The Puja Room is the room where the family’s deities, idols, religious texts are kept and used exclusively for prayer, worship and meditation. It is a sacred room and the space from which all positive energy radiates to other rooms. That is the reason why, according to Vastu Shastra, it is preferable to have it in the centre of the house. However this is not always possible and so it can be located in certain auspicious directions as explained in this post.

The important thing to consider regarding a Pooja/prayer room, is that it must be protected from “negative energy”. Once you have made a pooja or prayer room in your home, the room automatically starts to radiate positive energy. However, if the pooja room is left unprotected, the positive energy starts to weaken due to influence of negative energies that may be present in your home. Hence, you must make some tweaks so that it emanates positive energy in and around your home.
So, what can be done to make this possible? According to Vastu Shastra, the right placement of the pooja room, the arrangement in the room, lighting and the colours, can ensure that this room is protected from negative energy and radiates positive energy. So to know more about making your Pooja room a vastu compliant space, read on…..
Listed here, are some of the Vastu Guidelines for a Pooja room. Since Vastu is a science, every guideline is based on logic and reasoning. As an Architect, I have attempted to explain each of these guidelines rationally and scientifically under the following headings, so that you have a choice and can decide what you want to follow or don’t instead of looking at Vastu as a superstition:
What Is The Best Location For A Pooja Room?
What Are The Vastu Guidelines For The Interiors of A Pooja Room?
Where Should The Idols Be Placed In A Pooja Room?
What are the Vastu guidelines for the pooja things in the Pooja Room?
What Are The Ideal Colours For A Pooja Room?
What Should Be Avoided In A pooja Room?
- First choice for Pooja Room loaction: North-East Direction or the Centre of the house.
- Second choice for Pooja Room location: East or West Directions of the house.
- If none of these corners are available, the pooja mandir can be located in the NE corner of any room except bedrooms, toilets and store rooms.
In earlier times, a well designed, large space was exclusively reserved for prayer but today with reduced space availability, the Puja Room has become a tiny space, sometimes just a small mandir placed in the Kitchen. Whatever the size, the location of the Pooja room is the most important consideration.

If there is no space for a Puja room, the Mandir can be placed in the North-East corner of the Kitchen or any room except bedroom, store room and toilets: The Scientific Reason – In apartments it may not be possible to have a separate Puja room, but since one starts the day by entering the Kitchen, having a Puja here helps one to spend a few quiet moments in meditation.
In a big site, the Puja room can be in the Centre of the House: The Scientific Reason- The central part of a large house should be kept open to allow proper flow of air and cross ventilation. It makes sense to have a Puja room right in the middle of this court as it can be seen from all rooms and the space is utilized.
In normal sized homes, the Puja room should be in the North-East. East or West are the second best locations: The Scientific Reason– Early at dawn, the Sun is in the North-Eastern part of the house. These hours are ideal for Yoga, meditation, prayer or study as it is very quiet and peaceful. Also, the early morning Sun’s rays have a very beneficial effect on our health. Therefore, the North-East corner is the best position for the Puja Room/prayer room or meditation room.
The Puja Room should be in the Ground Floor and not in the Basement: The Scientific Reason – A basement is a dark and dingy place and one cannot benefit from the morning sunlight here.
The Puja Room should not be on the upper floors: The Scientific Reason – The Puja room is meant for worship or meditation and this activity is recommended for everyone, everyday, especially in the mornings when our minds are fresh and not yet corrupted by many thoughts. If the Puja room is located on an upper floor, then it can put off physically inactive people like the obese, or the elderly or the ailing, from making the trip to the Puja everyday. The climb up the steps can put them off and since it is out of sight from the commonly used rooms on the ground, one may even forget to spend a few minutes everyday, in thought about God or life!
The Puja room should have a lower ceiling: One can use false ceiling for the same. The Scientific Reason – A Puja room is generally a small room and so having a low ceiling will make it appear more proportional.

Door to the Puja room should have two shutters: The Logic – When doing puja or meditating, the door is kept open outwards and can come in the way if it is one shutter.
The Puja room can have a pyramid shaped ceiling: The Scientific Reason – It is known scientifically that the energy under a pyramid is extremely positive and can help in meditation.
Keep the Puja room clean always: The Logic – By cleaning the Puja room everyday, it ensures that one spends a few moments in prayer. Also it is a way of showing respect to God.
There should be a threshold at the entrance to the Puja room. The Scientific Reason – A threshold prevents ants and insects from entering and this is useful in a Puja room, as foodstuff may be offered in prayer.
For lengthy meditation, sit facing East and avoid facing the idols: If meditation is going to last for more than 15 minutes one should not sit exactly facing the idols. The Logic – When meditating it is best to face East as the morning sun rays are beneficial to one’s health. If one keeps looking at the idols, it can be distracting. Moreover the energy that radiates from them can be very strong.
Idols can be in the North-East, East or West walls of the Puja room. Avoid placing them on the South wall: The Scientific Reason – The morning sunlight streaming in from the North-East, East and the evening light from the West will light up the idols enabling you to see them better.
Idols should be kept at least an inch away from the wall and make sure they are not broken, cracked or disfigured: The Scientific Reason – Keeping the idols away from the walls, ensures that there is proper movement of air and incense smoke through the room.
The idols should be placed at a height, such that they are above your navel when you are praying depending on whether you prefer to stand or sit while praying. The Scientific Reason -You will be able to concentrate on the idols best, when they are at this height (neither too low down nor too high up).
The idols must be in perfect condition. They should not be broken, cracked or disfigured: The Scientific Reason – While praying to a disfigured idol, you may feel that there is no well-being because you are not able to replace it with a perfect one. It affects your mind.
The idols must not be too big in size- they should not be more than the span of your hand from tip of your thumb to the tip of your little finger: The Scientific Reason – It is difficult to concentrate on a big idol as as you get distracted by the different parts. In case of a small idol, you can take it in wholly.
There should not be too many idols. Give away duplicates of deities and keep the Puja room uncluttered: The Logic – An uncluttered space does not harbour positive energy. Also, when there are too many idols, you can get distracted while praying.
The idols can be made of stone, wood, silver, gold. Alternatively they can also be of brass, bronze or clay depending on your preference.
The puja things should be stored in the South-East of the Puja room: The Scientific Reason – All the puja stuff should be kept away from the North-East and East, so that there is no obstruction to the morning sunlight.
A cupboard lower than the idols can be placed against the South or West wall: The Scientific Reason – This way, it will not be an obstruction to the useful morning sunlight.
Incense sticks, oil for lamp, kumkum can be stored below the pooja ghar: The Scientific Reason – It is practical to keep the regularly used items just below the pooja ghar.
