. Master bed room is at North west and child bed is at North east.
Kindly suggest whether the above west facing Flat is OK.
Hi Rajesh,
In flats, there are many limitations and you cannot have the ‘ideal” vastu plan. What you have described is acceptable, however, the decision is entirely yours.You should feel the space. If you feel good about this flat then go ahead and buy it.
I buy a flat house facing main door in south. Main door is in East-South corner and staircase in West south side. My kitchen is in west south side facing in south. Pooja room is in east north and bed room is in west north.
Please advice if any wrong as per vastu.
Sudarshan Gupta
sorry, main door is in South east side and not corner.
Hi Sudarshan,
In apartments, you cannot expect everything to be as per vastu. In your case, some of the rooms are in the so-called vastu positions while some are not. But you must accept it as okay because you do not have a choice. And, not having all the rooms in the right position is not wrong as per vastu. It is just that those positions would be ‘ideal’.
Dear Sir,
I purchased a plot facing East, now I started to construct house facing NORTH. Now I want to fix front door. I have doubt in that sir. The door opening should be in the clockwise or it may be in anti clockwise. Pls conform. I am waiting for your valuable reply please…..
Hi Vinayagamurthy,
The main door should open into the house and it should open in a clockwise manner.
Sir we are planning to buy a flat facing west..and while exiting compass shows 289 west. .is it south west or north west facing house. ?as v enter the house rooms extended towards left and the main door is at the corner
Hi Sunitha,
From what you have described, my understanding is that your main door faces WNW direction, that is, it is more west facing than North. It is okay according to vastu.
A office with southeast direction door is auspicious?
Hi Nimesh,
Normally a North or East entry is considered auspicious. But since this is a SE door, according to me it is okay.
Hi sir,
my entrance door is in north direction.Is it good to have north faced homes .my horoscope is friends say that north facing houses wont suit my horoscope is that true sir.?kindly clarify me.
Hi Siva,
As it is, it is quite difficult to adhere to the Vastu principles in every site. On top of that, if you start looking at your horoscope, star, rashi, moon sign etc, it will almost be impossible to meet your wishes. Moreover, I do not know anything about the relationship between the horoscope and the orientation of a house. Mind you, the house will have other members too and you cannot posssibly ensure that everyone’s horoscope suits the house.
Generally, North facing sites are considered good in Vastu, as most of the vastu principles can be applied and this ensures good light and ventilation to the house. So rest easy.
Hi, I am buying a site which has south west facing main entrance gate (Nairuti corner) People are telling we should not keep the main door in that place.There is no other option for change. Pls suggest me sir.
Thank u sir.
Hi Nithyananda,
The best way, is to go by your intuition. Go to the property a number of times and ‘feel’ it. If it feels okay, then it is the place for you. If you feel hesitation, confusion, or stress, forget about it.
Respected Sir,
I am residing in Kumaraswamy Layout, Bangalore South. My site measurement is 16’x 43′ south facing. I have constructed the house and inside the bedroom at North east, I have constructed a sump. Vastu experts say that I have to instal Pyramids in sump to have wealth. Is that statement is right? Please guide me.
Sathish K N
Please can you give a solution for the windows on the South side. Almost all the windows of the 3 rooms open in south direction.
Please can you provide a solution for it. Since there is lot of tension and quarrels in house.
Thanks for your help.
Hi Lalit,
I wouldn’t attribute the quarrels to the south windows. But anyhow, south windows admit very hot sun rays and can increase the temperature internally. So it is advisable to reduce the amount of light entering from the South side. For this make sure there is cross ventilation, by keeping other direction windows, open. Also use thick blinds, curtains during the afternoons. Plant some thick, tall hedges in front of the windows.
Please clarify, if the main entrance door or the balcony determines the facing of a flat in an apartment? I am a bit confused because unlike individual residential houses the main entrance door and the verandah or balcony is not facing the same direction in case of a flat?
I shall be buying a flat in an apartment where the balcony will be facing the south and main road in front. As it is a flat the main entrance door will be somewhere on the opposite of the balcony either on the north (most likely) or north west side i presume? I am not aware of the floor plan right now therefore I cannot give the right picture. The flat will be either on the third or fourth floor, one floor below the top floor.
