One enters the house, through the main entrance door and this is the entry point of energy, ‘positive or negative’. Every time you enter your house you activate a presiding energy in relationship to the mandala of the house at that point. According to Vastu Shastra, a door must be precisely located for the activation of most beneficial energy.
The placement of the door depends on the cardinal direction that the house faces. To know more about the right location of the main door in each case, refer to the Vastu guidelines listed here. Since Vastu is a science, there is logic and reasoning behind every guideline. As an Architect, I have attempted to explain each of these guidelines rationally and scientifically under the following headings, so that you have a choice and can decide what you want to follow or not instead of looking at Vastu as a superstition:
Where should the main entrance door be located?
What are the Vastu tips for the main entrance door?
What are the Vastu specifications of the main entrance door?
According to Vastu Shastra, what should be avoided with regard to the main entrance door?
To figure out where to place a main door, imagine that you are standing in front of the house and divide the front facade of the house into into two parts with an imaginary, middle, vertical line. The door should never be placed in the middle but only on either side of the middle line, to the left or the right half, depending on the direction the door faces, as stipulated here:
North- facing door should be in the left half when facing the house, that is more towards the North-East. The Scientific reason – Its preferable to have more openings in the North and East to allow the useful sunlight constantly, through the day.
The door should not be at the corner of the walls, but a few feet away from the corner junction. The Scientific reason – Its preferable to have more window openings towards the North and East to allow constant sunlight through the day. Since the door is opaque, it should be placed away from the N-E corner, more to the centre.
West facing door can be located in the left half when facing the house, that is favouring the North-West. Avoid placing a door in the right half (South-West). The Scientific reason – Its preferable to have more window openings towards the North to allow constant sunlight through the day. And it is better to avoid having an opening towards the South or West as it will allow in hot air. You can read about it in detail in my post: Vastu Guidelines For West Facing House
If a house has a main entrance in the West it should have a corresponding door in the East also. The Scientific reason – To allow maximum, useful UV rays found in the morning sunlight, into the house, since it is beneficial for health of the inamtes. (vitamin D synthesis)
South facing main door must not be in the center of the building but should be in the right half when facing the house, that is more towards the South-East. Avoid placing a door in the left half (South-West). For all houses having main door in South direction, they must have another door in North direction also. The Scientific reason – It is always preferable to have fewer or no openings in the South-West as explained above, since the hot infra-red rays of the afternoon sunlight are projected, maximum towards this direction and causes the air to get heated up.
If a house has a main entrance in the South there should be one more corresponding to it in the North direction also. The Scientific reason – To allow the constant light from the North into the house.
East facing door can be located in the right half when facing the house, that is more to the North-East. Avoid placing a door in the left half (South-East). The Scientific reason – Its preferable to have more openings in the North and East to allow the useful sunlight constantly, through the day and better to avoid openings in the South or west as they will let in hot air especially during the afternoons. You can read about it in detail in my post: Vastu Guidelines For East Facing House
Thus you can see in Vastu, there is no bad location for a main door. Its the pseudo vastu pundits who claim that South and West entrances are bad and the entrance door should only be in the North or East, because they take the Vastu Shastra guidelines too literally – Since Vastu recommends more open space in the North and East to enable the pleasant morning light and constant North light to permeate the house, it makes sense to have the entrance from either of these directions. But it’s not a hard and fast rule.
The main entrance door should be fixed on an auspicious day after performing Vastu Pooja. The Scientific reason – The main door leads one into a house and this is the place from where energies, either positive or negative, enter and exit a house. So obviously you want more positive energy to enter a home as the residents will prosper. Therefore it is good for you to do a special pooja for the main door as it will psychologically make you feel confident that it will be a positive channel to good energy.

The entrance gate and the main door should be on the same side: It is not considered good if the main door to the house is on the opposite side to the entrance of the property. The Scientific reason – It doesn’t make sense to have the entrance on one side and then have the main door on the opposite side as guests and outsiders are forced to walk right across the length of the site, to the back of the property, thus invading into the privacy of the inmates.
It is preferable to have two doors, an entrance and an exit door: However, the exit door should be smaller than the entrance door. The Scientific reason – The fresh air entering into the house through the entrance, will find a way out through the exit door and thus be forced to pass through the rest of the house, allowing the house to breathe.
The main entrance door should be the largest door of the house as it allows in positive energy: The Scientific reason – A large main door looks inviting and allows big objects, like beds, to be brought in from outside without difficulty.
The main door should open inside and clockwise: The Scientific reason – If the door swings open in a clockwise motion, you use your left hand to open the door for the guests, thus enabling you to guide them in with your right hand.
The main door should have a threshold: Shoes should not be kept in front of the door, but to the side. The Scientific reason – The threshold will deter ants and other pests from entering into the house. The shoes in front of the door can be an eyesore and cause you to stumble.
The main door should always be a bit higher than ground level and the number of steps to reach it must be an odd number. The Scientific Reason- Since most people are right handed, they generally put their right foot first, while climbing steps. So when they end the climb, they somehow prefer to end on the right foot. This is possible only when there are odd number of steps.
Always keep the main door well lit and visible: The Reason- As one approaches the main door, it should look inviting and bright instead of being dingy and dark.
Always have some beautiful design on the main door and some auspicious signs like ‘Om’ and “Swastika’: The Scientific reason – When you or a guest stand in front of the door it is better to see some pleasant images instead of just a plain, drab door.
Wood of Teak, Honne, Matti are good for the main door: The Scientific reason – Its important to use strong wood for the main door, so that it cannot be broken down or damaged easily.
Wood from Peepal, Coconut, trees giving flowers and fruits; Thorny trees, fragrant trees, etc should not be used. The Scientific Reason- It is also vital that we protect useful trees that provide us with fruit etc. The wood of thorny trees is not easy to work with.
Avoid circular, sliding door for the main entrance: The Reason- They are not structurally as safe a s a regular rectangular door.
Avoid the main door directly facing the main door of the opposite house. The Scientific reason – It is quite uncomfortable when both the doors are open, as one unconsciously tends to look into the other house. Avoid the main door facing temples: The Reason- The temple is a busy place where people congregate and there is always sound. It disturbs the peace of your house.