Food offerings should be placed in front of the idols: The Logic – Whatever is offered to god should be always placed in front of the idol as a mark of respect. Moreover, it is less cumbersome to remove and replace if it is right in front.
Colours in the Puja room: Can be white, light yellow or light blue. The Scientific Reason – Light colours reflect light thus enhancing the bright and well-lit look of a space.

Similarly, if you are using marble or granite for the flooring or counter or shelves, make sure you use only white colour. The Scientific Reason – White marble/granite reflect and shine more than other colours.
Avoid having a pooja room under a staircase or in a store room: The Scientific Reason: As one climbs up or down the stairs you may feel you are trampling on the gods.
Avoid Puja mandirs in the Bedrooms. And avoid sleeping in a pooja room: The Scientific Reason – Many people may feel uncomfortable to lie around with their feet pointing towards the religious idols, as they believe it is disrespectful to god. But if there is no other choice, you could consider having a pooja mandir in the NE corner of the bedroom.
Avoid keeping broken idols or torn pictures or old idols brought from temples: The Scientific Reason – Praying to a broken idol or torn image of a deity can be distracting.
Avoid a Toilet near or above the Puja Room: The Scientific Reason – A Toilet causes disturbance when people use it and also the smell can distract while one is meditating.
Avoid placing idols on the South wall of the pooja room: Because then the worshiper has to face South which is not advisable. The Scientific Reason – When a worshiper sits facing South, his feet are towards the south and his head is in the North. This causes the magnetic North of the body, namely the Head to repel the Earth’s magnetic North Pole.
Avoid idols facing each other: The Logic – The purpose of having idols in a Puja room is for one to be able to see them and meditate on them.
Avoid a bell in the Puja room: The Logic – A Puja room at home is not made to replicate a temple. It is more of a meditation room and loud sounds should be avoided.
Avoid pictures of animals or photographs of dead people in the Puja room: The Logic – While many people believe in showing respect to the dead, it is better not to have their photos in the Puja room as they may be distracting or bring back painful memories.
Avoid pictures of wars, crimes, turbulence or any negative emotion in the Pooja room: The Reason – It is believed that these pictures unconsciously disturb are minds in a negative way.
Avoid storing or hiding money or valuables in the Puja room: The Scientific Reason – Many people may feel they are being disrespectful to God by hiding things and hiding stuff here.
Do not keep a dustbin in a pooja room: The Scientific Reason: It brings in negative energy.
This post was about the Vastu guidelines for the design of a Puja Room. The Puja room is usually adjacent to a Living Room or a pooja mandir is placed in a Kitchen.
If you want to make the rest of the rooms of your house/apartment also Vastu compliant, then go to:
To know how suitable a house is, according to Vastu Shastra, you can cross check it’s Vastu compliance with a score sheet which works as a guideline. The score obtained will help you make a fruitful decision whether to take up or reject the house. Check it here in my other blog: House Construction In India:
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Related Topics:
- Vastu Shastra | Explained By An Architect
- Vastu Shastra | Principles For A House
- Vastu Shastra | Factors That Impact A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Designing A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Interiors Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Exteriors Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Selecting The Right Site
- Vastu Guidelines | Construction Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Rituals For A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Non-Residential Buildings
- Remedies For Vastu Defects
hello Sir, we r renovating our 3Bhk aptt. earlier I dont have Puja room. Now, I want to make but the space is coming in a shaft which i can convert into mandir. this shaft is between two bathrooms. but centre of house. and the door of mandir will open in lobby which is accessible to every room. can I make the puja room there as some body is telling me that if i make mandir there, I will start getting monetary losses. is it true?
Hi Ravi,
I like the fact that the space proposed for the mandir opens out into a lobby which is accessible to everyone in the house. But it is between 2 bathrooms which is not recommended in Vastu. The scientific reasons are the smell, the people going in and out of the bathrooms can be a distraction for the people praying in the pooja room. But if your bathrooms are attached to the bedrooms and do not open to this lobby space then I would suggest you go ahead with your proposal.
u explain every thing beautifully. Very recently we shifted to seattle, usa. It is a rented apartment. Every thing is topsy turvy.
bedroom in south east,kitchen in northwest etc…
Some people say wrong placement causes even cancer or other life threatening diseases. Does vastu Defects really cause this? I cannot change anything here. What to do? Iam rwally worried. Thank you.
Hi Thenmozhi,
I have no idea how you got all these negative ideas about Vastu Shastra. Vastu is a science that was used in ancient times as a guide/template to help people plan their homes, so that they could benefit from the sunlight and ventilation. Sunlight as you know, is essential for the health of humans. A lack of it over extended periods of time can cause diseases like rickets, depression and maybe even cancer.
But coming to your plan, I cannot see any defects. In fact, the SW and SE are the preferred positions for bedrooms. Similarly, the NW is the second best position for a Kitchen. In fact as architects, we are required by builders to place the kitchen in the SE or as a second choice, in the NW in their apartment designs. So rest easy. Only make sure, to keep windows open to allow as much light as possible. Do not clutter rooms and block the windows with furniture.
My apartment is 3BHK 12th floor river facing. All rooms face only west. Two rooms are having attached bath. As we are non vegs ,kitchen is ruled out.
Should I keep Puja temple in master bed room away from bath in North i.e deity facing south Or in room with non attached bath Or in dining living room corner close to balcony in west, temple facing north i.e temple located in South. kindly advice.
GK Mohanty
Hi Mohanty,
Among all your choices, I would prefer the dining corner or the other room. How it faces depends on how you are used to praying. If you pray facing East, hen let the mandir be placed such that it faces west, and so on
Hello Sir,Have gone thru ur website for sometime now.Have bought a 3b/r flat.Want to know can a wall mounted mandir(facing West) be placed in guest bedroom(which is located in SE direction,between kitchen and master b/rm).Thanks.
Hi Gajendra Singh,
You have found the right place. Moreover, you can worship facing east. Make sure there is ample light near the mandir.
Sir I have big doubt
As to where should I place photographs of my late father in law
My husband is very particular that they should be placed in the hall
But some people are against it and say it’s against vaastu
Can you please suggest some place
We both do not really believe vaastu
I found ur site really helpful and informative.
Hi Ranjitha,
Hanging photos of the dear departed in the hall was very common in olden days, in Indian homes. It was a way of giving respect to them and a way of remembering them everyday. However, with contemporary interiors, this concept has changed. So most people prefer to keep the photos in personal spaces like bedrooms. I suggest you find a place in a family room or TV room or a corridor for hanging your late FIL’s picture.
