The Puja Room is the room where the family’s deities, idols, religious texts are kept and used exclusively for prayer, worship and meditation. It is a sacred room and the space from which all positive energy radiates to other rooms. That is the reason why, according to Vastu Shastra, it is preferable to have it in the centre of the house. However this is not always possible and so it can be located in certain auspicious directions as explained in this post.

The important thing to consider regarding a Pooja/prayer room, is that it must be protected from “negative energy”. Once you have made a pooja or prayer room in your home, the room automatically starts to radiate positive energy. However, if the pooja room is left unprotected, the positive energy starts to weaken due to influence of negative energies that may be present in your home. Hence, you must make some tweaks so that it emanates positive energy in and around your home.
So, what can be done to make this possible? According to Vastu Shastra, the right placement of the pooja room, the arrangement in the room, lighting and the colours, can ensure that this room is protected from negative energy and radiates positive energy. So to know more about making your Pooja room a vastu compliant space, read on…..
Listed here, are some of the Vastu Guidelines for a Pooja room. Since Vastu is a science, every guideline is based on logic and reasoning. As an Architect, I have attempted to explain each of these guidelines rationally and scientifically under the following headings, so that you have a choice and can decide what you want to follow or don’t instead of looking at Vastu as a superstition:
What Is The Best Location For A Pooja Room?
What Are The Vastu Guidelines For The Interiors of A Pooja Room?
Where Should The Idols Be Placed In A Pooja Room?
What are the Vastu guidelines for the pooja things in the Pooja Room?
What Are The Ideal Colours For A Pooja Room?
What Should Be Avoided In A pooja Room?
- First choice for Pooja Room loaction: North-East Direction or the Centre of the house.
- Second choice for Pooja Room location: East or West Directions of the house.
- If none of these corners are available, the pooja mandir can be located in the NE corner of any room except bedrooms, toilets and store rooms.
In earlier times, a well designed, large space was exclusively reserved for prayer but today with reduced space availability, the Puja Room has become a tiny space, sometimes just a small mandir placed in the Kitchen. Whatever the size, the location of the Pooja room is the most important consideration.

If there is no space for a Puja room, the Mandir can be placed in the North-East corner of the Kitchen or any room except bedroom, store room and toilets: The Scientific Reason – In apartments it may not be possible to have a separate Puja room, but since one starts the day by entering the Kitchen, having a Puja here helps one to spend a few quiet moments in meditation.
In a big site, the Puja room can be in the Centre of the House: The Scientific Reason- The central part of a large house should be kept open to allow proper flow of air and cross ventilation. It makes sense to have a Puja room right in the middle of this court as it can be seen from all rooms and the space is utilized.
In normal sized homes, the Puja room should be in the North-East. East or West are the second best locations: The Scientific Reason– Early at dawn, the Sun is in the North-Eastern part of the house. These hours are ideal for Yoga, meditation, prayer or study as it is very quiet and peaceful. Also, the early morning Sun’s rays have a very beneficial effect on our health. Therefore, the North-East corner is the best position for the Puja Room/prayer room or meditation room.
The Puja Room should be in the Ground Floor and not in the Basement: The Scientific Reason – A basement is a dark and dingy place and one cannot benefit from the morning sunlight here.
The Puja Room should not be on the upper floors: The Scientific Reason – The Puja room is meant for worship or meditation and this activity is recommended for everyone, everyday, especially in the mornings when our minds are fresh and not yet corrupted by many thoughts. If the Puja room is located on an upper floor, then it can put off physically inactive people like the obese, or the elderly or the ailing, from making the trip to the Puja everyday. The climb up the steps can put them off and since it is out of sight from the commonly used rooms on the ground, one may even forget to spend a few minutes everyday, in thought about God or life!
The Puja room should have a lower ceiling: One can use false ceiling for the same. The Scientific Reason – A Puja room is generally a small room and so having a low ceiling will make it appear more proportional.

Door to the Puja room should have two shutters: The Logic – When doing puja or meditating, the door is kept open outwards and can come in the way if it is one shutter.
