A borewell or tubewell is a vertical drilled well, bored into an underground aquifer in the earth’s surface, to extract water for various purposes. Casing to support the external surfaces of the borehole against collapse is provided at certain depths, and usually is made up of PVC pipes. Electrical pumps are used to pump out the water from the borewells.
In cities, due to the unreliable municipal water supply, most homeowners are looking at alternative sources of water like borewells. The convenience and ease of digging a borewell and the availability of pumps has increased the popularity of borewells. Also during the construction of the house or building, a lot of water is required for the different construction operations like concreting, curing, plastering and for the daily use by the workers who reside at the site. This means a regular supply of water should be provided at site. Since a water connection to a house or building can be taken only after the building is complete, it makes sense to dig a borewell before the start of construction.
Water is one of the five elements (Panchabhutaas) and it acts as a huge energy generator. All living things are composed of water and it is essential for life. Therefore, water has a very powerful influence on Vaastu. Any water feature on a property will bring either strong positive or strong negative results to the inhabitants depending on it’s position. So it is crucial to follow the Vaastu guidelines for water. To know more about these tips, read on…
Listed here, are some of the Vastu Guidelines for the digging of a Borewell. Since Vastu Shastra is a science, every guideline is based on logic and reasoning. As an Architect, I have attempted to explain each of these guidelines rationally and scientifically under the following headings, so that you have a choice and can decide what you want to follow or don’t instead of looking at Vastu as a superstition:
What are the common sources of water in a house?
Why is it necessary to dig a well/borewell before the start of construction?
What is the best Vastu location for a well/borewell?
Which locations should be avoided in digging a well/borewell?
What are the Vastu guidelines for the shape of the well?
What are the other Vastu guidelines regarding wells and borewells?
The most common Water sources in a Site are the Open Well, the Borewell (Drilled Well) and the Municipal Water supply. The well water is drawn by a pump or can be drawn up using containers, such as buckets, that are raised mechanically or by hand.

Open Well: is an excavation in the ground created by digging to access the groundwater which is naturally stored below the ground as a result of the seeping in of rainwater. This water is more likely to be polluted as it is near the Earth’s surface.
Borewell (Drilled Well): is much deeper and water is got by driving, boring or drilling through rock to an aquifer below. This water is most likely to be uncontaminated as it is sandwiched between rocks deep below the Earth.
First step before the start of house construction is to dig a Well so that the water can be used for the Construction. The Reasoning – Even if there is municipal water supply, it is better if the Owner has another source of water as a backup, because nowadays there is acute shortage of water. Moreover, since municipal water supply connection is given only after the completion of the building, it makes sense to have a constant source of water for the construction from your own Well or Borewell instead of buying water for the Construction. So this should be the first priority.

If it is not possible to get water by digging a Well, or if there is the likelihood that an open Well will get polluted, then a Borewell can be drilled after consulting an expert and a water diviner, and only if there is good yield of water. The Logic – Since there is water under rocks which has accumulated by percolation of rain water, it can be tapped into by digging a borewell. Digging a Borewell is an expensive affair and if a person can afford it, I as an Architect, would definitely recommend it since he will use that much less of the Municipal water, which can in turn be useful for another person who may not be able to afford digging a Borewell.
The well should be dug after the bhoomi pooja has been performed on the site, at an astrologically auspicious time. The digging should start within three hours of the sunrise. The well shouldn’t be dug during dusk. The Reasoning – Psychologically the Owner will feel the Well/Borewell will yield good amount of water if the digging is done at an auspicious time and day. It is ideal that the digging of a Well/Borewell be completed within a day as it can be fenced off or in case of a Borewell, covered with a stump to prevent anyone from falling in. For this it is better to start the digging early and it is better to avoid digging at night as one cannot see clearly.
First option for a well is the North-East. The Reasoning – It is practical to have the Water Source/Well in the North-East corner which is anyway to be left open as per Vastu to enable the morning sunrays to enter the house. Moreover, the morning Sun’s rays will purify the well water and kill the germs.
Second option for the Well is the North or the East sides: The Reasoning – It is practical to have a Water source in the East or North sides, since these sides are anyway supposed to be left open according to Vastu to allow the morning Eastern sunlight and the constant Northern sunlight.
A well or bore well should not be dug on the diagonal line proceeding from the North-Eastern corner of a house to the South-Western tip of the plot. It should be located either to the right or to the left of this line. The Reasoning –
Avoid a Well in the South, South-West or North-West: The Reasoning – The South, South-West and North-West corners are built up to prevent the Sun’s evening radiation from entering and heating up the rest of the house. Hence there is very little open space for a Well or even a Borewell, (which may have to be opened for maintenance and repair of the pump) in these directions.
Avoid a Well in the middle of the Site: The Reasoning – It is very difficult to design a house around a Well/Borewell which is located in the middle of the Site, as open space will have to be provided all around the Well for maintenance and cleaning work.