Hello sir
My pooja room is in northeast direction but its door faces south any problem or remedy pls suggest
Hi Binu,
YOu cannot look at every aspect of Vastu in a home. As long as the pooja room gets enough light, ventilation and you hang the god’s pictures in the right direction, you need not worry about the door position.
Hello Sir,
Thank you very much for such detailed scientific explanations of Vastu Shastra. I have a question about cuts/extensions in the corners of a house. It is said that any cuts/extensions have bad effects and should be avoided. Could you please give the scientific explanations for this? Thank you!
Hi SB,
Sure i will soon add a post on this topic. Thank you for pointing it out and for the appreciation.
Dear Sir, – Please have a look at the plan in the link and confirm whether the puja room can be at that place or not…
If the link doesn’t work, then let me try to describe in words. Main entrance is east side, after entering on right side(towards north) puja room is placed and next to that bedroom is there. Is it as per vastu ? please confirm…
Also, please let me know about number and position of doors is correct or not…
Thanks and Regards
Hi Kiran,
From your description, it looks like the pooja room is in the NE quadrant of your house. It appears to be in the right position. Just be sure that there is some space around the main door and it does not abut into the pooja space.
I am confused about the pooja room in my apartment. is it okay for you to look at the layout and comment the appropriate space.
Hi Karthikeyan,
I did not get any layout. But don’t bother. Any corner that is well lit and ventilated and that does not come into your regular circulation space is suitable for a pooja room.
Hi sir I am leaving in rented duplex is in north west direction. Above the kitchen they had made puja room in 1st floor open terrace (where we will wash and dry clothes)outside the house in north west direction.we have to come outside the house for terrace and enter into puja question is can I use that puja room or not coz its above the kitchen in north west direction.early tenant people used that room as store room.BT it is the big puja room with nice tiles door and all only thing i can’t open the door and come inside coz it’s a open terrace.can u please suggest can I use that as a puja room.
Hi Nethra,
I think the pooja room is in a nice peaceful location. Put some plants on your terrace and surround yourself with greenery. Do not keep the clothesline in front of the pooja room so that there is an unobstructed view from the pooja room.
I am living on rent in 1BHK flat on 10th floor.So i have placed my Puja Mandir made of wood in approx south-east wall of drawing room. Is it good or not or i need to change.I will tell you the directions:
Entrance of flat is from west corner, and adjoining the drawing room is kitchen in south-east and the door of kitchen is towards east.
Also door towards bedroom is in north-east. Please suggest pooja mandir is at correct place or not..
Hi Nitin,
If the puja room is not obstructing your movement space and gets enough light and ventilation, then it is in the right place.
I appreciate your perspective of vastu with all the scientific reasons. I have 3 options and need help to choose one for my puja place.
We bought a new west facing 3BHK flat with no puja room but two bedrooms are very well ventilated(11th floor, north east corner flat). The guest bed room is in the north east corner and we are planning to use it as a home theatre room. it would be used for sleeping only when there are more guests. It would have been an ideal room for puja since it is very well ventilated and not used much, but it has a huge window on the east wall and another window on the north wall and wall space is very less to plan for a mandir on either sides of the windows. There is good place in the corner, but I am finding hard time to find mandirs suitable for corners. The west wall of that room has full length closed cup boards with builtin attic on top and toilet behind the west wall.
My second option is in living room where there is a separator wall adjoining the vanity sink. If I have to hang pictures on this wall, they would face south with me facing north. This would be the center of the house but very open and well lit. If I set it up here, does it need to be closed or can I have it open? Like a rack perpendicular to the wall and one to three pics/idols on it?
Last option is in my kids bedroom which is in north west. it has closed cupboards on west wall and east wall, with toilet behind east wall.
Which of these would be good place to setup puja shelf? Please advise. Thanks.
Hi Neelima,
Among the 3 options I prefer the living room one, as it is constantly visible to everyone in the house.
Hi Pradipta,
Kitchen in the North-west is a good position. If there is no other position, place the pooja room where you have proposed.
AS per my house plan ( north facing entrance) Bathroom door comes inside the MAster bedroom (not in the living room)
and washbasin or toilet seating outlet doesnt exist on the wall that has the pooja shelf the other side(In the living room).
Only water pipes are present
Can I have pooja shelf sharing one of the bathroom wall that has only water pipes as I have no other area to place the shelf ??
Hi Karthik,
No problem with the present position. Most times we have to look at the practical aspects.
We have taken new flat facing west in fourth floor.On East,north and south we have flat has 5 rooms. In northeast is kids room with balcony ,southeast has kitchen and south west has bedroom. Between kitchen and bedroom we have dinning hall. I’m Left with no option .I m placing god in south east of dinning hall is it OK.In north west we have living room with entrance to our house .kindly reply.Thank you
Hi Bhagya,
From what you have explained, this seems to be the only option you have and hence it is the right choice. Go ahead and put it in the SE corner.
The only option I can think is to place a small cabinet for Mandir on the wall facing south and I will be facing North while standing and praying in the living room. This will be 2-3 feet far from the bathroom wall – not the bathroom wall.
Please let me know if this is fine.
Hi Nishant,
Of course it is fine.
Can I put an elevated puja Mandir of 2 feet in my dining are towards north east corner. Direction Idol facing as South and worshipper facing is North.
Hi Ravi Shankar,
Sure you can.
can you give suggestion? which type of platform ( peeta) is good for pooja room and number of step for the platform (peta)/ base
Hi Nithin,
Go for granite or marble platform. One step is sufficient but if you have many idols keep three steps.
Can i have my pooja room in west side. I stay in a 3 bhk. NE ,sw and sw 3 bed room and kitchen in NW , cooking facing East.
I have space in west side exactlyopposite to main door. Can i have mandir facing east.
Please advise.
Hi Ratheesh,
Sure you can.
What’s more important, having the right corner/direction for the pooja room or having a dedicated space for puja? I just bought a house and until now I though I had the perfect room for puja/mandir which would totally dedicated for that. But then realized it’s in the South-west corner of the house and a lot of the articles say that’s the worst corner of the house to put mandir in.
So now, I either have an option to put the mandir in South-west corner and have a dedicated space for it, OR have it in the right direction (NE) but in the corner of a dining room which would have a lot of traffic with people going around.
If at all I can setup puja room in SW corner, which corner of the room is better to put the moortis – SE or SW?
Pls advise.
Hi mickey,
You have raised a relevant point. In my opinion it is better to have a corner however small, dedicated for the pooja mandir. Because that way, you and your family can pray without being disturbed by movement and traffic. Personally I do not feel any corner or direction is unsuitable for the pooja room.