Avoid having obstructions like trees, poles in front of the main door. The Reason- As you step out, you see the obstruction that psychologically feels like an obstruction in your life. Also the obstruction, obstructs the view to your door partly.
Avoid the main door directly facing an abandoned, rundown or dilapidated building: The Scientific reason – It is quite disconcerting, every time you open the door to see a bad looking building right in front of you.
Avoid having an underground tank, septic tank under the main entrance: The Scientific reason – In case the tank has to be opened or cleaned, it can be very inconvenient if it is right in front of the main door.
Avoid locating the main entrance door in the corners of the house. Keep it at least 1′ away from the corner: The Scientific reason – If the door is in the extreme corner, it will be difficult to have a neat furniture layout in the room, as the corner is used for movement.
Avoid locating a wall directly in front of the entrance door: There should be a door that opens to the next room in line of sight, opposite the main door. The Scientific reason – The fresh air entering the house every time you open the door, should be allowed to flow into the rest of the house and for that there should be openings. This allows the house to breathe properly.

Avoid self-closing doors: The Scientific reason – With self closing locks available nowadays, the doors can shut and close by themselves, but there is the risk that the door will close accidentally in the breeze while the keys are inside the house.
Avoid creaking doors: The Scientific reason – Doors that creak indicate bad workmanship, loose and unoiled hinges.
This post was about the Vastu Shastra guidelines for the design of the main entrance door which leads into the into the Interior of the House and the Living Room. It is important that the positive energy from the main entrance door radiates into these rooms and from there into the rest of the house. For this, these spaces should also be vastu compliant. Read about the Vastu guidelines for the design of these spaces here:
If you want to make the rest of the rooms of your house/apartment also Vastu compliant, then go to:
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Related Topics:
- Vastu Shastra | Explained By An Architect
- Vastu Shastra | Principles For A House
- Vastu Shastra | Factors That Impact A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Designing A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Interiors Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Exteriors Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Selecting The Right Site
- Vastu Guidelines | Construction Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Rituals For A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Non-Residential Buildings
- Remedies For Vastu Defects
Thnx a lot …
Respected Sir,
I have read the information you have shared above and also have read the comments , but am not clear about how to check the direction of the main door exactly.
I am about to buy a house and am totally confused because when I stand in the centre of the house and point towards the door the direction is South-East , but when I stand opposite the door (inside the house) the compass shows East.
What is the correct way of checking the direction? Is the door in East or in South-East?
There is also a servant room which has a separate door which is situated opposite to the main door but does not block the main door.
Should I purchase the “House”?
Plz Help ….. Its urgent
Hi Ashish,
Stand inside the house at the main door and open it as if you are welcoming a guest. Which direction does the compass point? That is the direction of your main door. I suspect yours is East facing or maybe ESE from your description, which is good as per vastu. If the servant’s door does not block the main door, no harm in looking at this house.
Thank you for your wise comments. I have a flat which is North facing (slightly North East) with the entrance on the east. While most aspects of the house are vaastu compliant, it has two issues- the lift is in the north East sector; the staircase is on the East, slightly touching North east – and as a result the terrace which is also with us has the North East portion as the tallest point. The south portion of the terrace has a terrace garden. How serious are the defects.
Hi Urmi,
Not very serious defects. If most of the aspects are positive and vastu compliant, do not bother about the the other things.
I am planning to rent a place which is North East facing with a large window on the east allowing for sunlight to enter in the middle of the house. The rest of the house seems vaastu compliant. However the main entrance of the flat faces a lift door. How serious is this defect? Is there a remedy?e
Hi Sudip,
Everything seems to be okay. Facing a lift door is not bad.
we are proposed to purchase flat main entrance door of flat is south east whether it is favaroble
Hi Gautham,
Always go by your gut instinct in case of a built space. Do you feel positive when you visit this apartment. Then go ahead.
Hi Sir/Mam,
I am planning to buy an apartment. But finding difficult to make decision, as I the main entrance of apartment is South East facing. Kindly suggest if I can go-ahead with this unit.
Hi Prasad,
Do not go only by the direction. Get a feel of the space. Do you feel uplifted, positive when you come to this apartment or do you feel negative. Use your instinct to make a decision.
Sir, While using compass, should I face compass towards the main entrance to know position or should I stand at the main door and face out using compass. It’s confusing. Pls explain
Hi Kalpesh,
Stand inside the house at your main door, looking out (jUst like when you open the door to welcome a visitor). Note the direction the compass points. That is the direction of your entrance.
sir i want to no about vastu and i want to read
i am a interior
thank you sir
Hi Ashok,
As a start, you could go through “the pocket book of Vastu” by Rakesh Chawla.
My plot is having roads on both sides east and west. It means i could make my entrance door in both East and west directions?
Kindly suggest which direction I should go for?
Hi Digamber,
I would recommend the East. Also keep more setback in the East and more windows in the eastern walls so that you can benefit from the early morning sunlight.
I have a display unit with a strip of mirror near the bottom of the unit facing the main entrance. Is this alright?
If not, should I cover up the mirror part?
Hi Alice,
If the strip is small and you do not see your face reflection in the mirror as you walk in through the main door, it is fine. Otherwise, hang some display articles so that the mirror is not that visible.
My house maindoor is facing towards the east. South east is hall and north east is kitchen. Is it good to place pooja stand in the south east or south west. Pls advice
Hi Sreeja,
Place the pooja wherever it is easily accessible and such that there is ample space and light around it.
I live in a flat owned by my father and there is a stair case that is leading up right out side our main door. I was told this may have negative effects on us (occupants of the house) Will fixing a small mirror on the main door fix the problem? Please advise.
Hi Sudip,
IT is always advisable to have no obstructions in front of the main door. The passage to and from the main door should be clear. So, a staircase right in front is obtrusive. But since you cannot do anything about it, you could put a large mirror to create the feeling of doubling the space.
my date of birth is 20/10/1953 main entry door of my house is in east toilet is on west some vastu consultants are telling it is not as per vastu and there will be illhealth ,loss of fame.set back in education to children .pl sugest remedies
Hi Karibasappa,
Sorry to say, I am not an astrologer and cannot give you any advice based on your date of birth. If your house is well-lit, well ventilated it is as per vastu and should be good for you.