The Puja room can have a pyramid shaped ceiling: The Scientific Reason – It is known scientifically that the energy under a pyramid is extremely positive and can help in meditation.
Keep the Puja room clean always: The Logic – By cleaning the Puja room everyday, it ensures that one spends a few moments in prayer. Also it is a way of showing respect to God.
There should be a threshold at the entrance to the Puja room. The Scientific Reason – A threshold prevents ants and insects from entering and this is useful in a Puja room, as foodstuff may be offered in prayer.
For lengthy meditation, sit facing East and avoid facing the idols: If meditation is going to last for more than 15 minutes one should not sit exactly facing the idols. The Logic – When meditating it is best to face East as the morning sun rays are beneficial to one’s health. If one keeps looking at the idols, it can be distracting. Moreover the energy that radiates from them can be very strong.
Idols can be in the North-East, East or West walls of the Puja room. Avoid placing them on the South wall: The Scientific Reason – The morning sunlight streaming in from the North-East, East and the evening light from the West will light up the idols enabling you to see them better.
Idols should be kept at least an inch away from the wall and make sure they are not broken, cracked or disfigured: The Scientific Reason – Keeping the idols away from the walls, ensures that there is proper movement of air and incense smoke through the room.
The idols should be placed at a height, such that they are above your navel when you are praying depending on whether you prefer to stand or sit while praying. The Scientific Reason -You will be able to concentrate on the idols best, when they are at this height (neither too low down nor too high up).
The idols must be in perfect condition. They should not be broken, cracked or disfigured: The Scientific Reason – While praying to a disfigured idol, you may feel that there is no well-being because you are not able to replace it with a perfect one. It affects your mind.
The idols must not be too big in size- they should not be more than the span of your hand from tip of your thumb to the tip of your little finger: The Scientific Reason – It is difficult to concentrate on a big idol as as you get distracted by the different parts. In case of a small idol, you can take it in wholly.
There should not be too many idols. Give away duplicates of deities and keep the Puja room uncluttered: The Logic – An uncluttered space does not harbour positive energy. Also, when there are too many idols, you can get distracted while praying.
The idols can be made of stone, wood, silver, gold. Alternatively they can also be of brass, bronze or clay depending on your preference.
The puja things should be stored in the South-East of the Puja room: The Scientific Reason – All the puja stuff should be kept away from the North-East and East, so that there is no obstruction to the morning sunlight.
A cupboard lower than the idols can be placed against the South or West wall: The Scientific Reason – This way, it will not be an obstruction to the useful morning sunlight.
Incense sticks, oil for lamp, kumkum can be stored below the pooja ghar: The Scientific Reason – It is practical to keep the regularly used items just below the pooja ghar.
Food offerings should be placed in front of the idols: The Logic – Whatever is offered to god should be always placed in front of the idol as a mark of respect. Moreover, it is less cumbersome to remove and replace if it is right in front.
Colours in the Puja room: Can be white, light yellow or light blue. The Scientific Reason – Light colours reflect light thus enhancing the bright and well-lit look of a space.

Similarly, if you are using marble or granite for the flooring or counter or shelves, make sure you use only white colour. The Scientific Reason – White marble/granite reflect and shine more than other colours.
Avoid having a pooja room under a staircase or in a store room: The Scientific Reason: As one climbs up or down the stairs you may feel you are trampling on the gods.
Avoid Puja mandirs in the Bedrooms. And avoid sleeping in a pooja room: The Scientific Reason – Many people may feel uncomfortable to lie around with their feet pointing towards the religious idols, as they believe it is disrespectful to god. But if there is no other choice, you could consider having a pooja mandir in the NE corner of the bedroom.
Avoid keeping broken idols or torn pictures or old idols brought from temples: The Scientific Reason – Praying to a broken idol or torn image of a deity can be distracting.
Avoid a Toilet near or above the Puja Room: The Scientific Reason – A Toilet causes disturbance when people use it and also the smell can distract while one is meditating.
