As an Architect practising in Bangalore, India, I have described the Architecture course and the qualification required to be able to practise as an Architect in India, under the following headings:
Describe the Architecture course in India?
Describe the Architecture specialization course in India?
What is the eligibility for B.Arch in India?
What is the aptitude test NATA?
What are the subjects taught in B.Arch?
In India, Architecture is taught through diploma or degree courses in the different colleges/schools of Architecture throughout the country as prescribed by the Council of Architecture. The Architecture degree course (B.Arch.) is of a minimum period of 5 academic years or 10 semesters and includes 6 months or 1 semester of practical training in a Professional Architect’s office.
On completion of the graduate course, if interested, one can study Architecture at the post graduate level (M.Arch) as prescribed by the Council of Architecture. This will be for a minimum period of 2 academic years or 4 semesters. Further specialization in this field can be in Industrial Design, Urban Design, Landscape Architecture, Town Planning/ Urban Planning, Environmental Planning, Building Engineering and Management, Transport Planning, etc. These courses are open to B.Arch. degree/diploma holders.
The candidate seeking admission in the Architecture course must have passed 10 +2 or equivalent higher secondary/ pre-university examinations in the science group of any recognized University/Board with Mathematics as a subject of examination with at least 50% aggregate marks.
The candidate with a good academic background in physics and mathematics is better suited for the study of Architecture, as the work involves complex designing problems, building economies and cost estimations.
The National Institute of Advanced Studies in Architecture (NIASA), Pune, an Academic Unit of the Council of Architecture (COA), conducts a National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) far admission to first year of 5-year Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) degree course for all Architectural Institutions in the country. It is mandatory for every Architectural Institution imparting 5-year B.Arch degree course in the country to join the NATA and to admit students on the basis of valid NATA marks. To know more about NATA, go to:
Candidates, who are not admitted on the basis of valid NATA marks, will not be considered for registration as an “Architect” under the Architects Act, 1972 with the COA irrespective of their obtaining a B.Arch degree. Registration as an “Architect” with the COA is mandatory for pursuing the profession of Architecture and employment in Central/State Governments Services in the country
An Architect is required to have knowledge in a vast variety of subjects so as to be able to grasp the requirements of any type of Client. A brief description of the subjects listed in the Architectural Course is given here:
- Architectural Drawing & Graphics
- Surveying & Levelling
- History of Architecture
- Structural Mechanics
- Principles of Human Settlements
- Estimating & Costing
- Workshop Practice for model making
- Building Construction
- Building Materials & Specifications
- Building Services
- Humanities
- Theory of Structures
- Town Planning
- Landscape Design
- Building Bye-laws
Also read about:
- Nature And Scope Of Work Of An Architect
- Educational Qualifications Of An Architect
- Statistics Of Architects In India
- List Of Architects In India
- Famous Indian Architects
- Famous International Architects
- Why Should You Involve An Architect
- Unique Assets Of An Architect
- Scope Of Services Of An Architect
- Professional Fees Charged By An Architect
- Scale Of Charges Of An Architect
- Schedule Of Payment To An Architect
- Choosing An Architect
- Meeting With An Architect
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Hi , Im faisal ,i have qualified in nata and pass 12 but got fail in maths so can i get any colleges ??
Fees for barch depends on nata and academic score or not
Sir I am kushal I passed 2nd pu with 91% maths 97 and physics 95 and waiting for nata result can I get barch seat ???
And iam good in drawing designs and models
What is the for barch ??
Will you please clear my confusion pls……..!!!!!!
Hei Sir ,
My Name is Hitesh , i am complied MCA in computer sci In 2016 . i have 2 year experience in developing website . i am interested to go architecture field . Now I eligible to go architecture/interior Design side or not ???
I am sangram and i complited deploma in electrical engg
can i get admission in Architecture couese .
Hi.i am santosh kumar sharma ,sir i am 12th pass in 49.6% in pcm.i instrested for architect course.can i apply architect(NID)
I had taken commerce stream with math as main subject and I am in 12th now . I am interested in architect .Am I eligible to entrance test (NATA)?