Hi Sir,
We are planning to rent a new home.The building entrance door is East facing.But after the main door we have a long wide passage leading towards open kitchen with living hall.Another Balcony is north facing after the living hall where we can use to move outside from the home as well.We want to know is this long passage creates any problem according to vastu shastra?Is it a good decision to rent this home?Please suggest?Thank you very much in advance!!
Hi Preethi,
The long passage is not against vastu principles. In fact it will be a nice place to put some bookshelves since it is wide, put your footwear and hang some paintings.
BTW, Most of the explanation in this page talking about varanda is technically backyard in USA homes and most of the front face of the home is just a closed garage (not main entrance). So, can i take your rules (sunlight direction) etc into consideration for backyard?
Hi Sri kumar,
Yes you can. The verandah is a shaded place meant for relaxation and spending time with family. The vastu rules mentioned for verandahs is applicable whether it is in the front or in the back.
Dear Admin,
Thanks a lot for a very detailed explanation of each point. It is very useful for my future home planning. I have been forced to follow some vastu rules without knowing the reason but now after reading your blog, It helps me figure out what is important for my future home. Thanks again for a wonderful and detailed information.
A quick question: You mentioned that Most of the sunlight with vit-D comes from north. Is that specific to indian geographical region or is it same for USA also?
Hi Sri kumar,
Due to the Earth’s inclination and the fact that India is in the Northern hemisphere, the constant sunlight is from the North. In the Usa, depending on the area you live in, you will have to study the direction of the Sun’s constant sunlight.
I have a house with main entrance facing north. But for the past seven years, due to some dispute, I am unable to use to road on the north side and and am using another road which is on the south side. Since am unable to use north side road, I have planned to shift my main door to west side which will be exactly at the centre.(neither north-west nor south-west. Can I proceed with the change. The property is in joint name. My birth star is Maga(Simha rashi) and my wife’s star is karthik (Vrishbha rashi). Pl advise.e and and am using another road which is on the south side. Pl advise.
Hi Sriram,
Since you have no other option you will have to use the south side road and accordingly you will have to shift the main door to the side. As long as the door does serves like a proper main door, it does not matter which direction it is.
When i standing at center of the house and going out of the house, main door is south facing. If i want to change the main door to east facing then can i do that by putting an extra iron door in east direction..By doing so first a person needs to cross that iron door and then main door.Please suggest can i change the direction of the main door facing by doing this?
Hi Mohit,
You can do that.
Dear Sir,
First of all thanks in advance for allowing your precious time to advice us.
Sir, we have 2nd floor , 2 BHK flat In apartment building total flats are 27nos with entrance is west direction (corner) and a opposite gate of balcony on east direction corner opposite to Main Entrance gate
One bed room is on NW direction another is on NE direction in-between we have bath room and kitchen
( Left side of the Main Entrance Gate )
Right side is our Drawing room space as well as dining table space
The house has good vibes in general. But is there anything that we can do to improve the vaastu defects without making much structural changes. Looking for your advice as soon as possible.
Thanks Sir, SK
Hi SK,
If the house has good vibes, don’t change anything. As it is, the layout seems to be fine. So enjoy your house.
In my flat that i have just bought the main door opens in front of a lift. Is this ok or should i take some remdial action please advice
Hi Rohit,
It’s okay.
Hi, thanks for the useful info. I have a question.
i am planning to shift to a new rented home. the building is east facing. flat is at 2nd floor facing east only. but my questions is there are steps to go up exactly in front of my door, of-course that is not stopping the sunlight in to the flat. but is this really a problem?
Also the count of the total flat doors is 3, windows 3 and 2 ventilators. we liked the flat most but kindly suggest me if there are anything to change or any remedies.
thanks Swarna
Hi Swarna,
If you liked the flat so much then it must be the best for you. Believe in that. As long as sunlight enters your flat especially from the East, you have nothing to worry.
I have been going through I find the info shared very interesting and useful! Appreciate the efforts you have taken to give scientific explanation to the Vastu sashtra. its very interesting to read this.
I have a query: My main entrance door is located on the South-east corner of my house, facing South. It is not as per the calculation you have provided ( 4th part from right or 6th part from left) Would there be any potential issues? Kindly advice
Thanks, Srividya
Hi Srividya,
I have seen lots of worried queries from my readers about South facing doors. Like I have mentioned in my post, what would city planners do if South facing houses are not acceptable? According to me there is nothing wrong with a South door, whichever corner it might be in. But if it is bothering you so much, then make sure you have lots of openings like windows/doors on the Northern and Eastern walls, to compensate. P.S. This comment is for all of you who have doubts about South-facing doors.
Can you please advise, I am planning to buy a house which has main entrance right between North and East corner. Is this good, someone told if its corner then should shift to left and not good entrance..please advise
Hi Rama,
I have not understood the question but I am assuming that the door is in the North-East corner. Practically speaking it is not the ideal position as entry through the corner will disturb the circulation and movement space inside the rooms. It is better to have the entrance door either in the North or the East wall, a little away from the corner.
My house is south and east facing is that good or not please u let me know if is not good can u give me what to do ?
Thanks Pallavi
Hi Pallavi,
According to me there is nothing wrong with a South door, whichever corner it might be in. But if it is bothering you so much, then make sure you have lots of openings like windows/doors on the Northern and Eastern walls, to compensate.
The kitchen is directly in front of the main door after living room is it ok or to change
Hi Mrityunjayarasu,
Don’t bother to make such drastic changes. But if you feel a lack of privacy, keep the kitchen door closed when guests come home.
sir.pls urgently guide me.i have decided to buy a two bhk flat in tower. The main door while entering is in south-east direction. is it bad?should i buy….
Hi Dinesh Sharma,
According to me there is nothing wrong with a South door. But if it is bothering you so much, then just check if there are lots of openings like windows/doors on the Northern and Eastern walls. Then make a decision.
One flat having main entrance-door is at north – west side, please suggest about it.
Hi Nath Sonawane,
There is nothing wrong with it.
I understand that we should have even no. of doors and windows in the house. Do we consider Main Gate also as a door count, please advise.
Hi Krishnamacharya,
Normally we mean only the doors and windows of the house. But let’s say you have odd number of doors in your house, then you can include the gate and so you will have even number of openings which can make you feel psychologically sure that the vastu of your house is right.