Avoid a well and pump house very close to the compound walls: The Reasoning – Space all around the Well/Borewell is required for accessing it, cleaning, maintenance and any repair work. So it is better to keep them away from the boundaries.
Avoid a Well touching the House walls: The Reasoning – Space around the House is to be kept for movement and space around the Well/Borewell is required for cleaning, maintenance and any repair work.
Avoid sharing of well between two properties: The Reasoning – In some cases, brothers or close friends of 2 adjoining Sites decide to dig a Well/Borewell on the common boundary, so that they can share the cost and the water. But in reality, it will only lead to problems and differences between them, because of the amount of water used. Moreover, the Well may be in the right position of one plot, namely the North-East zone but will be in the wrong position of the adjoining plot, that is the North-West or South-East zone and that inmate may feel he compromised.
The Well should have a circular cross-section. The shape of the well can be a square below the ground, but it should only be round on the surface: The Reasoning – When digging a deep Well, there is less chance of the earth collapsing into the hole, if the excavation is circular in shape. This is because the groundwater pressure at any point along the circumference of the well is radial and hence a circular shape is more resistant to compression stresses. Also, if it is a square, one of the four angles will cause a thrust to the house.
The shape of the platform of the well should be less elevated than the plinth level of the house and ground level of the area in Southwest. The platform should not touch the Eastern or Northern compound walls. The Scientific Reason: This is so that the useful morning light into the house is not blocked by the well platform.
If a well or a bore well becomes dry or is in the wrong direction, it should be filled with earth, closed and covered. It is not sufficient to cover it with a cement slab or wooden slats. The Reasoning – A well or borewell is a sure-trap for death and that unused shaft can affect the underlying earth structure. Also, after many years people may forget that there was a well or borewell and that can be dangerous to future users.
Avoid trees around an open Well: The Reasoning – The decaying leaves will spoil the quality of the water.
Alum, limestone, gooseberry bark help to keep the water clear: The Reasoning – All these help to clarify Water as they have the property of attracting fine suspended debris in the Water, and then sinking to the bottom. Also they have anti-bacterial properties. But do not overuse them.
This post was about the Water Source, the Digging of Well/Borewell. Read about the next Step in Construction:
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Related Topics:
- Vastu Shastra | Explained By An Architect
- Vastu Shastra | Principles For A House
- Vastu Shastra | Factors That Impact A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Designing A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Interiors Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Exteriors Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Selecting The Right Site
- Vastu Guidelines | Construction Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Rituals For A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Non-Residential Buildings
- Remedies For Vastu Defects
Great Blog post. Thanks for sharing,
excellent blog, Thank you for posting.
incredibly useful and helpful blog, Thanks for the post
such a helpful and interesting blog, Thanks for the post
My home is west facing and main door is west facing.There is a well approximately 45 years old on west side near the main door .I have another well on North side but I can’t close the west side well due to some public problem. please tell what is the remedy ? Is the effect solved by putting a boundary wall between house and well or cover it by slab or anything?
Please tell.
Hi Himansusekhar,
The best solution is to cover it with a lockable slab. Keep it covered always.
South faced home, borewell situated in the north east side of our Garden, but outside of compound wall. As per vasthu borewell should be inside compund ?
Please advise
Hi Lucas,
According to me, it does not matter if the borewell is outside or inside. So do nothing about it.
Hi Shruti,
According to the my plot directions, I have two options to dig the boring. North west or south east, i know both are not ideal, but please let me which one is better according to vastu?
The NW option is better according to Vastu. But go for the borewell that will give a better and permanent yield.
My parents are building a house a on a small plot and they have to built the staircase in northeast direction and a boring just under the staircase ..pls suggest some remedy…for this as no other options are there for them to build
thanks for sharing information. Which is the best direction to face while taking (lifting) water from well though rope in east facing house. Water well is located in north east direction.
I have a west facing plot of size 40′ x 80′ approx. I need to dig 3 bores for submersible, water harvesting & earthing with depth upto 300 ft, 150 ft and 100 ft respectively. Pls guide us in which locations these bores shall be done and what can be their side effects, if any
You can dig a borewell only where there is a water source. So dig accordingly and dont bother about ill effects
vaastu shashtra is business for unemployed persons and they know the divinity of people about gods and they taking advantage of fear , this should be like this, that should be like that , if you will do like this you will get these things , you should do according to this then you will get these these things and it is correct, it is wrong …… you will be wealthy ,healthy , your life will be good or you will lost these things …
Why……they don’t have any proof just relating to science. According to VASTU f**k just limiting the borders of living life . and people just believe because everyone believe or someone said or read somewhere. and also promoting these things. Because they do like whatever vastu says and just relax and say ya now i am safe because they did according to that.