How can i join architecture with polytechnic and without doing XII science
i still doing (civil). i want to become a famous architecture. what can i do.
Can i pick only maths and commerce to become an architect
My brother is in 11th std this year. he has taken commerce with maths subject. he wants to become architect. Is he eligible to do B.Arch?
Hi Kavita,
“No candidate, with less than 50% marks in aggregate, shall be admitted to the architecture course unless he/she has passed an examination at the end of the new 10 + 2 scheme of Senior School Certificate Examination or equivalent with Mathematics and English as subjects of examinations at the 10+2 level.”
This is the condition for admission to the architecture course. So if your brother has English also as a subject, he is eligible.
hi I’m Lavanya I’m interested in architecture so much, I had passed 10+2 with 62% but got 40 marks in maths ..but got 100 marks in NATA so can u pls tell me that I’m eligible or not.
Hi Lavanya,
“No candidate, with less than 50% marks in aggregate, shall be admitted to the architecture course unless he/she has passed an examination at the end of the new 10+2 scheme of Senior School Certificate Examination or equivalent with Mathematics and English as subjects of examinations at the 10+2 level”. In your case I believe you are eligible because you got 62 % aggregate.
I was unable to register for NATA examination as i was totally unknown of the dates but i did gave the exam of jee mains paper 2 and expecting a result around 230 so would a b arch degree from an NIT worthy or worthless
Hi Arghya,
A degree from NIT is worthwhile.
I am studying inter 1st year,mec group
What further qualification required to become an architect
Plz………help me sir
Hi Satya,
If you pass with a minimum of 50% aggregate in 10+2 scheme of the new Senior School Certificate Examination with Mathematics and English as subjects, then you are elligible for Architecture.
I am Harish . I completed b-tech ece
In 2013 know am interested to go architecture field . Now I eligible to go architecture side.
Hi Harish,
A candidate must have passed with a minimum of 50% aggregate in 10+2 scheme of the new Senior School Certificate Examination with Mathematics and English as subjects. If the 10+2 scheme is not introduced, candidates must have passed after 11 years schooling, the Higher Secondary pre-university/ pre-engineering or equivalent examinations in the Science group of any recognized University or Board with English, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as compulsory subjects. So You might be elligible.
I am a student who just gave the 10th board exams.I wanted to ask if by doing architectural diploma we can join a B.Arc college ?
Hi Sakshi,
It becomes easier for you to join for B.Arch if you do the architectural diploma course, since you will be able to do the aptitude tests well. And I think in such a case your B.Arch degree term will be reduced. i am not sure. You could enquire with the colleges you are interested in.
mai achitect karna chahata hu par samjh mai nhi aa rha h ki kaha se karu mai ba2 ka student hu so plz give me advise
Hi Harendra,
Please go through this page on architectural education of the Council of Architecture website. It will help you in your pursuit of becoming an architect.
I am interested in architecture. Now, I’m studying diploma CE. So, i need u to tell me how can I get into architecture course?
Hi Madhu,
You could read more about it in my site on Architectural Education in India or on the CoA website.
I am student of commerce with maths ,I pass 12th board exam in 2015.
I want to become an architecture ,can i able to do barch cource.
Hi Udit,
Though you have done maths, knowledge of physic and chemistry to a small extent is necessary for doing the architecture course. So I do not think you are elligible. But you could contact the COA directly.
i have taken science stream for xi & Xii and wish to go for architecture by giving nata. Should i give jee mains paper ii for this field?
Hi Janvi,
If you are planning on joining IIT, then you will have to give the Jee entrance exam and NATA also.
Right now I’m in class10 I wanted to become an architect, can you suggest me the best subject in intermidiate?
Hi Karthick,
You have to take science and maths.
Hi I’m raj i have completed my qualification till BE civil engg but i interests in architect so can i qualified to do b.arch / m.arch?
Hi King master,
Yes you can try for B.Arch, after giving the NATA exam.
if i wish to get admission in architecture but without giving any competitive exam- can i?
Hi Shreya,
No you cannot.
