To apply for registration with the Council of Architecture, a person is required to possess a recognised architectural qualification. But what are the qualifications recognised by the Council of Architecture? Being a registered Architect, I I decided to post the latest list of the recognised architectural qualifications appended to the Architects Act, 1972 and updated on 03/05/2016 by the Council of Architecture…..

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CONSTRUCTION | An Architect Explains

Building construction is the process of preparing for and constructing ‘buildings’. Construction starts with planning, design and financing and continues until the structure is ready for occupancy. Far from being a single activity, construction involves human multitasking such as designing by an architect, managing by a project manager and supervising by a contractor. An Architect explains how the successful execution of a project is achieved……

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WORK OF AN ARCHITECT | An Architect Explains

Everyone knows that an architect is a person who plans, designs, and oversees the construction of buildings. But many people are unaware of the exact services rendered by an Architect and what to expect. For example, why should an architect be involved in your project? How many times can he be expected to visit the site? How do you know if he is qualified to practise and whether he is registered with the Council of Architecture? What are his professional fees and scale of charges? etc. Here, an Architect describes the job of an Architect…….

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Building a house is an important event in anyone’s life. However, it is a complex process and problems can arise during the construction that can overwhelm you. An Architect sees alternative possibilities and finds solutions to problems at the site. S/he helps you in choosing the right contractor, materials, checks the Contractors’ bills, co-ordinates with other consultants and ensures that the project is completed even if egos, delays or hitches threaten to stall the project. So it is wise to select an Architect for your project……

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Only a ‘registered Architect’ or a ‘registered firm of Architects’ can use the title and style of “Architect”.  Every time an Architect signs an agreement with the client, he is supposed to quote his ‘Registration Number’. If any person misuses the title and style of Architect, such acts tantamount to committing  a criminal offence. It is very important that every qualified Architect, desirous of carrying on the profession of ‘Architect’, be registered with the Council of Architecture…….

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The Council of Architecture (CoA) states that, “Any person desirous of practising as an ‘Architect’ in India is required to be registered in the Register, with the Council of Architecture (CoA). He shall be entitled on payment of the prescribed fees to have his name entered in the register, if he resides or carries on the profession of Architect in India and holds a recognised qualification. An Architect has addressed the queries and doubts regarding the procedure of registration with the Council of Architecture here…….

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Choosing the right Architect is a very important decision, as it can make the difference between a good outcome and an average one. Look for an Architect nearer to your site, as it will prompt him/her to make more site visits. Regular site visits make a huge difference to the way the construction proceeds. So listed here is a comprehensive list of Architects in your city and some of the famous Indian and International Architects, the statistics of Architects in India and the ratio of male to female Architects. All the statistics have been covered here…..

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