Avoid placing idols on the South wall of the pooja room: Because then the worshiper has to face South which is not advisable. The Scientific Reason – When a worshiper sits facing South, his feet are towards the south and his head is in the North. This causes the magnetic North of the body, namely the Head to repel the Earth’s magnetic North Pole.
Avoid idols facing each other: The Logic – The purpose of having idols in a Puja room is for one to be able to see them and meditate on them.
Avoid a bell in the Puja room: The Logic – A Puja room at home is not made to replicate a temple. It is more of a meditation room and loud sounds should be avoided.
Avoid pictures of animals or photographs of dead people in the Puja room: The Logic – While many people believe in showing respect to the dead, it is better not to have their photos in the Puja room as they may be distracting or bring back painful memories.
Avoid pictures of wars, crimes, turbulence or any negative emotion in the Pooja room: The Reason – It is believed that these pictures unconsciously disturb are minds in a negative way.
Avoid storing or hiding money or valuables in the Puja room: The Scientific Reason – Many people may feel they are being disrespectful to God by hiding things and hiding stuff here.
Do not keep a dustbin in a pooja room: The Scientific Reason: It brings in negative energy.
This post was about the Vastu guidelines for the design of a Puja Room. The Puja room is usually adjacent to a Living Room or a pooja mandir is placed in a Kitchen.
If you want to make the rest of the rooms of your house/apartment also Vastu compliant, then go to:
To know how suitable a house is, according to Vastu Shastra, you can cross check it’s Vastu compliance with a score sheet which works as a guideline. The score obtained will help you make a fruitful decision whether to take up or reject the house. Check it here in my other blog: House Construction In India:
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Related Topics:
- Vastu Shastra | Explained By An Architect
- Vastu Shastra | Principles For A House
- Vastu Shastra | Factors That Impact A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Designing A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Interiors Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Exteriors Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Selecting The Right Site
- Vastu Guidelines | Construction Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Rituals For A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Non-Residential Buildings
- Remedies For Vastu Defects
I have 2 options to place pooja mandir. Can you please suggest which is better.
Option 1: We have the room on the ground level on the east side of the property with window in east and door facing south west. The pooja mandir is placed towards east in the room under the window so the devotee faces east and the idols face west. There is a toilet next to the Pooja room sharing the west wall. The Toilet seat is on the opposite wall and it doesn’t touch the wall that is shared with the pooja room. Is it okay to place the Pooja mandir in this room?
Option2: We have a reading nook outside the master bedroom on first floor. The master bed room is on the west. The Pooja mandir mandir is placed towards east so the devotee face east and the idols place west.
Which will be the best option to place the Pooja Mandir? Kindly suggest.
Thank you.
We have ordered wooden pooja mandhir. Is it good to have a small bells to the pooja mandhir doors. Please suggest
Hello Sir,
My Pooja room is 4/4 in exact North East corner of the plot. Main door is easy facing but the Pooja room for is facing south. I can keep the idols facing east. If this fine?
Hello Sir,
Can we have a pooja mandir without doors as we have a unit made of wood. We have the pooja mandir on the hall area onto the east.
Please suggest.
Thank you in advance
Keep sharing a nice informative article. We got all information regarding Pooja room Vastu. Thanks
Thank you for your appreciation.
Keep sharing nice informative article
Thank you for your appreciation.
Hi sir , vanakam. My house is facing NE. Can put in NE corner.
Thanks for your ideas, We will share your content with our clients who are bought our pooja door. surely, It helps to them.
Sir Should the pooja room door always be opposite to the direction of the idols? or can the door be built on other directions also? please suggest.
Can Pooja room will be on the 2nd floor in the Center hallway west facing?
Sir the floor of my south room is lower than other room,can I place a place a pooja room in the north east corner of the room, please suggest
I have a 2 bhk flat in which I place Pooja mandir in kitchen but most people are saying that it should be in living room but in living room we are eating dinner or lunch, so what is correct place for temple in kitchen or living room.
Accordingly I will make further furniture.