I purchase new flat , whose main entrance door is at south
please give tips about this door direction
Please refer to my answer to Srividya’s query in the comments here.
Please advice me: The main door direction is North west / west. Sometimes the compass says north but many times oppsite to Main door ot shows north west. Thanks.
Hi Padma,
I am seeing many queries about North-West main doors. No doubt Vastu recommends the maind door to be in the North East part of a north facing wall. But according to me, that does not mean a North-West door is unacceptable. It is okay if that is the best possible position, because it is more important that you do not disturb the inner movement and circulation inside the house. But make sure that you have some openings towards the North-East side.
dear sir
I have a portion where previously entry is on the south east corner facing south can i change the entrance to south east corner facing east kindly suggest
Please refer to my answer to Srividya’s query in the comments here.
Ma’am, thank you for your insights. have been squabbling with the wife about our entry door. Thanks to your post I got to have my way. Thanks again 🙂
Hi Winta,
Glad I prevented marital disharmony.
Kindly recommand the below main enterance door is correct facing to buy a flat.If not suggest the directions.
1.North west-when entering the house.
2.South east-when coming out of the house.
Hi Hamsa,
Please refer to my answer to Srividya’s and Padma’s queries in the comments here.
south west facing mein door sahi hai ya nahi, yadi nahi to kya upay kar sakte hain?
Please refer to my answer to Srividya’s query in the comments here.
kya north west facing door sahi hai.
Please refer to my answer to Padma’s query in the comments here.
i have purchased a plot facing south but i need to keep the main door facing east by making a small room then turning right and keeping the entrance for hall is it ok tell me
Hi nagarathinam.
You have solved the problem of “South-facing” door by putting it in the East. Go ahead.
Sir, My flat main entrance is on the south west and has a foyer of approx 8 or 9 feet to the drawing room. The floor level of this foyer is two steps lower than the drawing room. There is already one step outside the main door. Please tell me how good or bad is this entrance on the southwest and also the difference in the floor level..
Thank You !
Hi Mamtha,
Please refer to my answer to Srividya’s query in the comments here regarding the direction of the door. As for the level difference, it is okay as you are climbing up to the house. But practically speaking, it is always better to have the floor level throughout the house.
I received a better deal for one flat which is East Facing but the Main Entrance is at Sourth – East and the entire house is towards north side after entering the house. Please suggest if this flat can be purchased?
Thanks, Kishore
Hi Kishore,
Actually you have the answer. Everything seems favourable. So go ahead and buy it.
i must admit that ur article is one of the very few sensible articles on vasthu. I say so because most of them simply say DO NOT do this etc. but you have given logical reasons for most. In the house that we have moved into, there is a small hallway (verandah like) as we enter the house and another door leads to kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom. So, in some ways, kitchen door is visible from main door, although the cooking area or even the cupboard and counter top will not be visible. A friend of mine was saying kitchen should not be in direct line of main entrance. However, I kept getting positive vibes from the property so I am in it! Also, as long as the cooking itself is not visible to passers by, I am happy. What are your comments? Cheers
Hi Veena,
You have answered the question yourself. The positive vibes are what matters the most. Moreover, you have your privacy in the kitchen. Like you say most people, even well-wishers like to say ‘do not’ otherwise, it will affect your health or wealth. Please go by your instinct and use common sense.
sir i have a window in exact sw corner. it is the only ventilation for the room.i have read that we should cover the window with a thick blanket, so that ,even the sunlight cannot enter the room. is it true.please answer me.
Hi Mrs.Nandhini Anandan,
Light from any corner is good for the inmates. Of course sunlight from the South-West is very hot because the Sun is in the SW in the afternoon, the hottest time of the day. So it is preferable to have smaller windows or screen the windows here, in the aftrnoons.
I am planning to finalize the deal for a new flat, but am little worried coz
1) The flat is having South West Entry (i.e we face towards SW wiile entry)
2) It seems as if it is 30 Degree SW inclination
3) Kitchen is in NW
Sir I do not know much about Vastu but I do belive in it. Pl guide me whether it is suitable.
Thnks n Rgds
Hi Vikas,
Please refer to my answer to Srividya’s query in the comments here.
hello and good afternoon sir ..1.i have a pent house which has a main entrance facing towards south,,and it is in south east corner…and as per my patrika i m an Sagittarius ,,is this favourable for me?
Hi Mohan Moolya,
Please refer to my answer to Srividya’s query in the comments here.
impressed by your site. glad there is someone who can explain things scientifically and not misguide innocents and idiots.
Thank you Radhika for leaving an appreciative note. Please share in your circle.
my flat main door is opposite of lift . so request to you please give me solution.
Hi Suvendu Dutta,
There is no solution as you cannot change the position of the door or the lift. Keep your door closed except when going in and out of the house.
Hello, my house main entrance is from south and also there is a cut in north-east corner than what should i do .?
Hi Ajinkya,
Please refer to my answer to Srividya’s query in the comments here.
we planned our home and start renovating first the main door of our house was facing the road which passes in front of our home. Now we modified it and placed it 90 degrees to the road a vastu shasta fellow came and said its very much bad to have door at that place is it true…little worried tell me the solution…?
Hi Vinayak,
There must be a reason why you changed the position of the door. It must be because it was more convenient for the whole plan and for accessing the house. So don’t bother unless the Vastu fellow has put superstitious fear into you. In which case, do what he says.
Dear Sir
I am planning to relocate for new rented house in bangalore south (koramangala), My Date of birth is 30-05-1978( 17.35 pm is birth time), please suggest me the which entrance will be good for my name and sign, these days i was in north facing house, please suggest me suitable entrance.
Thanks, Regards, Dinesh
Hi Dinesh,
After reading my post, you must know that I am of a scientific bend of mind and there is no way I will give you a solution based on your date of birth and hour of birth!. And in a rented house you cannot look at a perfect vastu house.
i have a nice decorative mirror facing the main door. as soon as you enter the house, you see the mirror. people tell me it is bad luck. what do i do? is it bad?
Hi Indira,
If what people say bothers you, then remove it and place it somewhere else where it can be appreciated.
