BUILDINGS IN NEW DELHI | An Architect Reviews

Here are comprehensive, architectural reviews of the building projects proposed, planned and executed in New Delhi. These reviews by an Architect, touch upon the pros and cons in the designs of these projects and will hopefully help you in making the right decision when buying a flat or investing in a property…….

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LIGHTING DESIGN | An Architect Explains

All architectural plans are incomplete without a detailed and well thought lighting plan. An interior lighting design takes into account, the architecture of the entire space, specific task needs for different rooms, placement of basic furniture, special decorative accessories and the overall colour of the room. Different types of lighting can create different moods, add beauty to your home and of course help prevent you from bumping into the furniture…..

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PLANNING A KITCHEN | An Architect Explains

It’s worth finding out how to design a kitchen – even if you’re using a kitchen designer or architect because knowing what’s involved in the process will help you determine how many cupboards, drawers, shelves and appliances you’ll be able to incorporate into your new kitchen or give a detailed brief to your designer. An Architect helps you plan your kitchen…..

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Colours are known to influence the human mind and body. Colours have the ability to either depress or exhilarate. Our body absorbs colour energy through the vibration each colour gives off. Through colour, we receive all the energies we need to maintain a healthy body, mind, and soul.  When something goes wrong or is out of balance, we can strengthen our energy centers through the conscious use of colour. An Architect explains…..

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