I have a north facing house, which has bedrooms in north east and south west. Its a 2BHK and I dont have any place for pooja room separately. So we have placed it in South west corner of the living room hall as in idols and lamp facing east. The pooja shelf shares a comman wall of bathroom behind. Idols are kept on the wall in shelf the other side of bathroom. Kindly adivse if its right? If not, what should we do?
Hi Renuka,
Since you are constrained with space, leave the pooja shelf as it is.
I stay in a flat. My main door is towards north west and have balcony towards east in living room. I am interested to keep pooja idols in living room. I have kept beside balcony door. Center of east wall. Idols facing west and I face east.North east corner I have balcony door. so please suggest me is it good where I kept my pooja room space in living room.
Hi Srividya,
The place you have found seems to be the ideal position.
I have one doubt to place pooja room at home. Our house is east facing n in northeast corner they had given door n according to total house there is bed room at northeast. Iam interested to place the pooja room at living room. My home is like this -Northwest corner there is kitchen n southwest corner master bedroom n middle living room n dinning room n north west children bedroom so plz give ur suggestions to place pooja room.
Hi Swathi,
Place the pooja mandir in the living room in a corner which will not affect the furniture arrangement and movement in the room.
hi, your replies are very useful , we have bought a duplex house ground floor and Basement and which is open from two sides North and east . Main entry is from south-West corner. please suggest can i put my Puja room in Basement as it has ample of space. thers is store room which can be divided into two rooms one part will be than Puja Room . this is in north east direction. or should i put in verandah outside my Master Bedroom and Kitchen utility
Hi Mona,
If there is light and ventilation in the North-East corner of your basement, then go ahead and place the puja there. That way, you can have a big space for the pooja and around it for family gatherings.
I am very confused about Entrance gate. Either Gate for entry to boundary of home or gate to enter in house is considered as main gate. Is possible as per Vastu puja room on both ground&first floor.on both floor puja Ghar is at estern corner but on first floor it is more protruded towards NE.
Hi Dr Singh,
The entrance door to the house is considered the main entrance.You can have two pooja rooms according to your convenience.
November 18, 2014 at 10:06 am
hello sir,
As per our Architects design, the pooja room comes in the south -west corner of the house. kindly suggest me whether i can have the pooja room in south-west corner of the house.
Hi Rajkumar,
It should be okay as long as there is ample light and ventilation in that corner.
Hello Sir,
I stay in a duplex rented house and I have pooja room in the 1st floor. It is pretty much in the north east but has a washwoom behind it. The commode does not share the same wall with the pooja room however the pooja room and the washroom have common walls. We don’t use it often. Is there a need to shift it? We thought of shifting it in one of the bedrooms in ground floor which isn’t being used much. But the room comes below the washroom. This room is also in the north east but does not have too much ventilation or light. Which one is the best option? Please advise.
Hi Arathi,
Leave it where it is.
श्रीमान् / महोदया // Dear Sir / Madam,
This has reference to your subject website wherein I got valuable information regarding Vastushastra guidelines for puja room. Most attention seeking is your modesty to reply so many queries. Sir/ Madam, I have a query for which I request you to reply and convey my thanks in advance.
Query: “My in-laws have left idols in my Pooja room which are either bit broken or large in size and they have shifted to other house. Since the existing Pooja room shelf is in store, Can I replace the existing idols as I intend to build new Pooja room or buy small wooden modular Pooja mandir ? Kindly tell me the correct procedure.”
Hi Manisha,
Thank you. I realised that my readers expect personal answers to their queries as they feel reassured when I do that. Also, many of my readers have similar doubts but may not express them. In a way, the comments part is actually an extension of the post.
Now coming to your query – Faith is the most important part of prayer. You need to connect with the idols when you pray. So if you cannot do so with the idols left behind by your in-laws, then replace them with idols that you like. But keep in mind your husband’s sensitivities. He may have grown up praying to some of these idols!
Do we need to constrct a step in Pooja rrom to keep the idols?..If Yes, How many steps can we have.
Hi Babu,
Ideally you can have 1 step, but if you have many idols, go for 3 or 5 steps (odd numbers). Make sure the idols are placed in an aesthetic manner with idols of the same height/ style / together.
We have a north facing house in ground floor and now we r planning to construct on the first floor. The pooja is room in the north east corner of the house. But in the first floor our pooja room is located in the north east corner but the room is protruding in the balcony but the entrance comes from the living room it fine yo do so
Hi Sreelakshmi,
It is fine as per me.
I had a query regarding pooja room.Is ventilation must for a pooja room? We have a utility room just behind the pooja room.can we make a ventilation between utility room and pooja room wall?pooja room is in the east and pooja room door is in west.which direction should the vetilation be?
pls advice..
Hi Nans,
It is better to have ventilation and natural light in the pooja room since there will be burning camphor, oil etc. You can introduce a ventilator between the pooja room and utility room if there is no possibility for direct ventilation from outside.
I have a doubt. My pooja room is facing west. It is more of a mandap than a pooja room. We face only east while doing pooja or namaskar or lighting lamp or anything. I want to know if I can hang photos in all directions inside the mandap (This is due to lack of space in only one direction).
Hi Geetha,
yes you can.
We do not have a prayer room in our apartment and we would like to use the kitchen or the master bedroom to place our mandir in. Our kitchen is placed in southeast corner of the house with the stove in southeast and sink in northeast. How could we place a mandir in the kitchen considering the northeast part of the kitchen has the sink? The distance between the sink and stove is about 3 arm lengths.
Our master bedroom is in the northeast sector of the house. Is it safe to place the mandir on a table there in the north east corner of the room considering we also sleep in the room?
Kindly advise.
Hi Divi,
Instead of being stuck up on the north-east corner, look for a common and easily accessible area for the pooja mandir, where all inmates can pray. If there is no such place available, then you can keep it in the master bedroom.
Hello Sir,
This is Praveen, i have question regarding puja room. my property is under construction and kitchen wall is towards to east. so I can place my stove in south east corner. At other end that is north eastern corner have water sink . pleas suggest where can I place puja room.? Al so suggest can I remov sink and Place the god? ?
Hi Praveen,
You must make the choice – whether the sink or the pooja mandir is best suited in the north-east corner. If the sink can be kept in any other place without affecting the flow in the kitchen and the pooja mandir is easily accessible if it is placed in the north-east, then by all means go ahead.
I have bathroom in north east(corner) direction of my bedroom.
1. what are the remedies of that?
2. Can I change my bathroom into Puja room after renovation?
3. As the entry of bathroom is from my bedroom or is there any alternate if I cann’t change it into Puja room?
Pls. Suggest.