Dear Sir,
First of all thanks in advance for allowing your precious time to advice us.
Sir, we are planning to buy a 2BHK house in a multi storeyed building with entrance in the south of west (corner) and a window in front.
Both the rooms, Kitchen and Hall are in the East so the house has windows in one direction only – that is East.
Bedrooms are in the north east direction and hall in south east and kitchen in middle.
The house has good vibes in general. But is there anything that we can do to improve the vaastu defects without making much structural changes. Looking for your advice as soon as possible.
Hi Manisha,
If you get good vibes from this property then why have doubts. Go for it. Remember you can never get the perfect ‘Vastu ” house.
Pl.gide me about south face main door and what is the soluation
thanks, r.k.vyas
Hi R K Vyas,
Please refer to my answer to Srividya’s query in the comments here.
The main door of my house (flat) faces north and its on the 1st floor but it also faces the staircase is it ok as per vaastu or not and if it is not ok then what are the remedies.
Hi Ravi,
Be happy that the main entry is as per ‘vastu recommendations’. Why bother about small details?
Dear Sir / Madam,
I m about to purchase a flat… having the main door on the south west corner of the flat… the direction of getting out of the flat is West & getting in the flat is East. One of the bedrooms has attached Bathroom/toilet on the exact North East corner. Request you to please guide us whether this condition is okay to buy or it has any negativity of Main Door and attached bathroom / toilet at NE corner. Await your earliest reply… as we need to final this by today evening.
Please refer to my answer to Srividya’s query in the comments here.Toilet in the North-East is not ideal. But the final call is yours as you can feel the vibes that you get from this property.
i am having a east facing plot. can i give main door entry from north side. the premises entry gate will be in north east but main door will be north facing. if we enter from north staircase will be in front. kindly guide.
Hi Giriraj,
You can have the entry from the North if ac accessibility to the rooms is better than entering from the East.
hi my house main door is facing opp house main door my house is 4feet above pls suggest remedy.
Hi Shanmukam,
Most houses will have their main doors facing the main doors of the opposite houses. It intrudes on the privacy it cannot be avoided. So keep your main door closed except when going in and out of the house. your house being raised is an advantage for you as the visibility into your house is reduced.
I have seen a south facing residential plot. On the SOUTH-WEST side of the plot there is a electric pole (junction box) about 4 feet from the site. Please advice will it be ok to buy such plot?
Thanks, Thiru
Hi Thiru,
If you plan your main gate in the SE corner, then the electric pole in the SW corner will not affect the entry to your house.
I want to take a west facing flat. But east /north facing flats will be good for me as per pandits. As there is a already a door at north face, can we use the north entrance door instead of using west entrance. there is nearly 40 feet road in front of north entrance, where as for west side entrance a 6 feet corridor is there in front of the door. Please note that I am not doing any changes to the existing west entrance door, just want to use the north facing entrance.. is it advisable as per vasthu, please suggest.
Thanks and Regards, Sateesh Kumar Jami
Hi Sateesh,
If you believe in what the pundits have told you, then go ahead and start using the North door more than the West door. You may feel psychologically happier.
Kindly let me know what to do if the main door of my flat lies in the south west corner on western wall. The bed room lies in the north east corner so we want to shift it to the south west corner side but our main door opens there and since it is a flat purchased in a residential building we cannot change the main door. Kindly let me know some remedy. THANK YOU
Hi Smriti,
Obviously, you cannot make changes to the main door in a flat. Just because Vastu recommends NE as ‘ideal’ entrance location and SW as best location for master bedroom, you cannot shift the entrance as you like. So forget about it.
Thanks a lot…this site gave really wonderful information. I like the idea that we should feel positive vibe. Before choosing a rented individual house I read a bit about entrance door and it seems south facing is not good. The house i was interested is south facing, so after reading a bit about vastu i didn’t get that positive feeling. Please help what i shoud do……
Thanks in advance !!
Hi Nitin,
Regarding the South entry, please refer to my answer to Srividya’s query in the comments here. Now, if reading negative comments about south entry has influenced the way you feel (vibes) then all I can say is ditch it. And look for something else. After all it is a rented house and there are many options available.
My entrace door is southfacing door.. and the time i am in this house i am sick and no shanti in the house, so please suggest any remedies.
Hi Purnima,
What would city planners do if South facing houses are not acceptable? According to me there is nothing wrong with a South door. But I suspect you are blaming the South door for your problems. Why not look into yourself instead and find the reason for your lack of peace. If it is bothering you so much, then make some changes in your house like getting rid of all clutter, having/keepin windows in the North and East open to allow lot of air and sunshine, clearing the space around your house etc.
I have flat on 6th floor in Surat Gujarat. Main Entrance is facing south west but more towards west. There are total 4 flats on the floor and mine is on the righ end side towards east on the floor plate. Can u suggest me is this a good flat as per vaastu or should i sell and go for the other options?
Regds, DeV
Hi Dev,
Since your flat is more towards the East, you must be getting a lot of good morning sunlight from this direction. This is good, so why think of selling?
My Home is having entrance door towards East direction. But it opens towards outside. Is there any problem with this. Please advice soon.
Hi Chinmay,
The main door opening out will be a problem as it will inconvenience the guests standing outside. A carpenter can easily rectify the problem and make it open inside.
I am thinking of buying a house in Chembur. According to the people staying there they have not done any interior or furnishing. We have 2 do everything… The main door entrance is towards right side of north… i.e. tilted toward north… and kitchen as they made in hall gas stove facing east… is this good vastu… or need some changes.. please suggest at your earliest.
Hi Saraswati,
The vastu is fine but why are you complaining so much. Think of it positively as you can plan your interiors and layout to your convenience.
I am building a house for my family in east facing plot measuring 30×65 but due to some circumstances i am unable to situate the north east main gate and it should be affixed on south east so please advise its harmful to us or its ok? Also please advise in north east there is a entry for the basement so please advise I am afraid
Hi Shankar,
If the gate cannot be located in the NE and has to be in the SE, so be it. Similarly the entry to basement from the NE is fine as it will allow lot of light.