Presently I stay in a flat where the balcony faces the East with main road in front and main entrance door faces the west, I have bedrooms in north east, south east and south west, kitchen & Puja room in the north, living-dining room in the south, is it ok? It is on the 4th floor, the top floor.
Kindly advice me on my above queries.
Hi Monoj,
I cannot comment when you are not sure of the orientation. But one thing I can clarify is that, whether it is an individual house or an apartment, the main door direction is taken as the orientation of the flat in Vastu shastra.
Dear Sir,
I love the way you handle the whole concept of Vastu. I do have a couple of questions-
1) I am planning to buy a 3 BHK flat which has a South West entry. I.e. When i enter the flat I am facing the South West direction. Is this good? This door is to the extreme right of the building facade.
2) I have another option of a South facing entry i.e. when I enter I am facing the South side. This door is to the extreme left of the facade.
Best Regards,
Hi Amit,
Please go through my post. The orientation of a house is read like this. Enter the house with a compass. Then turn and face outside. Note the direction that the compass points to. That is the direction of your house. So from your description I am assuming that the first option is a NE facing one and the second one is North facing. So both or good.
Hi Sir,
I have purchased a flat in the 1st floor of an apartment. The Main Door is West facing. Balcony and Master Bedroom are towards proper east with proper sunlight to the Hall and Kitchen. Kitchen is towards the North West.Is this vaastu compliant? Am I good to go with this choice.
Hi Anu,
Vastu wise it seems fine. But whether it is suitable for you, that decision lies entirely on you. You have to go by your gut instinct. If you feel good about this space, then go ahead.
the main door is in east side when i exit.and directly opposite to that is a lift. Is it good r bad
Hi Reddy,
It is good to have an East facing door in Vastu. You need not bother about the lift which is outside of your flat.
Hi Sir,
Planning to buy a west facing plot and construct house in 1st & 2n floor. GF to be lest as stilt. How to have the staircase and entrance door placed to be vaastu compliant.
Hi Prabhu,
More than being vastu compliant, you need to make sure that the staircase is central so that the plan is efficient.
I am buying North est corner plot Villa built by builder. Can I have two entrances, one east facing and other north facing. Plan is to have bigger door for north facing entrance. First comes north facing door and another 2 steps east facing door. Plan is to use north facing door, puja room will be located in the lobby area of east facing door, so it will be rarely used but would like to have door at east facing as well. Please provide your views on this.
HI Sree,
Why would yopu want to have two entrances, if you do not plan to use one? Just stick with one.You can have the pooja room in the East as you have proposed.
I live in Muscat & in a house where the door faces south and is opposite the door of another flat. Is that alright?
Hi Shalini,
Please do not bother with vastu in Muscat. The latitudinal and longitudinal differences between India and Muscat nullifies the vastu principles (which are based on direction and position of the Sun in India)
I have a bathroom in the south West direction…How can I rectify it according to vaastu
Hi Vijay Kumar,
This is a common query that I get from my readers. The SW corner is the Kubera moola, the place for the treasury, according to Vastu. It had relevance in the earlier days when food grains (wealth of most Indian agriculturists of that time) were stored, as the SW constant heat would prevent them from getting spoiled. Today it does not matter.
Yet people are scared to put a toilet in this corner as they erroneously believe that the wealth will be ‘flushed out’. But I can understand the mindset and I know that it can affect your psychology. So the best solution is to make sure that the toilet door is always kept closed. Not only for the toilet in the SW, but follow this rule always for all toilets.
Hi sir,
I went through your website and find its more informative and useful.
please advise on our qyery .we have bought a house with main door facing South East direction i.e I will be entering house from South East direction. Please guide us if there is anything I have to take care . Got to know that the buyer what we got this house went through divorce recently after their stay in this house for more than 15 years .I am little concerned. Please advise any remedies.
Hi GG,
Your house is a SE facing one. It is not ideal in Vastu but it cannot be rejected just because of that. Now that you have heard some negative comments about this house, it will affect you at a sub-conscious level. So you need to address it. You could start by making sure that there is ample light and ventilation, cross-ventilation in this house. If need be, make some modifications accordingly. If it makes you feel better, then have a prayer/pooja/homa done in the house to remove all negativity.