Naveen Ahuja
Hi Naveen Ahuja,
You can change the existing bathroom into a puja room provided you have easy access to another bathroom. But why go through all this hassle just because the bathroom happens to be in the North-east corner? Instead look for some other easily accessible, well-ventilated corner for the pooja mandir.
Dear sir,
I would like a small doubt , about puja mandir in my house. In my house we don’t have space for puja mandir in north east corner, hence we placed it in south east corner.
Actually we have a flat in an appartment. East facing.
Kindly suggest me about puja mandir .
Hi K Suresh Kumar,
Leave it as it is. Just make sure it is a well-ventilated and lit area.
We have master bedroom in north east corner
The other rooms are falling into south east and south west
Can we place pooja mandir at one of these
Rooms in north east corner.
Hi Prasad,
If you are particular about keeping the pooja mandir in the North-east, then place it in the N-E corner of any of these rooms, which is convenient, well-lit and accessible to all the inmates.
We are planning to make a pooja room just before the entrance/main door of our house. Our main door facing is north east.we will be building a wooden wall separating the main door entrance area from the pooja room.Pls advise if it is fine to hav a pooja room right in front of the main door.
Hi Mohan,
I cannot figure out the plan you have in mind. The main door must be easily accessible and visible as you enter the site. There should not be any obstacles in the way. when you open the main door from inside, it is preferable that you see the outside instead of the pooja room.
Dear Sir,
I am planing to build a home and design has been given to me by the architect. It is observed that the architect has kept the Pooja Room doors facing South in the North East Corner. Is it correct?.Further is it advisable to Keep The God’s facing east or west?. Kindly advise.
Thanking you in anticipation
Rashmi Nagesh Deshpande
Hi Rashmi Deshpande,
According to the architect’s plan, the pooja doors are facing south and so the idols will also be facing South. Ideally, the idols should face west or south, so that the worshipers face EAST or NORTH. This ensures that they get more sunlight (essential for vitamin D synthesis) on their faces while praying in the mornings. But then again, in different parts of the country the opposite is practiced. Some people like the morning rays of the sun to fall on the idols and so they are placed facing east. If in doubt, follow what is traditionally done in your families.
Can puja room be made below the bathroom with some false ceiling…please suggest
HI Monika Purwar,
Generally pooja room below a bathroom is avoided, probably because there is the risk of leakage and the sound of flushing and running water can be distracting when one is meditating in the pooja room. But if you have no other space for the pooja, then I personally feel there is no harm in having it below the bathroom. And a false ceiling can help make the pooja space more cosy and reduce the sounds from upstairs.
I have 2 places to have Pooja Mandir. One at hall where the idols face east and I face west while praying and other is in my children room where the idols could face west and I face east while praying. Let me which place is a good place to have Mandir placed?
Hi Rammurthy,
Ideally, the idols should face west or south, so that the worshipers face EAST or NORTH. This ensures that they get more sunlight (essential for vitamin D synthesis) on their faces while praying in the mornings. But then again, in different parts of the country the opposite is practiced. Some people like the morning rays of the sun to fall on the idols and so they are placed facing east. If in doubt, follow what is traditionally done in your families.
Respected sir,
I recently bought a wooden cupboard for making a mandir.
My question is about the inside wall in the back (we will face it when doing pooja)
It has a mirror on it. Should I remove the mirror, leave it there or cover it?
Please advise,
Thank you, Rachel
Hi Rachel.
Better to remove the mirror or cover it with some kind of paneling; otherwise you will be seeing your own reflection and that can be distracting while praying.
my house is west facing ,I have perfect space for pooja in west-north corner,is it ok if I put in this direction or alternative place can be in kitchen in southeast corner.which is more preferred as per you. kindly revert.
Hi Nidhi,
If there is a perfect space available for the pooja room in the North-West, keep the pooja there. It is better than cramping your kitchen with a pooja mandir.
Sir, my doubt is my pooja room is exactly in north east corner. Is it OK to place the idols/picutres of dieties facing sourth, i.e. can i keep the photos of dieties in the north/north east. I was told if the idols are facing south direction, it will have negative effects in house and peace of mind will not be there. pl advice
Hi P B Lakshmi,
Ideally, the idols should face west or south, so that the worshipers face EAST or NORTH. This ensures that they get more sunlight (essential for vitamin D synthesis) on their faces while praying in the mornings. But then again, in different parts of the country the opposite is practiced. Some people like the morning rays of the sun to fall on the idols and so they are placed facing east. If in doubt, follow what is traditionally done in your families.
Thanks a lot for such prompt and nice reply, I have one more query if you can kindly shed some light on it.
If the sides of the house are not exactly towards the directions north, south etc, then how do we take the directions i.e. i mean to say which wall will be considered to be on which direction.
like in my house the north on the campus points to almost one corner of the house rather than a side.
Hi Vishal,
Draw a perpendicular line from the road into your house/site. Place the compass on this line. Observe the compass point (North, South, East or West) that is closest to this line. This direction is the direction of the house.
I have a query regarding puja room which has not been talked about by anyone, can we make a pooja room in the corner of the plot , what i mean to say is not in the corner of the house but in the corner of the plot i.e. it will be around 5 feet from the main house building but in the plot.
Hi Vishal Bhardwaj,
I am glad you raised this point. If you ask me, I personally prefer a pooja room outside the house in some quiet corner where there is peace and quiet, ideally in the midst of a nice green garden or under a spreading tree. You can meditate there, away from the bustle of the house.
The details on the site are very useful.
Can you suggest a remedy to us, our toilet bathroom is in the east direction. Main door is on the North-East which opens in the passage leading straight to the kitchen, onto the right of the main door passage is the living room door and on the left of the main door passage is the bathroom and toilet.
We have places our mandir in the kitchen on the south-west wall. Going through your site we have noticed that our toilet is in the wrong direction. Please suggest us an alternative to both the toilet and mandir which is not at the right place as of.
Hi Ranjeeta,
Like I always stress in my site, there are no wrong or right positions for rooms. According to Vastu Shastra, there are “IDEAL” positions. But it is not possible for everyone to have all rooms in the ideal positions. So it is necessary for you to accept the alternative positions. But in doing so make sure that there is easy accessibility between rooms.
I’m having one quarry related to Vaastu.
I’m living on rent in one BHK tenement @ First Floor. I’d established my Pooja in South-West corner of the drawing room, as I can’t place it in bed room or in kitchen. So, is it ok?
Drawing room details are as below:
North-East corner is occupied by main door. East is occupied by TV set, as there is no power connection elsewhere, it can’t be moved. North is occupied by sitting arrangement. Door is opening towards north-east corner, so pooja can’t be placed behind it, as per my thinking. In south there is a long wall opposite to sitting arrangement. And in west there is opening passage towards kitchen.