The information given by you is very nice but i have a doubt………..,
I want to purchase a flat whose entrance is in east facing but it was in the corner of south-west and in the second floor. The multistory is also facing to north and main gate entrance is in the north east corner. Can i proceed with the deal? if you will let me know as soon as possible then i will be oblige…
Kind Regards, Sudeep Shreemal
Hi Sudeep,
Many aspects of the flat are in tune with Vastu. The only disadvantage I see is that, being in the SW corner, it will get heated up and remain hot for a longer time than the other flats in the building. So it is finally your call.
Please advise, I am buying a new house and the door of that house i mean the entrance is north east and when I come out its south east.
Please advise me
Regards, Rajmeet
Hi Raj,
From your description, it looks like the house is SE facing because when you come out, that is the direction you face. Like I have said before, I personally don’t see any disadvantage with a South door. Just make sure that there are many windows in the North and East to compensate.
I am living in a rented flat. each floor of the building has 4 flats facing each other, My flat has an entrance in south (i.e. when I enter in my house my face is towards North). Request you to please let me know if this is an issue and if something could be done to overcome the negative effect of it.
Many Thanks, Rishabh
Hi Rishabh,
Please refer to my answer to Srividya’s query in the comments here.
I want to buy a house so want to know how to get the direction of the main door.
1. whether we have to stand outside of door facing our Back to door or
2 Standing outside the door facing mouth towards the door?
Also whether SW is good or NE facing is good.
Please help ASAP. Thanks
Hi Varinder,
Option 1 seems to be what I mean. You have to stand inside your house/site and look at the road, with your back to the site. The direction the compass points is the direction of your site.
My home construction is going on. The door i have selected for front door had shri Ganesh Bagwan design on it. So i want know is their any problem to make shri ganesh design on the door? The design is Shri Ganesh sitting in lotus flower.
Hi Ravi,
There must be a reason you selected this particular design- you must be feeling some connection to this image. So go ahead.
The information given by you is very nice, i m having one query related to main entrance. right now my main entrance is in NE Eastern side( i.e. Ishan). but i want to change it to the North side. and in NE side want to make space for Pooja it right decision to do so? i can also make entrance at East side keeping 3-4 feet space for Pooja Room. so what is preferred ? to keep entrance on North side or on east side?
Thanking You.
Hi Vedant,
You can shift the entrance to the North or East in such a way that the entry to the rooms in the house are not disturbed adversely. Preferably put the entrance facing the road.
I have main entrance on South West (West side) and the flat opens out on towards the left. I understand, South West is NOT a preferred direction for Main entrance. However, I have 4 windows (2 Bed rooms, 1 kitchen, 1 hall) in East. In fact, one of the bed room has North east window. Kitchen is facing East and gas connection is in South East. Master bed room is in North East.
Also, there is large size window (french window) in east (of South East corner) which is facing main entry which is on West of south west corner. Is flat ok as per vastu ? Kindly also suggest remedy for main entry.
Thanks and regards, Bhavesh.
Hi Bhavesh,
This is why I have taken the pains to explain the scientific reasoning behind Vastu principles – so that you, my readers can apply it to your spaces. Sensibly you have put aside the negativity associated with a South door and have instead focused on the positive points such as the large, several windows in the East. So naturally, the flat will be good for you as you have decided to look at the positive side.
hi, iwant to ask u about my main gate, main door now it was facing towards north but in the north west side so please suggest me about this and give me the solution for this and also tell me about the staircase inside the house just now the staircase is in the middle in the east direction and my house length is 50 and width is12.50 please tell me other more things on vastu shastra for perfecting my house. thanks.
Hi Mayuri,
Please forget about perfecting your house because if you make changes and renovations as per the Vastu suggestions given by me, tomorrow someone else will come and say many things are wrong because Vastu principles are interpreted differently. Having a North-facing main door is good enough. Why bother about the corner that it is in? Similarly the staircase serves its purpose of connecting 2 levels from the middle of the house. So don’t bother with it.
1. i want to provide an utility door in the kitchen in the south wall of the house (kitchen is in S-E and the proposed door is about 40% in the east direction of the south wall). is this inauspicious as per vastu. 2. my external staircase to terrace is touching the north wall of the house, is it inauspicious.3. i have my bore-well in the S-E corner of the plot and i have made a sump in the N-E corner of the plot. is it inauspicious. if so any remedies.
anticipating your valuable advice.
Hi Mohanan,
I feel you are obsessing about Vastu because the basics of your house all seem to be in tune with Vastu principles.
My motel business’s main entrance is south face and motel shape is “C” Someone told me that entrance is wrong. We have both side entrance but other side entrance is far from office and it is hard for us to watch motel. Our office is on east side but Customer come direct from east and west than take turn on south to enter in motel. Please advice me is that wrong entrance ? any thing can we do puja for this entrance and we can use without change? Please advise me. It is very Important need to know. I hope you understand what i explain. We are in worry how we can change this entrance. Please advice me as soon as possible
Hi Kavita,
I have not fully understood your query. But I assume that you can use only the South entrance since it is closer to the office. So do that. Anyhow I have heard South entrance is good for businesses. So think of it positively instead of getting worked up just because someone said it is bad. If you want to rid your mind of the negative feelings, hold a puja and move on.
Hello Sir,
I am planning to construct home and in that main door is North face and kept towards East side. In the current plan stair case starts in from North and climbing will be towards East. Also it come in front of Main door. Is it advisable to keep or to start stair case from north toward east. Or suggest best way. Please clarify, I am confused.
Thank you
Hi Devaraja M,
It is better to have free space in front of the main door without any obstructions like a staircase.
I have rented flat which is entrance of house facing southeast, please clarify it is correct or bad, if it is bad then what i can do remedy.
Hi Anuj,
I have seen lots of worried queries from my readers about South facing doors. Like I have mentioned in my post, what would city planners do if South facing houses are not acceptable? According to me there is nothing wrong with a South door, whichever corner it might be in. But if it is bothering you so much, then make sure you have lots of openings like windows/doors on the Northern and Eastern walls, to compensate. P.S. This comment is for all of you who have doubts about South-facing doors.
I want to buy a flat that has a south entrance. But the entrance is next to the lobby wall making it South-east. There is a living rooms hall in front of the entrance door. The window of the house face east with an opening on the main road. All windows of all rooms open on the main road towards east. I have a belief that South houses are not good hence wanted to ask for your expert advice.