Awaiting your reply
Hi Sir,
I have a west facing duplex house. Due to limited space I am planning to keep a Krishna and Radha Idols in the north east corner on the ground floor and keep the main pooja unit in the first floor living area east facing Wall. Can you kindly advice on this?
In my new house which is under construction, My puja room is coming in NE corner as per vastu my question is can I build at 1 or 2 feet high from my flooring? So when i enter into my puja room i need climb one step. Is this fine as per vastu
I want to ask u that my Pooja ghar in my living room and home is East facing and corner home. Can I adjust my Pooja ghar in North wall facing south. If north wall is with street . Outside North wall there is no nala but on second side there Is nala ..can we worship there north wall .if there is nala on that side
What should we do when bathroom n temple has common wall.
Direction is correct ie northeast n face in east but there is common wall.
What is remedy for it
Gm Sir, shall we keep ventalitaion window in Pooja Room, or not Sir?
I have 2bhk flat. Currently Pooja mandir in kitchen at south west direction but almost all advise me to locate Pooja mandir in hall (living room). My flat entrance is from east and in north eastern direction there is wall and after that there is washroom. So can i place Pooja mandir in hall and can I place at North-west direction. Also which are other best direction to locate Pooja mandir.
Awaiting your reply so accordingly I can plan
Thank you
Hi Sir,
Can we propose the pooja room in mid of west & facing to east and beside the Toilet. Their can we propose separate wall with some inch clearance. please confirm
Dear Sir , can we make temple in triangle shape ?
Sir I have no option either keeping the puja ghar at south direction. So in which side i can keep the idol
Respected Sir,
We are about to construct a home which is north facing. As per Vastu we have a puja room to be constructed in Ishan direction in the ground floor. Some people say that we should not construct any rooms above the pooja room and no one should walk over the puja room. We are in doubt and would like to get your expert advice. Humbly request your good self with folded hands to guide us.
Yours sincerely,
Viswanadha Reddy.
My pooja alter is in ground floor, however we plan to move it on first floor open loft area. would it be okay to move the pooja alter from ground floor to first floor open loft area,7 ( i am planning to put it 8 th picture in the link I am sending)
Can I place my small mandir at North wall and idols facing south ?
Hare Krishna! Namaskar. I had a question, I have a plot 1000 meters, I was wondering if I can builld a single madir, pooja room in the center of the plot and make there the temple and then place the Deities on the east wall facing west. Would it be better to big build a big pooja room (like 10 meters times 6 meters, because I make sat sanga at home) on the north eastern corner of the plot instead?
Hi Sir,Greetings!
Am having one doubt that,my flat is south facing.We want to keep Pooja unit will be at North West and God idols facing East and Devotee will be facing West.Is that ok?
Hi, my house is facing North. The temple room was supposed to be optional bathroom or storage which we removed it and made temple room. Is it ok? I have another option dining room or guest bedroom. Which place and direction is ideal?
Thank you.
Hi Sir,
Thanks for sharing such a useful info. In my house i have set up the prayer space in kitchen one of the cupboard as we dont have any other spare room besides bedrooms. But only issue is in the kitchen we cook non veg etc. Is it ok then in kitchen? Or else only option i have is to set prayer space in my kid room.
Is it okay to place my wall Pooja cabinet in the southwest corner?
Or should I need to place it in the west wall?
Hello Sir,
We are buying a North facing house. Dining room in NE. It has a NE corner where I can keep Gods.
We have a small study/bed room kind, just above this room where I can think of putting mandir.
My question is which one is preferable upstairs or down stairs? and if down stairs , is it okay to keep Gods in dining room?
Thanks in advance
Can there be a loft above the Pooja room
Can we have Pooja room with steps?…we claim three steps to enter Pooja room…
Am seeing to buy a flat 2bhk.. selected… But entrance is north with first sofa place next half for dining then balcony… Don’t have Pooja room. So we thought Pooja Mandapam will place in West wall n dining table will put in east wall closely. Then this east wall backside is master bedroom with attached toilet… Is it ok sir? If Pooja Mandapam open east wall is there but back of wall is toilet .. that entrance is from inside bedroom… We need to know to book .. pls reply immediately … Thnx in advance
We are constructing a duplex house .the size of the plot is 966sq feet.In first floor we have the entrance to the house from west direction.Kitchen in south east direction ,a door at north east direction to access utility area and sit out in side house in west side.