Pls. suggest alternatives, if u find Pooja is not at right place.
Hi Niraj,
You have found the right corner for the pooja mandir because all other corners and walls have been taken up for furniture and gadgets. It is important not to disturb the flow of a room by putting the mandir in an awkward position just because Vastu says so. But in case you are not convinced. I suggest that you place the deities facing the direction that you follow in your custom. Some prefer the idols facing east while others prefer them facing west so that the person praying, faces east.
How many photos should be kept in puja room
Hi Mahesh,
The number of photos, idols etc kept in a pooja room is a matter of personal choice. It does not matter. But I suggest that the pictures be hung aesthetically in a good composition so that they do not look cluttered or distracting to the eye.
Hi pls advise is it fine to build pooja room at southeast corner ?
Hi Jay,
According to me, any convenient corner is okay. But make sure the place has enough light (natural or artificial) and adequate ventilation. Also keep it uncluttered and clean.
Can I place a puja room underneath the staircase at the west of my house
Hi Ram,
It is generally not recommended to have a puja room under a staircase because there is a possibility that while you are praying, someone else may be running up and down the stairs which is distracting. Also, some people may feel it is disrespectful to tread on the gods. Similarly, some people who have mandirs in the kitchen feel it is not right to prepare non-veg food while others do not connect the cooking of non-veg with the presence of the mandir in the kitchen. So it is a matter of personal thinking. Study your psychology, if it makes you uncomfortable, avoid it.
hello sir
can you pls let us know if we could have lift in front after 8sft of the pooja room
Hi Chandrakala,
Why not? As long as there is enough space to access the pooja room.
Shall i plan to place pooja room at south-west corner. Is it advisable. Kindly advice me.
Hi Saravanan,
If the South-west corner is only available for the Pooja room, place it there. The most important tenet that you should follow in the design of a house is that the flow of imaginary energy through the house should not be blocked. For this, the arrangement of rooms should be such that they do not block the flow of air or prana
Very well explained and useful article… Thank u very much.
Hi Noothan S,
Thank you for your appreciation. Encouraging words keep me going
Could you pls let me know if its okay to have the puja room in the south, facing north direction.I also would like to know if it’s okay to have the pooja room facing the main door.
Thank you.
Hi Arthut,
Many people like to see the pooja room as soon as you open the main door. So why not!
Can I please 2 mandirs at home- I.e 1 for god and other for kuldevi
Hi Amit Shah,
You can have any number of mandirs. It should make you feel happy, that’s all.
can we keep the words of bhagavadgita “ethu nadakirathu athu ……..” at pooja room or at home.some of my elders are telling not to keep those words along with Lord krishna and Arjuna at home. Please clarify my doubt sir
Hi Thangappazham,
If you are in doubt avoid it as it will affect you psychologically.
I am facing a problem with my puja room my bathroom located in the north-east portion.please help me what should I do and guide me what is the remedies I will take. ..
Pooja room in my house is located in the north east room, with a granite platform in two layers adjoining the east side wall, so that a person performing pooja is facing East. Is this correct in accordance with vaastu principles.
pl clarify G. Krishna Mohan Rao
Hi Krishna Mohan Rao,
I have come across different types of thinking- some say the idols should face east while others say the worshippers should face east. I guess it is what you are most comfortable with and the tradition followed in your family.
Hello Sir,
I have an question. In pooja room god is placed in east with a wall. The God is facing the wall. The door is towards the side south side of the pooja room.
Is this correct or the door should face the God. Please advise immediately. Please reply to my email i.d.
Thanks Sindhu
Hi Sindhu,
Ideally one should see the idols as soon as one opens the pooja room door. It is definitely not advisable to have idols facing the wall- they should face you, so that worship becomes easy.
There is no optioon for me to setup the pooja room in the North east side of the house isnce there is a main door facing north, and now i have placed the pooja room inside the kitchen north east side below the wash besin is that ok OR do i need to change it.
Hi Lokesha,
This is what i have been talking about all the time on my site – just because Vastu Shastra recommends that the pooja room should “ideally” be in the North-East, it is not a hard and fast rule. By sticking to this, you have placed your puja mandir under the sink which is not at all the right place. That space will always be damp and dingy, hard to access and smelly. Also the two elements water and fire (of the lamps) are in the same place which is unacceptable even in Feng Shui. So keep the mandir on the counter or in a suitable corner, where there is ample light, ventilation and is easily accessible.
We have flat in Mumbai and our house is an East-west facing. We do not have an option of placing pooja room in east-west direction, instead we have only the south, southwest vorner available in the living room
My husband believes hin having a pure heart while praying n yhat vorners have nothing yo do with it.due to which ive no room to give explainations. Please suggest what can b a solution. I cant kerp it the kitchen nor in bedroom.
Eagerly waiting for your reply sir
Thanking you.
Hi Poornima Bhat,
I am inclined to agree with your husband. But then it is important that you should be totally convinced by your husband’s logic. Since you have expressed a query, it shows there is an element of doubt in your mind. So I suggest you place the mandir in the most convenient place in the house (except for bedrooms and bathrooms) – a place which is well lit, ventilated and easily accessible and place the idols, pictures in an aesthetic, pleasing manner so that you feel happy to do your daily puja.
We have booked a 2 BHK appartment facing west. The South west part of the flat is the master bedroom and the north east part of the flat is the other bedroom. Can we place the pooja idols in the north west part of the hall facing idols in east direction ?
Hi Sajeev ,
Sure you can. Logically it seems to be the best position.
can I have puja in the western part of my flat, with idols facing south?
Hi Sankar,
Since most apartments and houses are not designed with a separate pooja room, occupants have to carve out a space for the pooja mandir or a shelf for placing the pictures and idols. The best location is the one which does not affect the rest of the rooms and can be accessible and has ample ventilation to allow all the incense stick and burning oil fumes to escape. As for direction of idols, they should preferably face west or south so that the person praying, faces east or north.
Iam in search of the photos of same Astha lakshmi on glass.. near hyd?
Can any body tell me where it can be available?
Dear Sir,
I am constructing second floor of my house and the space for Pooja room is is in South -East corner. Pl. advise me whether I should proceed for this or amennd the plan since the best place is in North -East corner.
Hi Ashwani Mahajan,
If your plan has been fixed and you like the arrangement of the rest of the rooms, then why disturb it?
Very informative article. Can I have my mandir in N/E corner of livingroom (drawing cum dinnig room)of a mumbai flat.At present it is in Bedroom.
Hi RK Khanna,
Yes, provided the flow of the room and arrangement of the furniture is not disturbed.