If Vastu is all life and it gives benefits obeying it Then Vastu consultants should be Richest healthiest people on the planet.. why not they …..they just doing business outof these things .
Every thing happen DOing it. work hard enjoy life ,, keep away these shity things to rule your life.
I actually agree with you, but what to do? The fear put into people by so called Vastu experts affects even the most logical minded ones. So I have started this blog in an attempt to educate people and to mitigate their fears.
we are constructing a north facing house, there already exist a well in SE corner, which got sufficient water, is the position ok
South East is not an ideal direction according to Vastu for a well. But I personally do not believe it will affect you adversely and since it is giving you sufficient water, dont bother about it.
Hi sir. I have a plot facing north east side. So the main gate will open in north east. Is there north west direction is suitable for borewell according to vastu? Plz help.
You can dig a borewell only where there is a water source and in your case if it happens to be in the North West then it has to be dug there. It is not an ideal direction according to Vastu. But I personally do not believe it will affect you adversely.
My house is facing east direction and the compound wall faces east, already in the Northeast direction borewell was dropped, we now planned to dig urai kinaru near the step and compound wall, is it good and safe, give explain
You can dig a borewell only where there is a water source and in your case it happened to be in the North West. It is not an ideal direction according to Vastu. But I personally do not believe it will affect you adversely. So dont bother about it.
Hi my house is west facing n borewell is in west side near to north ….As per vastu some r saying its very bad fr health n finance…plz explain any suggestions.
You can dig a borewell only where there is a water source and in your case it happened to be in the North West. It is not an ideal direction according to Vastu. But I personally do not believe it will affect you adversely. So dont bother about it. but if you are getting affected by what people say, you could try out some remedies suggested on the net.
Thank you so much! These are very helpful. In my plot, I have only southeast and south sides available for tubewell. Therefore, I would like to request for your kind advise in this.
You can dig a borewell only where there is a water source and in your case it happens to be in the South East. It is not an ideal direction according to Vastu. But I personally do not believe it will affect you adversely. So dont bother about it.
Hi, I m having south facing plot, I have main gate at southeast and can I dug a submersible outside main house boundaries in south and also a septic tank outside house boundaries.
No legally you cannot dig outside your boundary.
Is it the house, what has west door and borewell is located in northwest, proper according to vaastu? Give results of dwelling in this house.
A borewell in the North West is not an ideal direction according to Vastu. But I personally do not believe it will affect you adversely. So dont bother about it.
I seriously like the way you are spreading the awareness, I am building a house where we have a open garage on south east corner of the plot. since its more convenient for us to access the bore-well and installation of other bore-well related things, we chose the garage below space for borewell and sump. Many people frightened me saying its Agni mule you shouldn’t have the bore well here. Reading your post give me such a relax. Please suggest if its something wrong.
Thank you for appreciating my efforts. It is not an ideal direction according to Vastu. But I personally do not believe it will affect you adversely. So dont bother about it.
I have a house west facing. i have borewell in south west, but now i want to have a second borewell for using submersible pump and i have space in north west or south west. Suggest me which direction is proper or what I should do ?
Between the 2 options I would suggest the North West direction. If you are not using the SW borewell, close it off.
Dear Sir,
Am planning to buy a house (resale property). Its a corner plot house (20 * 50 sq feet) with 30 feet road running both in the north and east side of the house. Main gate is North facing. There is a well already present in the south east of the plot. (But not exactly in the south east corner of the plot). Well is about 3-4 feet away from south east corner of the plot. Can you please advice, is the well position is good as per Vastu?
Well in the South East direction is not ideal according to Vastu. But I personally do not believe it will affect you adversely. Moreover, you have roads in the North and East which is very good according to Vastu. So you can consider the plot, provided your intuition says it is good for you.
Hi Sir,
We are planning to buy a plot. There is a well in the north west direction of the plo,there is a 20feet road in between the well and our plot.can we buy that plot. Incase if we buy can we share the water from well?
Since the well is not in your plot, it will not affect you in any way. You can use the water from this well.
paani ki motor ki diraction kon si jagha per honi chahia. which direction is best for water motor .I put it in my shope in south wall direction.please sujest me if i put it in wrong direction .thanks
There is no need to worry about the pump position in Vastu.
What if the boring connection and pump is in north west wall? What is the remedy of such property. As shifting is not possible. And south east is cut. And north west is also cut.
You can dig a borewell only where there is a water source and in your case it happened to be in the North West. It is not an ideal direction according to Vastu. But I personally do not believe it will affect you adversely. So don’t bother about it.
Hello sir. The bore well in our land is done in northwest direction because in this direction we found the water. Is it the good direction according to vastu. Please suggest.
You can dig a borewell only where there is a water source and in your case it happened to be in the North West. It is not an ideal direction according to Vastu. But I personally do not believe it will affect you adversely. So dont bother about it.