In the second floor we have 2 bedrooms in .Master bedroom in southwest corner and guest bedroom in north east direction.Which is the best location for pooja room .Please advice
In my duplex house pooja ghar is below toilet in the kitchen . I can’t move my pooja Ghar so please suggest me what to do??
Our main door of our home is on the NE corner and pooja room is in center of the East wall and idols are facing West and without door.
My query is that, Is it appropriate to have pooja room without door?
Appreciate your ideas for pooja room. Keep sharing.
Thank you for the appreciation.
We have a diagonal wall in dining area at north west corner,
Is it good to have a mandir on that wall? The person will be facing north west (vayavya) corner. And god idols will face agneya.
There us ample light n space on this wall.
Please suggest as north east is not available and we dont want mandir in bedroom.
Namaste, our main door is facing west. We are planning to place the pooja mandir adjacent to the main door i.e to the right side of the MD while entering, but not at extreme south west corner. Can we place pooja mandir touching west side wall. Please clarify.
Is it OK to have puja room floor down as compared to hall floor(after doing some work in flooring)
Hi sir,
How much hight should be pooja slab or granite above the Pooja room floor?
Hi Sir,
My main door is at north east corner of the house and it open to the living cum dinning area. There is a 3.5 ft between the main door and north wall, may I make that my puja place of size 3.5 ft x 4ft? or can i make pooja shelf in north-west corner of kitchen
My house has a pillar offset in the North East Corner. Can we place puja ghar touching the pillar.
The north east corner has a pillar. Can we place the puja ghar touching the pillar.
I am making photo frame of our kul devi , so can i fit cream colour tiles on wall and then fit the frame on tiles. Pls suggest me
V are constructing a home with north door. Pooja room placed adjacent to kitchen, but north door and idols attached to south wall as per knowledge it’s not good. If I placed idols to east direction pooja room doors may not be inwards. What to do….Waiting for ur replay
Hello sir! My Pooja room is in NE & the door is facing west. Can I keep photos on NE wall ie photos facing west & we facing east while praying
Is it advisable to fix Pooja mandir on North East wall pillar
Our’s is east facing apartment. Puja room is placed beside kitchen opening to dining hall. Pooja room has more space. Can i divide pooja room and construct kitchen store room. If yes, then store room can be behind pooja room .opening door of pooja room towards west Or pooja room behind store room., opening the door of pooja room toward North. I request you to reply as early as possible.
Thank you
Hi there.we have moved in our own is on the ground floor.the only available place to make a puja ghar is under the terrace of upper flat in the east it ok to build it there as people keep on moving
Sir,can we use glass doors in Temple of my house as some are saying it’s not pure.. suggest me with right guidance I think I should go for wooden one??
hi, is it okay to place pooja mandir under stairs with a false ceiling or leaving some space in between
Can the Pooja room be located on the first floor?
My Mandir wall and bathroom wall are common .but it’s just any gutter lines are there no bathtub or no toilet. Can I put mandir there. Is it ideal place. .
Hi sir
I have a 3 bhk flat.main door facing east.middle of the flat is living cum in east area.dining side west area.2 bedrooms which one is Sw coner and other SE side(left side of the flat)right side one bedroom NE and kitchen work area in SW corner.can i place pooja shelf west wall facing to east near dining?can we have head position(bedroom) in west side ?kindly advise.
Can i put my poojai beside bathroom but not attached to the bathroom wall bcz the poojai room is rectangle shaped so it would not disturbed.
sir, ours is duplex house. Can we have a staircase around the puja room. The sides staircase is not touching the walls of the puja room.The puja room is on the west wall.
please reply.
can we place idols of god on stairs type platform in our mandir
Dear Sir,
Thanks for the vital information. I have a 3.5 bhk flat with a small room in south.