Thanks for the very informative article.but i have aspecific question. i am single living witth parents. we have one dedicated pujaroom in NE corner of house. can i install a second mandir in my bedroom wich is on first floor n in SW side. If yes, in wich direction of the room ( my room’s south is attached bathroom, west is balcony, n north and east has a common space and stairs to ground floor).
Hope to get early reply as i wish to install mandir on sharadpurnima.
Hi Sonu,
Place the pooja mandir in such a way that the furniture pieces in the room are not obstructed and the circulation space is not affected. Avoid placing the mandir in the direction of the foot of your bed if you feel uncomfortable about pointing your feet towards the idols.
Very good.
Thank you Mr K.N.V.K Rao.
Can we use shelve above the Pooja mandir for any other storage purpose, pls advice.
Thanks, Susheel
Hi Susheel,
You can, but it is generally not recommended in Vastu Shastra, the reason probably being that when you lean forward to reach for something your clothes could catch fire from the burning lamp.
thanks for post, one query my house is west facing site, hence I have my pooja room inside kicthen, can we have pooja room door facing the gas stove ?
thanks, vinay
Hi Vinay,
The only problem I forsee is that while cooking, your back is to the pooja room. If you do not feel uncomfortable about it, it’s not a problem. Everything is about your level of comfort and the way you have been taught about the respect accorded to the idols.
can we place puja room in south- east direction
Hi Sanjay,
Any convenient direction is fine as long as it is a well-lit and well-ventilated corner.
Thank you very much for an exhaustive elucidation.
Thanks for the appreciation
this is nice and informative article. I have a query. Usually people make steps in the pooja room and arrange the idols/photos of Gods.
1. How many steps should one have (somebody said odd nos 1 or 3).
2. Is there a guideline on how the idols or items be positioned.
3. can we have a glass steps to be used as part of the steps – since lights above would pass through the glass materials to fall on subsequent steps?
pls respond.
regards, Sairam
Hi Sairam,
I am not aware of vastu guidelines for the number of steps and number of idols. BUt it is a good idea to have glass shelves/steps to allow the light to permeate through.
very useful & informative site,
i m cleared of all my doubts regarding the pooja room,
Thankyou so much.
Hi Nithya,
Glad your doubts were cleared.
Dear Sir, Amazing facts and thanks for your time. I live in Uk and am buying a House in a gated community on a 5.5 cents land. They have given their plan in which Pooja comes in South. In NE is Bedroom. North is dining. East is utility room then backdoor. Can I leave pooja as it is or replace to Utility ? or have to change the entire plan?
Many thanks
Dr Rajavelu
Hi Dr Rajavelu,
Thanks. You have the option of shifting the pooja to the utility. But why should you. The utility is usually near the kitchen and is quite useful for allied activities of the kitchen. Moreover the backdoor is from here. So it is best suited for a utility. Let the pooja be where it is.
recently i have purchased a flat. i made a provision for pooja room in north-east direction in kitchen. now i am pllaning to furnished my home. my question is can i shelf for storage above the mandir?
Hi Pranjal,
I think you can skip having shelves above the mandir, as there is the likelihood of soot from incense sticks and lamps sticking to the shelves. They will be difficult to clean and also access across the mandir.
if pooja place is placed in the center of room is possible or not.
Hi Priya,
The pooja can be kept in the centre but in doing so, make sure the space all around is accessible and does not disturb the movement to other rooms.
We have a puja room in north east corner of our house , but the idols will be facing towards and we will be facing north while praying.Is this ok? Please guide.Thank s in advance.
Hi Mithi,
Ideally, the idols should face west or south, so that the worshipers face EAST or NORTH. This ensures that they get more sunlight (essential for vitamin D synthesis) on their faces while praying in the mornings. But then again, in different parts of the country the opposite is practiced. Some people like the morning rays of the sun to fall on the idols and so they are placed facing east. If in doubt, follow what is traditionally done in your families.
Thank you for such nice suggestions.
my house does not have a place for separate pooja room. i have 2 options.
1. make small place in my living room, adjucent to staircase. idols facing west, puja facing east. the place will be conjested. without much natural light.
2. staircase landing on 1st floor at the west corner. have enough natural light, idols facing east, puja facing west.
please advice, which option will be better.
with best wishes,
Hi Pranab,
Both positions have advantages and disadvantages. The ground floor option has less light and is congested while the first floor one has ample light and space. So, according to me, the first floor option is definitely preferable. However, be advised that you and elderly people will have to climb up every day for your daily pooja.
The east/west/south/north are exactly on the corners of plot.My pooja room is situated exactly in north east as it is clear in the map. on the two walls of pooja room one facing south east and other facing south west. Which is best positon to place idols of good?.
Hi Anil Walia,
It is better to keep your idols on the north and east walls so that the idols face South or West respectively. This way, you will be facing either North or East while praying/meditating.
Shall we have 2 entrances to Pooja room, one from the inside the house and other entrance from outside i.e., access from Thulasi Madam to Pooja room.
Thanks, Siva
Hi Siva,
You can. In fact you can even keep the door to the outside open while praying so that the outside greenery pervades your senses while meditating.
If i have 2 same kind of idols can i put them in one pujaroom?
If East or North side of my flat is bathroom and kitchen then where to put pujaroom or i should not have pujaroom?
Hi Deepak,
The idols, pictures etc are all a matter of personal choice. There are no restrictions. Like i have said before, North and East are considered “ideal” positions according to Vastu Shastra. But they are not the only positions. You can have a pooja room in any other part of the house except of course, bathrooms. Find a place that is easily accessible and does not affect the movement to other areas. preferably it should be well-ventilated and well-lit.
Can we have a puja room above the under ground water sump in the north-east corner.
Thanks, Shashi
Hi Shashi,
Is the underground sump inside the house? Or is the pooja room proposed outside? It’s not very clear. I suggest you look at some other suitable corner for the pooja room, as North-East is just the ‘ideal’ position and not the ‘only’ position. By putting the pooja room above the underground sump, you will be compromising access to the sump for cleaning and in case it overflows, the whole place will be a mess. So avoid it
Thanks for the informative article. I have a question regarding the pooja room entrace. In my house directly opposite the entrace of the pooja after about 10ft, there is a corner of a wall. This corner wall intersects the pooja room entrace at about hald the width of the pooja room door. I was told that this is not advisable and that one end of the pooja room door should be aligned with the corner of wall. Please advise.
Hi Seema,
From what I can understand, there is a wall pointing towards the pooja door. So when you stand at the pooja entrance and look out, you see this wall obstructing half the entrance. Vastu shastra does not like such unexpected walls as it indicates a plan with no grid. For structural stability, it is always advisable to follow a grid. For a freer, unobstructed entrance you could think of shifting the door.