I wanted to construct a house. I need a well. my plan was to dig the well east north direction. but my neighbours septic tank is near that side. Pl. suggest where I dig the well.
It is better not to dig your well close to your neighbours septic tank. Dig a little away on the East side
I read the blog and very impressed.i was confused and looking for answers as my plot is rectangular and bore well water source is found only in the middle of west side. I hope since there is no water on other sides this direction should work. Pl let me know if precautions are to be taken to ward off bad effects of any. Thanks and with Regards.
Thank you for your appreciation. You can dig a borewell only if there is a water source. So if you happen to have a source in the West, go for it. There are some so called remedies on the net for each and every Vastu defect. Do the remedies in case you are worried about the Vastu dosh and forget about it after that.
i just went through your valuable points on digging bore well. We are planning to dig a new bore well on 16th March ’17. Kindly advise if this is an auspicious time to do so.
Consult an astrologer.
Dear sir,
My name is jaising, as per water source i have borewell west side of my plot & my house constructed middle of the plot with mesh compound.but I am more werried about vastu kindly suggest
You can dig a borewell only where there is a water source. There are some so called remedies on the net for the Vastu defect. Do the remedies in case you are worried about the Vastu dosh.
Dear Sir,
My house is East facing ,now our area have water problem ,we are going to dig a well,but we don’t have spaces in North or East or West , only remaining side South East or south can u give the solution sir
You can dig a borewell only if there is a water source. So if you happen to have a source in the SE, go for it. There are some so called remedies on the net for the Vastu defect. Do the remedies in case you are worried about the Vastu dosh.
Very good information,your reasoning is soo good. lot of people frighten people if something is wrong. keep giving us all ideas.
Hi Rakesh,
Thank you for the appreciation.
Dear Sir,
I am constructing a east facing house with main entrance in the north east and the kitchen is in the south east. Can we have a well in the south east corner on east side.
Thanks in advance
Hi Sera,
It is acceptable according to me.
Dear Sir
I am constructing a house. plot is in rectangular shape with 9.85 meter width and 24 meter in length. Main gate to the plot is located in the north-east. Planning to dig a well in the north side of the plot. Well will be about 6.5 meter away from the main gate. Is there any vastu problem in positioning the well facing main gate
Hi Vivek,
No there is nothing wrong.
Hi Sir,
My name is Sathish, i own a west facing plot and dug a bore well in northeast corner of my house, but now bore is drained out. So am planning to dig a new bore well in west facing most probably Northwest corner. But i am more worried about Vastu. Could you please suggest what you want me to do. Should i go ahead for new bore in north corner of west facing or depend on water tankers? let me know if have any other suggestions
Thanks in advance
Hi Sathish,
The sensible thing to do is to dig the second borewell, where there is a water source. It does not matter which direction it is in. But you could consider re-boring your existing borewell for any chance of water. It would work out cheaper than digging a new one.
hello dear we have a west facing house and there is a borewell in near south side of our home and we have a room in east north corner so we cannot dig a borewell there..what is the solution now.? or is it okey ?? please reply asap. thanks for making and maintaining this blog.
Hi Taranum,
If you already have a functioning borewell, why do you want to close it and dig another one. If the borewell is yielding ample water, then leave it as it is.
When there is no way to place a tubewel in North,East or North east will it be ok to place it in WEST which is not forbidden by you and also the West is ruled by Varuna.In my case there is only WEST left for this. Now a days another problematic factor is distance from advised spot to the house site as laying of pipes for pumping water from say North to West is not possible.
Hi Nandeswar,
Please go for the most practical solution. That itself will be in accordance with vastu.
while going in for a bore well in an agricultural land will vastu apply apply
Hi Praveen Kanth,
An agricultural land needs good output of water. So while looking for borewell points go for the good yield ones and do not be dictated by location.
Thank you for your blog and it is really worth reading with the systematic placement and with simple explanations. Your good work is much appreciated.I am planning to construct a new home and your blog gave me a good idea abt the vasthu and construction process. Thanks again!!!
Hi Manu Basheer,
Thank you for taking time out to leave an appreciative comment. Please share among your friends so that architecture ideas has a wider reach.
good, but try to give more details
Hi Anoop Kottakal,
Thank you. This site architecture ideas is still being updated. So a lot more information will be coming your way. keep reading.
Dear Sir
I am planning to construct a house and was wondering if you could be contacted for its design and planning.
I can be contacted on my email address
Best Wishes
Hi Ivan,
You can contact me at
This is something definitely worth understanding. There are a lot of blogs that simply make no sense. Please go on with the good work and more people will keep coming.
Thank you Richard for your appreciation.
Right on. It’s more informative and easy to understand. Thanks a lot such a nice guideline.
Hi Teyler,
Thanks for taking time to show your appreciation.