Hello sir,
I live in Bahrain n we are planning to buy a rented flat which is west facing i.e when we enter the house the direction is West. I just want to know is it ok because here it is very hard to find flats with perfect vastu but at the same time i dont want to compromise with my family’s health n happiness.Thanking you
Hi Komal,
Vastu Shastra pricnciples are based on cardinal directions and are relevant only in India. So you are wasting time trying to find a vastu house in baharain which lies on a different latitude and longitude. Just make sure you feel good when you visit the flat and go by your gut feeling.
Hi I bought a flat its main door opens towards west but North side so it is North west door,and kitchen in North west corner is it good for my family.
Hi Geeta,
Do not worry about the door so much. It is okay.Most important aspect is ample light and ventilation to the flat.
Dear sir… We r planning to buy an apartment at the fourt floor of a four storey building… The main entrance of the building faces south in 5-9 pags that is more on yhe left side… & the main door of the apratment faces west. Is it okay to buy the apartment. I also have options to buy other apartments so this is not the only choice… Pls advice..
Hi Nishany,
It seems to be okay. But since you have other options, it is better that you ‘feel’ each apartment. Stand inside each of the options and concenterate on how you feel. If you feel good and positive, then go ahead and buy it. On the other hand if you feel unsure avoid it.
I have build a house whose Verandah door is just in front of the main door facing towards East direction. I am confused to make the entrance verandah door more bigger than the main door or Vice versa.
The main door is made of teak wood but the verandah door is grilled with heavy metal and abit bigger than the main door. So is it good according to Home vastu? Or suggests some good advice regarding these.
With regards,
Hi Premjeet Singha,
Leave everything as it is. The main door is actually the teak door and the verandah door is the first door that you enter from. So it should be bigger. So your arrangement is fine.
dear sir our main door in north and toilet in north east what should we do?
Hi Anil,
Nothing is to be done. Just make sure there is ample light and ventilation in your house. Avoid clutter. Get rid of unused and unwanted things.
Hi, first of all thanks for ur logical explanation of vaastu directions..when I stand inside the house n facing the main door the compass shows it as south east.. So is that a south east entrance house?
Hi Nandini,
Yes your entrance is SE.
I am taking a house on rent which has exactly in south facing north and the kitchen and is facing south west and bathroom is in also at the same place..i went through net i see that its not a good thing…i am very worried..please guide me….
Hi Sapna,
When you stand in the house, what feeling do you get? Is it a happy, positive feeling or are there doubts in your mind. If you feel good, then go ahead and take the house. Otherwise avoid it. This is the best test.
Hi, I am staying on the second floor of an independent house with my husband. The stairs are from inside the house. I had a single bedroom with attached bathroom and a store. I have recently got a kitchen constructed which is in the east corner and the main entrance opens in the kitchen. I had limited options and hence could not follow Vastu before getting the kitchen constructed. My bedroom is in the southeast corner of the plot, bathroom is also in southeast and the store is in the north corner. I am trying to conceive for past 7 years and have had two miscarriages. Please help me with Vastu tips to help in having a healthy and successful pregnancy. Thanks
Hi Monika,
I cannot help you with your personal problems. Linking the vastu of the house to your problems is not right. Instead make some changes in the way you arrange the furniture and de-clutter as much as is possible. Having the entrance to the house through the kitchen is not okay. Try to make a separate passage to the rest of the house.
Sir, we are moving new appartment When We Enter in the house it face South direction is that called South Facing house and when we exit from the house it face North Direction..while entering in the house in compass is showing 160/170 degree.Is that me and my husband having so much problem of understanding i dont want to have any more porblems as we are moving in new i can send you the floor plan please advise.
Hi N Desai,
If, as you exit the house, you are facing North, then it is a North facing house, which is good according to Vastu Shastra.
My house main entrance is at south east direction , as door situated on east wall. what will be the result for health wealth and prosperity for me and my family members
Hi Vishal,
Since the door is in the East wall, it is good as per Vastu.
I have a house with a door in South-East(When exiting the house) and North East when entering the house ?
Should there be any Vaastu defect due to to this ?