Hello I am Kunal I complete my 12th science in 2011 thane i do Architecture Draftsman in ITI 2 years now i am working in Architect Company.I wont to do B.Arch so tell me Can i do B.Arch But i was pass 12th in 2011 in NIOS so its is ok to take admission to B.Arch? They Have ane age le-met to do B.Arch?
Hi Kunal,
According to my knowledge there is no age limit for joining B.Arch. Since you have done 12th, you are elligible to apply for B.Arch. after giving NATA exam.
hii!! I m 1n 10th right now and I have opt for science stream.I wann ask that is drawing important very much in architecture? can i become architect by giving nata and doing b.arch course…?
Hi Bruvi,
You can become an architect after giving the NATA exam since you have opted for the science stream. Drawing is not really important though it helps to be able to sketch to explain your ideas. But you should be able to imagine spaces.
hello i am shubham i have compleated my qualification till 12 standed i am intrested in architecture so what qualification is needed to do architecture and what would be the salory for 0 year experiance and witch degree college is needed for architecture please give me advice
Hi Shubham,
I hope you have taken up science with amths as a subject in your 12th. Only then you will be eligible. For more information on the Architecture course in India, go to my link. Salaries are not very high, but you always have the option of starting on your own and it is a creative and satisfying field.
Hi i m greatly interestd to become an architect.i read the qualifications u had written. I understood it. So i m in 10th n almost passed. I m going to take commerce. So wht is the level of exams fr bcoming architect. If suppose I fail thn will i get second chance?
Hi Priyal,
If you want to do architecture, you need to take up the science stream in 10+2 with mathematics as a subject. Then you need to give a NATA exam.
i am complited diploma civil engineering but i am interested on architectural disining can i qlifid to do b.arch?
Hi Rajakosuri,
To apply for B.Arch. you must “have passed with an aggregate of 50% in a 10+2 scheme of SSCE with maths as a subject or must have passed after 11 years schooling, the Higher Secondary/pre-university/pre-engineering or equivalent examinations in the Science group of any recongnized University or Board with English, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as compulsory subjects. Also, you must clear the NATA aptitude test before you join a college. I believe, that having a civil engineering degree does not give you a shortcut.
I am intersted in doing architecture after 12th as I am good in preparing models I have taken science stream but this year I can complete only four subjects physics,maths,computer-science,english according to nios rules so I really wanted to know that can I seek admission on the basis of this four subjects then I would give next year chemistry is it possible?is there any college in india?plz help me…
Hi Aishwarya,
You will have to contact the Council of Architecture and find out if you are eligible. The COA is in the process of amending their guidelines and criteria for the Architecture course. So I cannot comment. Best of luck!
I have a talent to make models and buildings. but I doesn’t have the qualification that architecture need…I completing my 12th with commerce stream through nios
Hi Pankaj Sharma,
Use your talent to make models for architects. Nowadays, there are lot of requests for models from clients, So if your models are reasonably priced, you could get work from many architects.
Hello ! I am interested in architecture plz tel me which qualification required & 12th sci is required
Hi Sanjay,
The candidate seeking admission in the Architecture course (5-year Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) degree course) must have passed 12th in the science group with Mathematics as a subject, with at least 50% aggregate marks. He should have also passed the National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) far admission to first year of architecture.
i am interested in ARCHITECTURE plz tel me the details and wt is the qualifications.
Hi Nandu,
The candidate seeking admission in the Architecture course (5-year Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) degree course) must have passed 12th in the science group with Mathematics as a subject, with at least 50% aggregate marks. He should have also passed the National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) far admission to first year of architecture.
i am Sanjay Pawar 12th science pass with 42 %. Also completed architect assistance ship course. doing job in architect office since 12 can i give architect exam externally. Please help me about this.
Hi Sanjay,
Even though you have worked in an architect’s office, you will have to do an architectural course (either B.Arch or diploma in Architecture) to become an architect. You can refer to the Council of Architecture Admission guidelines for more information.
really very innovative idea to make future come very creative and designfull
gud info on architecture
Thank you Nitesh.
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