Could we make this room as pooja ghar. It is not possible for us to have pooja ghar in North east as it is a bedroom.
If there is any remedy we can do along with making this room as pooja room.
Please guide.
Can I place a sink opposite to puja room?
I am planning to keep mandir at the balcony but there On a wall there is a shoe rack with proper shutters. Should I keep mandir on adjacent wall.
Hi sir,
I keep pooja mandir at West wall n idols facing East direction in second room and at the time of prayer we facing west it ok ? n thanks for the valuable knowledge..
Hi I have a puja ghar placed at the NE of my apartment. Can i put a large mirror on the opposite wall?
My pooja room is in East direction adjacent to kitchen in the store room with idols and pictures of dieties facing West direction.
Are they correct according to vaastu? If not please provide remedy.
I am constructing a flat with 3bhk . Master bedroom on SW, Children BR on SW next to MBR and after that Guest BR. My wardrobes with loft is on SW of the MBR and CBR. Since width of each room in 10.5feet in the guest bedroom I am having my loft and wardrobes on the north side leaving one foot open from ceiling on the northeast corner. No costly valuables will be kept in the GBR wardrobes. Is it ok to have such loft and wardrobe in the GBR
Kindly advise if I can keep o e tap and wash basin in puja room specific for puja use only.
Is it appropriate to have Pooja room in the middle , dividing living room and drawing room.
Not ideal as it will make all the rooms smaller.
Dear Sir,
Should a small temple area of 5×5 have doors or is there any vastu that the doors should be closed when no one is praying. Or doors should be avoided leaving the temple open always. My temple space is 5×5 with the entry area of 3 ft.
Please clarify my doubt regarding the pooja room vastu.. my appartment is small and we placed household things above the pooja shelf and we have separate door for pooja shelf.. s it advisable to keep shelf above the pooja shelf?? Waiting for your advise sir..
Thank you,
Hi we live in a duplex house and Pooja room is in NE direction and in the ground floor, I want to place god idols in the first floor too in the same direction NE above existing Pooja room. So that I can pray sliver idols which I had bought when we were living separatly from in laws due to job, my in laws they have their own idols which are placed in main Pooja room. Please suggest
First of all relieved to see someone explaining vastu practically and scientifically. Thank you so much.
We have north facing housing, main door
is in the center but part of NE corner only. Our Pooja room is directly visible from the main door….it is in between south east kitchen and south west bedroom. God photos and idols facing north we have space to sit and do Pooja facing east…we will be on the side not in front of the God photos which is on south wall. Is it OK, please clarify
Is it ok if my puja ghar is on west wall.god facing towards east n we are facing
West direction while praying.
It is okay.
Hi, I’m Suganya. In my house newly constructing house, the Pooja room is in North East. Is it OK to keep the door in west. And we have planned to keep the idiots in West side facing east. And windows in east wall. Is it fine. Or need changes if any. Pls help
Sir, if bathroom n poojaghar are in just opposite direction n doors open facing each other. Is it OK? Idols are facing towards bathroom.
Not ideal.
Hello Sir,
I have got a new flat with the main door in NW corner facing north. The kitchen is in SE and Bedroom is in NE. For the pooja unit –
– Can we have the pooja room in between SE and SW wall next to the kitchen?
– But I cannot make the idols to face North because there are stairs exactly opposite. So we have been worshipping with idols facing East and us facing west all these days. Can we keep the idols facing west and we worship facing east?
– There is a beam under this ceiling. Is it okay to make puja room here?
Hi Sir,
Please advise, for mandir placement can i place the mandir between 2 windows (left & right), direction is north east.
My apartment is west facing and has good light coming from windows in east in hall .Can I place the idols facing east n pray in west direction – placing a cabinet next to kitchen wall ?
Or are both these things an issue in terms of direction n placement next to kitchen ?
I have a toilet in flat in the north direction. I have been told that its not goos to have a toilet there. I am proposing to convert that into a pooja room as I can place the mandir on north east side .. however there will still be toilets and shaft in the flats above and below ours.. is it only as per vastu?