Hi Khyati,
Please don’t have bias towards South doors. They are perfectly acceptable. Anyhow, most of the windows face East and so the house will get the benefit of the early morning sunlight.
I have recently purchased a 2 BHK flat which has the garbage chute door of our floor next to my main entrance door (1 meter apart). Can you provide me some guidelines for eliminating any ill effects that might be caused in future due such association?
Thanks & Regards, Sonali
Hi Sonali,
The only negative of having the garbage chute door near your door is that the waste that may spill around the chute opening can cause bad odour and look unsightly. So keep your main door always closed except when going in and out of the house.
In my house, when we open the main door it enters to veranda of about 7 to 10 feet the thing is when we enter we can see a wall first. For how many distance the wall should not be there and how it can be rectified.
Please suggest
Hi Harshada,
Since the room is about 7′ wide, it is okay that the main door faces a blank wall.
My husband and i stay in a rented flat which has the main door in south-west . The kitchen has platform in east of the house and north-east corner has sink. the toilet is in west ant bath is in south-west. I was advised that stayin in this house is not good, so we should change it immediately but that is not possible as we have an agreement for two years and cannot make major changes here in civil work as it is not our property. We have no problems here so far but are scared if it might create some in future thus want to have some solution to this situation. Please help. Thank you.
Hi Khyati,
I don’t see why you should shift out of this house. The only thing that could drive you out of this house is your own fear. I advise you to go through some of my posts on They may help you in understanding why certain directions are preferred. Please remember that there is no bad direction- otherwise it would be impossible to design a city/town as the houses will face all 4 directions.
Fear of superstitions can hamper your judgement. So use science to help you!
My neighbour has put a statue of Lord Shankeshwar Parshwanath (Jain Tirthankar) above the main door of his house, which is directly facing my house’s main door. Will there be any negative effect due to this on my house? Could you please advice.
Thank you.
Hi Rakhee Bafna,
I think you should feel thankful because as you step out of your house, you face a religious icon. Religious statues, objects are revered and worshipped because they emanate some kind of positive energy (at least that is what we are conditioned to believe). So absorb in that positivity and clear out all the negative doubts that clutter your mind!
i bought i condo recently, the balcony is facing electric tower. Will this affect our health
Hi Jeya,
You haven’t made it clear whether it is a high-voltage transmission tower (pylon) or an electric pole. I believe that there are magnetic forces around high voltage transmission towers which may affect our bodies to some extent (the larger the tower, the more the effect). That is why according to vastu, it is generally not advisable to buy a plot near electric substations and transmission towers. However, ordinary electric poles are okay.
In case you have a transmission tower very close to your balcony, then the best thing you can do is to avoid sitting there and keep the window and door to the balcony closed.
Your article has clarified my doubts after purchase of South exit flat facing main entrance. I hope to follow the scientific principles and shall connect as we go along. Thanks again
Hi Jay,
I am so glad that this post was useful to you and you are focussing on the positives in a scientific way.
Actually I doubt about northen entry…………..
what it mean by northen entry?
(!) If we draw a plan on paper and we write the east…west..north…south….and if we put door in the north and when we enter we will walk or enter to the south side OR…
(2) Like above If we draw a plan on paper and we write the east…west..north…south…if we put a door in south and we will enter to the north…..If I can get proper answer please
Hi Mr Hitesh Patel,
I know, many people get confused with orientation. The easiest way to identify the direction of your house is as follows: You need to imagine that you are inside your house and you are opening your main door to face the outside. The direction that you face is said to be the direction of the entrance to your house.
For example. when you open the main door to look outside and you face North, then your house is said to be North facing. But in such a house, when you enter the house from the outside you will be facing the South, but don’t get confused. The direction that you face when you open the door to look out, is the direction that is important, since the prana or energy enters from this direction.
A beautiful and most informative write up. I need one guidance I am staying in south facing house and my nakshatra is Punarvasu, after coming to this house I am getting frequent health problems and though I am earning a decent income I cannot save not even a single rupee. I would like to know whether south facing house is not auspicious for my nakshatra.
Kindly let me know.
Hi Ravi,
I am not an astrologer or a pundit. So I know nothing about nakshatras. Some kind of negative thinking is making you associate all your problems with the house. Either you do a pooja to help improve the positive energy in the house or rethink about what you want to do with your house. Because only you can help yourself.
HI ,
Can u please advise if the stairs are in front of the main door we have to go through stairs as soon as we open the door. what are the effects and any upay for this .
Hi Deva Huty,
Ideally there should be no obstruction bang in front of the main door. But if the stairs are to the side and not in the path from the main door, it is fine. If it is not, it does not mean that there will be any ill-effects, but it is not comfortable to move from the main door to the rest of the house.
Recently i owned a house which is south-east but main door is it at south facing.after opening door on opposite wall big windows is there with fresh air and light all the day.i am feeling good after intering house but stiil i have dought in mind about south facing door and south-west facing kitchen platform.Please advice me any remedy for the same.
Thnaks in advance.
Hi Yogesh,
The fact that you feel good after staying in this house should remove all doubts from your mind. Enjoy the fresh air and light and do not clutter the house or your mind with unnecessary things!
we bought a new house, which is the main door entrance is from South – West corner, is this side is good or bad, if it is bad please give me solution.
Hi Deepali,
There is no bad direction in Vastu. all directions are good for a main door. For a south facing site, you obviously will have a door towards the South. So dont worry about your new purchase and enjoy it.
We are purchasing a flat which is in the east west direction. its door open in the east side. in front of the door there is lift. so can you please advise me, according to vastushastra whether a lift in front of the door is appropriate.
please suggest
Hi Riddhi,
The only reason you must be concerned is because your door faces the lift and people coming in and out of the lift may look into your house and make you self conscious. So to prevent this, keep your front door closed.
Respected Sir,
As Vastu prefers Door should open clockwise & main door should be 2 shutter then, How it is possible to have clockwise 2 shutter door( please specify which shutter should be larger). I would like to know whether Channel gates (sliding) on outside Main door for security purpose is OK, or if any other alternative please specify. Thanks in Advance,
Yours faithfully,
Swapnil P. Bendekar
Hi Swapnil,
Vastu recommends 2-shutter main door but if you ask me, I say a single shutter large door is sufficient and more practical. Of course if you opt for a 2-shutter door, then let the bigger door which will be opened most often, be the one that opens clockwise. No harm in having an external sliding door for safety. But frankly it looks ugly. A decorative grill door will look more aesthetic, but it has the disadvantage that it will have to open outwards.