If yes , what would be the remedy
Hi Manish,
sir good morning my name is Rohith Shetty, i live in bangalore i am planning to buy a residential plot/site in bangalore can u pls suggest me which direction site is over all good to me to purchase my DOB is 16-03-1977
Hi Rohith,
I cannot recommend a direction based on your date of birth and that is not the scientific way. But in general as an architect, I have found that North facing plots are the best followed by East facing ones, as it becomes easier to design a house along Vastu principles in such plots. The West facing and South facing plots are also okay but a little more challenging for the architect, especially if the client wants to adhere to vastu principles.
Hi Sir,
Shall we put Lord vinayagar symbol in main door?
Hi Vanetha,
It is a matter of personal opinion.
We are buying a west faced flat. The main entrance is in north west side of the flat. But there is a wall directly infront of the main door. We have to enter house and turn right side to go to living room. Is it ok.
Pl re ply
Hi Paul,
It is okay to face a blank wall as you enter. But make sure that there is a lot of cross ventilation through the house.
sir, My house main entrance door is facing EAST. There is underground water tank I We have to walk over the under ground water tank which is between main gate and main entrance. Is it o.k.? We are just now building this new house.
Hi S K Samy,
It is okay as long as it is not within the house. But if you can avoid it and keep it under the car porch, then go for that option.
Hello sir,
I bought a flat of west side facing main enterence. Some people told me its not good. So request you to guide me.if its some problem in west side so give me solution pls.
Hi Hardik,
A west facing entrance is not a problem.
we are planning to buy a flat of west facing. what all we need to check before we buy?
i really appreciate your reply
hi Deepa,
Just make sure that there is ample cross ventilation and light in the flat.
Can we have a door near a main door for a separate room? Please advice me… Thanks in advance
Hi Ganesh,
You can have but there will always be a confusion for guests as to which is the main door. So make the main door entrance conspicuous by having some framing, designs and the entrance way should lead to the main door.
I found tour article to be very informative.. Great work!
I have a question..the entrance door of my flat is south-west facing and we have a wall just opposite to the entrance door as we enter inside..its a rented flat hence we cannot do any there any remedy to minimise the dosh?
Looking forward to your valueable suggestion.
Thank you.
Hi Shivi,
First of all thank you for the appreciation. A wall in front of the main door is fairly common in apartments. But do not think of it as a ‘dosh’. It serves to protect your privacy as one cannot see into the house from the lobby. The only disadvantage would be that the positive energy entering through the main door will have to be redirected. But energy can also enter through windows in the rest of the house. The only thing you probably should do is avoid having a mirror on the wall opposite the main door as it ‘reflects’ the positive energy.
Hello sir…we have finalised one property,am bit confused with directions. When we enter in our flat we face north direction… So is it like our flat is north facing?
Hi Deepti,
The way to check the direction is to stand inside your flat at the main door and look outside. The direction You are facing is the direction of your flat. In your case, as you enter the flat you are facing North so then your flat is south-facing.
Hi sir.. V r constructing duplex house now. V have kept main entrance in North west side( not in the corner) . People r telling v should not keep the main door in that place. Pls suggest me sir. V have option to move it on west face on North corner. Pls guide us to take proper decision . Thank u sir.
Hi Madhu,
A NW entrance is okay according to me. I do not understand why people are saying it is not good. But if you have the option to shift it to the nOrth corner, then go ahead and do that.
Dear Sir,
I’m living in a rented flat . my main entrance door is facing the balcony . is it okay ?
Hi Nitin,
It is okay.
Hi, I am buying a flat which has west facing, east is open with balcony, and windows and room extend towards north direction, so the entrance is south west when we go out of the flat, will it be good to my wife and child? But we feel positive inside the house. Pls guide me. Thank you with regards.
Hi Sunil Shastri,
If you feel happy and positive inside your house, then there is no need for further discussion. Even otherwise, the description of your house seems to be fine.
we are taking two flats joined together. the entrance faces the staircase, staircase in south so entrance of home is in centre facing towards south.
is it okay.
Hi Pami,
It has to be okay because you have no other choice. And anyway I do not believe that there is anything negative with south-facing houses.
What a Great way to Explain everything So Positively.
I always wanted to see people follow the right person.
You are positive with all the educated and scientific knowledge of How to live Positively.
Everything Can Never be Negative as Positivity makes its way out of anything.
thanks for doing a Great job for the World.
Hi Nilesh,
Thank you for the appreciation.