Hi Sir,
In my house design, as calculated the build up area, the stair case comes in the north-east quadrant and opposite to the Pooja room. Can we go with the stair case which is opposite to the pooja room? Please clarify?
sir , i have a room in north east direction of house. i want to keep the pooja mantap in north east part of the room. but a window comes above the pooja mantap. is it ok?
Sir, please suggest some paint colors to paint in pooja room. we dont have shelfs in pooja room. all photos are placed in wall. we also have white marble stone above floor. pleas suggest paint colors.
My home is north facing
i planned pooja room between balcony and kitchen
pooja mandir located on north west corner if room with strainght facing a window on north east of room
another window on north facing balcony
the room entry is on south west corner us it correct??
Hi,sir. Main door of my home is south facing but there is another door inside my house for entrace which is west facing can i place a mandir in front of my west facing door.please tell me .
Hello sir,
We are planning to shift on 3rd floor in my home but our puja room is on 1st floor. So sir, as per vastu is it OK that we live on 3rd floor and puja room willbe on first floor?Kindly suggest .
Sir this is regarding where to keep pooja mandir in an appartment flat.we are buying a new flat with 1110swft, where we are planing to keep one shelf in living room(opposite entrance) where photos of god faces to east side, but the thing is we are geting the shelf with a common wall to bathroom.plz give me ur suggestion and the flat is east facing and we are unable to keep in norteast side because we are getting main entrance in this area only.
Hallo Sir,
We are in a west facing house. We have pooja shelf in the middle of the house on the east side wall. But this is opposite to our bathroom. We could not place pooja shelf anywhere else as the NE corner comes inside our bedroom, we have left this corner free. What remedy can be done? Please clarify sir. Thanks a lot in advance.
Hi sir,
We have a pillar in front of Pooja room is that OK.
Hello sir,
I had decided to make wooden mandir in NE corner of my drawing room. Can we closed the door of mandir everytime except time of prayer?
My flat main door entrance is facing north. My Pooja Room (shelf) is facing west and not east. Can I do my prayers by sitting in east?
Hi Sir, My home is 2bhk west facing. We are planning to keep the Pooja shelves in hall in south East direction (next to kitchen). Please suggest the Pooja room door should face north or west. Thank you..
Can bedroom door face Pooja room door?
Pooja room at my home newly construction having celiling pyramid shape below celiling of house is good or bad please suggest
Dear Sir,
I have 3 bedrooms, kitchen and living room and 2 balconies in our flat. 2 bedrooms are currently occupied and i was planning to use 3rd bedroom as children’ room.Can i construct pooja room in balcony on back side of the house as front side balcony walls are adjacent to toilets. Or can i divide the 3rd bedroom by use of curtains to make pooja room? Please suggest
Hello Sir,
I Have a duplex house facing North East.
Pooja Room is in between North and more towards East
Can we place Washing Room adjacent to Pooja room???
Washing Room aree will be east wall of mandir to the south.
Will it be fine??
Thank You
Hello sir
I have constructed pooja room on NE direction and extended the pooja room completely out of house making it to continue to grow till our site end is that OK.
Hello Sir
I am constructing a duplex house facing North East.Pooja room is in the North East Corner on the first floor.
Can we place washing area above the Pooja room??
Please suggest me something!!
Thank You
Hello sir,
I am renovating my home and I am planning to fix a 6ftx6ft toughened frost glass on a 9ftx9ft east wall for the pooja room.The idols will kept an inch away from this east wall.It is it kay to fix glass in the east wall of the pooja room?
Hi Sir,
My House is Northfacing and I am planning Pooja room in kitchen towards North East Corner below the kitchen basement, Beside to that after 5 inches space on kitchen basement there is a wash basin.
Suggest me how can i plan the pooja room so that there will be no issues with wash basin.
Hello sir, can I hang the mandir on the east wall of the house instead of placing it on the floor?
is it okay if the door of puja room which is on south side faces door of kitchen at north side?????