I amplanning to build a house and the entraceis in the corner of East direction but the door opens to a blank wall. can I put a nice picture to avoid any problems in the future?
Hi Rita,
You have solved your doubt yourself! In my experience, I have seen that most of the time people have the right instinct about a problem. I say to all- go ahead act on your instinctive feeling and most times you will be right. Putting a nice picture on the blank wall will draw the attention of the guests and give out a nice vibe.
I am planning to buy a flat whose entrance is west facing, it is on top floor of building. There are galleries/windows on the north , east and west side of this flat so 3 side well ventilated. Also at west face at entrance there is a lobby wall, the lobby runs to south at far end lobby wall. Should we buy this flat as we feel this has a south west corner entrance. Also in the lobby there is wide opening windows towards east. The building is east facing and the plot having at least 15 such buildings has entrance which is north facing. Also there is a fountain at the north part of this plot.
Please guide us. Thanks in advance.
Hi Shrian,
According to me there is nothing wrong with a South-west entrance and anyway the door is west facing. Moreover, you are getting lot of light from North and East which is good. The only negative I see is that being on the top floor, the house will be quite hot in summer.
Is Entrance door with North -east direction preferable ? ie when you enter the house you face North east direction. and when you exit the house you face South-West direction.
Hi Rajiv,
Your entrance door faces South-West and not North_east, because South-West is the direction you face as you step out. But like I have always said, according to vastu, there is no bad direction.
Recently we have taken flat which is north east facing and the maindoor is west facing.
Is it fine?we were worried about the main door facing only as people say that west facing is not preferable.
Hi Rani,
In any layout, town or city, there are sites facing all directions, so any entrance is okay. An east entrance is preferrable to a south or west entrance, only because the south and west sides are hot for most of the day and so every time the south/west facing door is opened there is a waft of hot air that permeates the house. But in an apartment this is not the case, since the main doors to individual apartments open from the lift/staircase lobby. So it is obvious that a door from any direction is fine.
Hi, plot of my house is south facing but entrance to the house is east would there be any issue. pl. advice and thanks for the information given in this journal.
Hi Ratnesh,
No issue at all.
Thanks for the wonderful informative details about entrance door. I really want to know once again if I can go ahead if the entrance is facing south east as I am finalising a flat soon. Please advise as kitchen is facing towards east & living rm windows towards north. The 2nd option is if the door is facing north then exactly reverse of the above as kitchen towards west & living rm & bed rm towards south. Kindly advise & will be always grateful to you.
Hi Neela,
I cannot help you in matters of choice because you are the one making the decision. When there are two options, go stand inside the 2 flats. Move around, look out of the windows and then pause and feel the vibes of the space. Go for the one you and your family members lean to more.
well you have covered up all points in relation to vastu but apparently the replies are nothing to do with vastu… if u bother to read this mail further and wish to give a justified reason for this then please let me know why a semi circular door considered inauspicious? waiting for a reply
Thanks Payal Periwal (budding)Interior designer
Hi Payal,
I don’t see why a semi-circular door is considered inauspicious except for the fact that it is an expensive affair and results in a lot of wastage of wood- curved sections have to be carved out of big blocks of wood. Maybe from an ‘eco/green’ point of view, this is why it is discouraged.
i would like to rent in the house in Flats which has the west direction facing main door . But the road to the house is in East side and main entrance(i.e.gate) is in east side. Pls advise whether west side main door is good or not?.
Hi Moorthy,
In apartments, the direction of the main door does not matter, since it opens into a lift/stair lobby. So you need not bother too much about the vastu. If you get a good vibe when you stand in the space, then obviously it is a good choice.
As regards Puja room,in an apartment NE corner is also good.But in what direction should the kitchen be in such an eventuality.
I have been advised to shift the temple to the N,NE or E sector of my I have to perform any rituals as I will be shifting the house deities to another location?
Dear Mr Sunil,
Normally when one shifts into a house, most people like to have a Vastu pooja, just to cleanse the space. During this pooja, the deities are housed in your mandir/pooja room by the priest and from then on, worshipped here. So if you plan to shift the deities to another space, you may want to have a small vastu pooja.
A pooja room/mandir can be placed anywhere in a flat as long as it is not in the bedrooms or toilets. It should be placed such that you can see it everyday, is well lighted and you can spend a few minutes in meditation in front of it.
I have been going through I find the info shared very interesting and useful! Appreciate the efforts you have taken to give scientific explanation to the Vastu sashtra. its very interesting to read this.
I have a query: My main entrance door is located on the South-east corner of my house, facing South. It is not as per the calculation you have provided ( 4th part from right or 6th part from left) Would there be any potential issues? Kindly advice
Thanks, Srividya
Hi Srividya,
I have seen lots of worried queries from my readers about South facing doors. Like I have mentioned in my post, what would city planners do if South facing houses are not acceptable? According to me there is nothing wrong with a South door, whichever corner it might be in. But if it is bothering you so much, then make sure you have lots of openings like windows/doors on the Northern and Eastern walls, to compensate. P.S. This comment is for all of you who have doubts about South-facing doors.
The information given by you is very nice but i have a doubt……….., i want to purchase a flat whose entrance is in south-west corner and in the ground floor. but they have given a private garder of sqft. which are facing towards north to the bedrooms. can i proceed for the deal? if you will let me know as soon as possible then i will be obilige………..
Hi Gyanamayee,
Like I have always said, try to get a feel of the space that you want to purchase. If it is positive, then it is good for you. Everytime you go to the place, if you feel stronger and stronger in your resolve to buy it, then don’t hesitate. Good Vastu is all about how good you feel in a space. As far as a garden is concerned, there is nothing like it- you get a lot of fresh air, light and something refreshing and rejuvenating to look out to, every morning when you wake up. Its nice to have a garden near your bedrooms and to the north as it will allow a lot of light into your house. So I feel it is a good deal. Good luck!