Hi sir,
Can we place the pooja shelf on the north wall west corner, not totally corner a inch aside. Idols of God would be facing south and we would be facing north. Is this okay. Please suggest.
Thanks, Vimala
Hi Vimala,
To make it easy for us to remember, Vastu Shastra likens the human body to a bar magnet, with the North pole at the head. So we are cautioned to avoid sitting or sleeping with our heads in the North as the 2 North poles will repel. But the scientific reasoning is that the Earth’s magnetic North pole which is actually near the geographic South pole has a positive effect on our brains and so it is advantageous to keep our head in the South whenever we are sitting or sleeping. So we should do most of our sitting activities, facing North. Thus doing your pooja facing North is a good idea. You can read more in this post VASTU | EARTH’S MAGNETIC FIELD
Hi… I have a flat in Pune n wish to have a pooja room There is no place in the kitchen but there is a guest toilet which i can convert to a pooja room
Now u have said not to have toilet up or down… but all other flats in the bldg have their guest toilets up or down in the same position… but the floors are separated by RCC brick work flooring n sand so should i think of converting n making that a pooja room n what other things i can do to balance the vibrations.. thank you
Hi Auras,
I do not see a problem till the toilet above starts leaking which is not unlikely in apartments.
Cheers, I just wanted to say that your blog was useful to me.
Thank you Arvind Adiga for your appreciation.
Thanks for such an informative details made available on site. Very useful.
However, I have a query. I am living in a duplex as tenant. House & main gate is east facing. Two entry doors – one is east and other south facing. South facing door leads to hall having drawing cum dining space. East facing door is small room kept for Puja purpose at groung floor. Another door to this room is west facing. East facing door is placed at north-east of the room. Our question is – Can we place our wooeden temple at the back of closed east facing door. Secondly, can we keep PC (computer) in this room. Would be highly greatful for an early response.
Warm Regards, Pankaj Saxena
Hi Pankaj,
Thank you. If this door in the east is “never” used, you can keep the pooja mandir against the door. But keeping the computer in the pooja room may not be such a good idea if you have elaborate and daily pooja habits, as the person using the PC will have to wait till the pooja is over. However, if you have no other place for a PC and want to use this room, divide the space with the help of a screen/partition so that you can have separate areas for the separate functions.
Dear sir,
your article is very good and informative.
My house is under construction.The pooja room is in North-East corner of the house. But the problem is the door to pooja room is in south wall and no doors in either east or north sidefor the pooja room. will be there any vaasthu – dosh?
Hi Ram Mohan,
The entrance to the pooja should not be of concern. Just make sure that the deities are placed facing South or West and that you sit facing them. Avoid sitting, facing the South.
Very nice article.I am clear about everything concerning puja room now.Thanks
Hi Vasavi Acharya,
Thanks for your appreciation.
Dear Sir,
I have a question.I am constructing the house and planning to have 2 pooja places. One on Ground Floor in my mother’s Bedroom IN NE corner and another is on first floor. The pooja room on first floor is 3 feet away from Brahmasthan and in NE quadrant starting from brahmasthan as a ceter point. The location of pooja is adjacent to Bathroom but with a separate wall and commn wall will have sink and WC will be away from the common wall. Is it right to have this location as physically Toilet and Pooja room dont share the common wall. Moreover, the entry to this pooja room is totally away and independent. Scientifically both the enclosureds have no direct connection and therefore, the smell will never be an issue.
Please guide.
Regards, Anil Jain
Hi Anil Jain,
If the pooja room is unaffected by the toilet, I do not see why you have any doubts. The idea is that, you are not affected by external unpleasant odours or noise, when you are meditating or doing pooja.
Highly Informative site. great to see a resonable logic behind every suggestion been published.
Like you said,due to space constraints, people living in apartments were in a situation to have puja room in a part of the kitchen , would you also explain if puja room can be a part of dining room ?
Thanks in advance ..
Dear Mr Sathish,
I have attempted to explain vastu so that you can apply its principles to your particular situation. There are no hard and fast rules in vastu and as long as rooms get enough light and air, it is fine. So you can have a puja room anywhere except for the toilets and bedrooms. Only make sure that the idols are well lighted in the morning (ideally facing east), when you do your pooja.
Hi, very good article …. We have our pooja shelf in the east with the idols facing west … Is it ok to have pooja room in this direction ??? also which side shld i light the lamp ???? shld i light it facing east or it is ok to light the lamp facing west as we do it now … Kindly explain …
Hi Lakshmi,
I feel the present position is fine. Light the lamp facing the idols, which i presume is facing east.
If the Idols and pictures should face east and we have to face east, so we have to turn our back the the Idols and/or pictures? is that OK?
Thanks for the great guidelines
Hi K,
In India, people follow different customs in different regions. Some like to face east while praying, whereas others prefer the idols facing east so that they are bathed with the morning light. I personally prefer the former as one gets ample morning light while praying. So it is all upto you. What is followed traditionally in your family? what position makes you comfortable and happy? Reflect on all that and make a decision.
Really thank full giving all this information.
still some droughts are pending like should we use wooden mandir or marble ?
Hi Pratibha,
I feel it is a matter of personal choice. Both materials have an inherent natural beauty which suits a pooja room. Both can be cleaned easily and polished. But marble takes oil and haldi stains and wood can catch fire.
On the whole it is very useful. But one has to consider the modern apartment living in as many floors as possible some even without lifts. The most important thing in any prayer has to be devotion (Bhakthi) and all other factors depend upon individual circumstances. We need to try to observe as many as possible in the given circumstances.
I recommend this site to all.
Dr.Kurri Pakirareddy, I concur with you.
Excellent information and logic explained in details.
Would you also explain the logic behind why Pooja Room Cannot be on the upper floor of the house?
Hi Mr Suryaprakash,
Thank you for pointing out that I haven’t explained why the Pooja room cannot be on the upper floors. Here’s my chance to explain it to my readers.
The Pooja room is meant for worship or meditation and this activity is recommended for everyone, everyday, especially in the mornings when our minds are fresh and not yet corrupted by many thoughts. If the pooja room is located on an upper floor, then it can put off physically-inactive people like the obese, or the elderly or the ailing, from making the trip, up the steps, to the pooja everyday. Since it is out of sight from the commonly used rooms on the ground, one may even forget about spending a few minutes everyday in thought about life or God!
Hi Mr Dakshinamurthy,
Thank you for your encouraging words and good wishes.
Very Good for the persons which favors a lot.
Thank you Umesh. Please Share among your friends.