SCHEDULE OF PAYMENT | An Architect Explains
CLIENTS BRIEF: On appointment and signing of Agreement – Rs 30,000/- or 5% of total fees payable, adjustable at the last stage, based on the Rough estimate of cost.
CONCEPT DESIGN: On submitting Conceptual designs and Rough estimate – 10% of total fees payable, based on the Rough estimate of Cost.
PRELIMINARY DESIGN AND DRAWINGS: On submitting the required Preliminary Scheme for the Client’s approval along with the Preliminary Estimate of cost – 20% of total fees payable, less payment already made, based on Preliminary estimate of cost.
DEVELOPED DESIGN AND DRAWINGS FOR APPROVALS: On incorporating Clients suggestions and submitting drawings for approval from the Client/Statutory Bodies – 35% of total fees payable, less payment already made, based on Preliminary estimate of cost.
WORKING DRAWINGS AND TENDER DOCUMENTS: On preparation of working drawings, specifications, schedule of quantities, estimate, and tender documents – 45% of total fees payable, less payment already made, based on Preliminary estimate of cost.
APPOINTMENT OF CONTRACTORS: On inviting, receiving and analyzing tenders and advising the Client on appointment of Contractors – 55% of the total fees payable, less payment already made, based on accepted Tender cost.

ON COMPLETION OF 20% OF WORK: This will be after the centre line and foundation stage. 70% of total fees payable, less payment already made, based on accepted Tender cost.
ON COMPLETION OF 40% OF WORK: For example, after casting of Ground floor slab. 75% of total fees payable, less payment already made, based on accepted Tender cost.
ON COMPLETION OF 60% OF WORK: Probably, after casting of First floor slab. 80% of total fees payable, less payment already made, based on accepted Tender cost.
ON COMPLETION OF 80% OF WORK: During electrical and plumbing stage. 85% of total fees payable, less payment already made, based on accepted Tender cost.
ON COMPLETION OF 90% OF WORK: After plastering. 90% of total fees payable, less payment already made, based on accepted Tender cost.
COMPLETION: On submitting Completion Report and drawings for the project required in obtaining Completion/ Occupation Certificate from Statutory Authorities and on issue of as-built drawings – 100% of total fees payable, less Retainer & payment already made, based on Actual total cost.
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- Why You Should Involve An Architect early
- Unique Assets Of An Architect
- Scope Of Services Of An Architect
- Professional Fees Charged By An Architect
- Scale Of Charges Of An Architect
- Choosing An Architect
- Meeting With An Architect
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