Designing multi-storey apartment buildings according to Vastu Shastra principles is not easy since there are several units on each floor with common walls between them. Additionally, it is a challenge to position the rooms and the main entrance door of each unit in the right directions as per the Vastu Mandala plan.

How does one apply Vastu Shastra in apartment buildings?
What are the Vastu guidelines for the selection of the apartment site?
What are the Vastu guidelines for the planning of the site around the apartment?
As an Architect, I get many queries from people about Vastu for apartments – whether to consider the individual unit or to look at the apartment building as a whole. You need to consider both.
Vaastu Shastra is a science that takes into account factors influencing the Site, such as topography, roads, the structures around, the Sun, the Earth’s magnetic field, the cardinal directions and the elements of Nature and manipulates them so that the buildings designed according to Vaastu guidelines vibrate with universal positive energy.
The first and the most important step in apartment design is to select the right Site. Some of the Vastu guidelines for the selection of the right Site are described below along with the scientific explanation, under the following headings.
The Site should be a quadrangle with the N-E and S-W angles 90 degrees or less and the N-W and S-E corners 90 degrees or more. ie; the N-E to S-W axis should be more than the N-W to S-E axis. The explanation: Since the Sun is in the North-East direction in the morning, a lot of open space in the North-East corner of the Site will allow the useful morning sunlight to permeate the whole building. Accordingly, this is possible if the Site is elongated along the N-E to S-W axis.

The road to the Site can be in any direction though a road on the North and/or East is preferred. The Explanation: A road on the North or East will ensure that there will be no larger buildings abutting the Site on these sides which can overshadow the proposed apartment and block the useful morning sunlight.
It is ideal to have two roads on two sides of the Site. The Explanation: Two roads will allow for two gates which are a necessity in any apartment complex for easy flow of traffic in and out of the site.
The Site should slope from the South-West (highest corner) to the North-East (lowest corner). The Explanation: If the natural topography is sloping down towards the North-East corner, then the building profile will also be higher in the South-West and lower in the North-East. Further, this allows the useful North-East light to engulf the building even in the South-west corner.
The water source and other water bodies should be located in the North-East corner. The Explanation: Early in the morning, the sunlight engulfs the site in the North-east corner and so this is the ideal place for water bodies and the water source. Besides, the germicidal properties of the UV rays will ensure the water is fit for consumption and use.
The apartment blocks should be located towards the South-West corner and there should be more open spaces in the North and East corners: The Explanation: Since the Sun is in the North-East direction in the morning, a lot of open space in the North-East corner of the Site will allow the useful morning sunlight to permeate the whole building.

The gates to the Site can be on the North-North-East, East-North East, West-North West or South-South East corners. The Explanation: The gates in these corners will necessitate the internal roads to be on the East and North sides which will ensure that adjoining buildings will not block the useful morning light.
Rain water drainage should be directed to the North-East corner. The Explanation: This is a way of recharging the ground water in the North-east corner, since the bore well should ideally be located here.
Lawns and low height garden plants can be located in the North-East corner but big and tall trees should be positioned on the South and West sides only. The Explanation: The lawns and low height plants will not block out the useful morning sunlight from the North-east whereas the tall trees are a barrier to the hot afternoon sunlight Since the Sun is in South and the West in the latter part of the day.
The borewell, underground sump, well and any water bodies, swimming pool should ideally be located in the North-East corner: The Scientific Reason – The UV rays of the morning sunlight are germicidal and effective in purifying the water in the swimming pool and wells, before people start using it.
The Compound walls should be low on the Northern and Eastern sides and higher on the Southern and Western sides. The Explanation: For the same reason as above.
When the generator, transformer are located outside then, they should be placed in the open space in the South-East corner: The Scientific Reason –The South-East is the Agni (energy) corner and therefore energy gadgets, in this case, the generator and transformer can be located here.
This post was about the Vastu guidelines for the selection of the Apartment Site and the planning of the Site. For Vastu Guidelines on the design of the Apartment Building, go to:
To know how suitable a site for an apartment is according to Vastu Shastra, you can cross check with a score sheet which is simply a guideline. The score obtained will help you to make a fruitful decision when choosing the plot for the apartment. Check it here in my other blog House Construction In India:
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- Vastu Guidelines | Selecting The Right Site
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- Vastu Guidelines | Rituals For A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Non-Residential Buildings
- Remedies For Vastu Defects
Good explanations. One can understand and learn easily.
Hi Jeelan,
Thank you.