Hi ,
I am looking to rent an apartment in Dubai. I have seen a few apartments with North East main entrance door when standing outside the apartment. I would like to know whether it is auspicious or not?
Thanks Pooja
Hi Pooja,
Vastu principles are based on direction and are specific to India. I do not think you should apply the same principles in Dubai – unless you want to psychologically feel comfortable.
Dear Sir,
My entrance is exactly as what you mentioned in the East facing. Its east facing with private lift entrance but in the south east part of the house. We have one more door again in the south east part of the house. Since its a rental property and we have signed the lease for 2 years, is there any remedy to this? I feel that the happiness of the house is gone..
Your help and advice is greatly appreciated.
Hi Manchurian,
I don’t understand your query. Have you leased out the property to smeone or have you taken it on lease? What do you mean by the happiness is gone? The door in the SE was always there. So why should there be a change suddenly? I think it is all in your mind.
I plan to buy a flat in India. The main entrance of the individual flat is facing in between South West and West. The whole building entrance is north west facing. Kindly suggest if this is OK according to Vastu. For flats is it the entrance of individual flat OR the entrance of whole building that matters? Kindly advise, Thanks
Hi Ankit,
It makes more sense to look at the entrance of the whole building rather than the individual flat because the door of the flat usually opens into a lift/staircase lobby rather than to the outdoors from where light and air enters.
we are shifting to a NORTH EAST facing house and as soon as we open main door the kitchen is right in front ,its a open kitchen in SE corner ,is that not correct according to vastu,pls advice.
Hi Seema,
It is a question of personal feeling. If you are in the kitchen and do not like being seen by a guest entering the house, you can think of making the kitchen closed.
Please suggest me if my house main door in north-east corner facing balcony of North-West Corner. Is it preferable or not? and also balcony open space is more than the main door area.
Hi Pallav,
I did not understand your query. A main door in NE is good and having a big balcony space is also okay.
I have purchase unit 7 of area 2780 SQFT. The entrance is South west facing but building entrance is east facing. Please suggest if this is ok . Will i have any problems in future if we buy this apartment
Hi Kafia,
You have to trust your instinct in this matter. When you stand in the space, do you feel happy about buying it. If so, go ahead.
Dear Sir:
We are buying our first property in France. With regards to the same I have several questions, I am unable to determine the center of the apartment which we are interested in buying so as to draw the vaastu directions. The layout is not a square or a rectangle and is unevenly shaped. South portion is extended from east to west direction as compared to north portion. Moreover according to my calculation the master bedroom is both in the south east and in the eastern quandrants. So direction should I attribute it to? Similarly the entrance appears to be south west directions. However there is another apartment opposite to this one so would that logically mean that infra-red rays anyways cannot pass and therefore it is will not have the ill effects as stated by vaastu shastra? Kindly share with us your ideas. It can help us make a decision weather to proceed with the purchase or look for a better prospect.
Hi Anu,
Generally a SW entrance is not preferred in India. Why do you want to follow the vastu shastra guidelines in France. According to me it is not necessary because the apparent sun movement, wind directions are different from that in India. But if you are affected by the negative comments on the net about a SW entrance, You can check some of the remedies such as fixing Hanumanji’s tiles on either side of the door etc.
Hello Sir,
We havean apartment with West facing enterace. The builder says it’s Vastu complaint. Kitchen is in the south east and a wide balcony in the north east with room. Apartment on 4th floor, and just below the apartment, we have the main enterance of the house east facing. It’s a corner flat with most windows facing east and north. I am unsure if I should go with a west facing apartment. Your suggestions are welcome.
Hi Santosh,
West facing apartment is okay and everything seems to be according to vastu. Moreover, it is a corner flat. Bur before finalising, go with your family and feel the space. If you all like it instinctively, then it is the right one for you.
I have bought a flat where the main door is facing South east when i am holding the compass in my hand. I understand this is not the right direction but when i keep the compass on the entrance of door it points south direction. Sir pls suggest some advice and remedy to follow and solve my problem.
Hi Venkatesh,
Place the compass on the floor at the entrance door threshold. You stand inside the house and look at the direction, the compass is pointing. It may be South or SE or in between (S-SE). It does not matter. Please do not be affected by the general vastu advice that South is bad. South is one of the cardinal directions and some plots face that side.