The location of a site is as important as the slope and its direction. But it is must never be the only criteria for accepting or rejecting a plot. All the Vastu Shastra factors including the ideal location of the land must be taken into consideration before deciding on a site.
Since Vastu is a science, every guideline is based on logic and reasoning. As an Architect, I have attempted to explain these guidelines rationally and scientifically under the following headings, so that you can decide what you want to follow and what you don’t, instead of blindly following them like a superstition.
According to Vastu Shastra, what is the ideal location of a site?
According to Vastu Shastra, which sites should be avoided?
What is Veedi Shoola in Vastu shastra?
Is there any correction for Veedi Shoola in Vastu shastra?
Trust your intuition: When purchasing a property, it is a good idea to stand on the land and feel its vibration for a few moments. If you feel positive about it, consider buying the land. If not, it is probably not good for you. The Reasoning – It is always advisable to trust your instinct but make sure you are not influenced by anything or anyone else.

Plot with a good history: It is best to buy land where happy and successful people have lived. The Reasoning – Psychologically, you will feel that a land where people were happy and prosperous, has good vibrations or energy.
Plot with roads on all four sides is considered the best: It ensures health, wealth and happiness. The Reasoning – This is because a Plot with roads on all four sides is not abutting any body’s property and hence one can derive maximum lighting and ventilation from all four sides.
The next best option is a Plot with roads on the North or East. The Reasoning – So that more light and air can enter from these sides, especially in the mornings.
Plots with a water source in the North, East or North-East are good: The Reasoning – The germicidal UV rays of the morning sunlight, which engulf the North-East corner in the morning, can purify the water before you start to use it.

Avoid Sites near smelly places: The Plot should not be near a meat shop, workshop, leather tannery, laundry, shoe shop, dustbins, sewage drains etc. The Reasoning – The stench emanating from these places will permeate the house permanently and inevitably affect your senses all the time.
Avoid sites where cactus grows. The Reasoning- Such sites indicate sandy soil which will not support the foundation effectively.
Avoid sites in which there are lot of termites: The Reasoning – Even if anti-termite treatment is done on the foundation, there is a every likelihood that the termites will not be eradicated completely since the termites form a vast underground network.
Avoid a Plot sandwiched between larger plots: The Reasoning – The owner of the smaller plot can only construct a much smaller house than the owners of the larger plots and thus, may subconsciously feel ‘small’ and overpowered with respect to the neighbours. This can create a feeling of inferiority in the owner.
Avoid Sites with obstructions: Don’t buy a Plot with obstructions like hills, tall buildings or towers on the North, North-East or East sides. The Reasoning – The useful morning sun’s rays will be blocked. However having such obstructions on the West or South sides are considered good as they block the hot western rays.
Avoid plots with an electrical pole or power supply station in the North-East corner: The Reasoning – It is an obstruction and can create harmful electric waves, that will permeate the house from the open North-East corner.
Avoid a haunted/dilapidated house: The Plot should not be purchased, if in the recent past someone has committed suicide on it, or if there have been several deaths over a period of a couple of months. The Reasoning – You may psychologically feel uneasy if you happen to know of such a past.

Avoid plots with lot of cracks or too much wet soil: The Reasoning – Cracks indicate dried up clayey soil and too wet soil also indicates clayey soil that does not allow the drainage of water. Such soil is not suitable for a building foundation as it will retain moisture and necessitate extra expenditure for water-proofing the foundation
Avoid Plots with trees: If the Plot is a small one, there should not be trees like Peepal, Mango, Banyan, Tamarind etc on it. The Reasoning – These trees have far-spreading roots and branches, which can cause damage to the building foundation and building. However, if the Plot is quite big, it is good to have these trees, but away from the building and not in the North-East corner.
Avoid Plots facing a T or Y intersection: The Reasoning – This is because the T-junction acts like a funnel drawing energies, wind, dust towards the house. Also oncoming traffic can look directly into your house and this may make you feel a bit nervous as it intrudes into your privacy. However, in some cases, as explained below, such plots are acceptable.
In plots that face T or Y intersections, the roads or lanes that run right into the face of the site from different directions are called Veedi (road) Shoolas (Poison Arrows) or Therukuthus. These roads thrust concentrated energy of enormous potency into the site. This energy can be positive or negative depending on the direction from which they come.
Since it is difficult to comment on the different permutations and combinations of roads, oncoming roads, directions that form the Veedi Shoolas, let us examine the basic considerations in naming them as good, not bad, bad and very bad.
( E—NE ) If the oncoming road is from the East, and hits the North-East part of the Plot, it is considered a good site.
( W —NW ) If the oncoming road is from the West, and hits the North- West part of the Plot, it is considered as a not bad site.
( S—SE ) If the oncoming road is from the South, and hits the South- East part of the Plot, it is considered as a not bad site.
( E — SE ) If the oncoming road is from the East, and hits the South- East part of the Plot, it is considered a bad site.
( N — NW) If the oncoming road is from the North, and hits the North-West part of the Plot, it is considered a bad site.
( W — SW ) If the oncoming road is from the West, and hits the South-West part of the Plot, it is considered a very bad site.
( S — SW ) If the oncoming road is from the South, and hits the South-West part of the Plot, it is considered a very bad site.
The road that runs straight into a house is a Veedi Shoola that resembles a spear which is thought to bring problems for the inhabitants as it invites bad energies from all directions. There are remedies to overcome the detrimental effects of Veedi Shoola:
- Use the corner of the Plot that faces the intersection as a garage or car porch etc so that the main house is not facing the intersection.
- Build a tall compound wall or plant tall plants in front of the intersection to block the harmful energies hitting the plot.
- Have a convex mirror in front of the spearing road to reflect back any negative energy.
- Fence off the part facing the intersection and use it for some other purpose like a garden or outhouse etc.
This post was about the importance of ‘Site Location’ in the Selection of a Site. Read about another important Vastu Shastra consideration when Selecting a Site, namely:
Related Topics:
- Vastu Shastra | Explained By An Architect
- Vastu Shastra | Principles For A House
- Vastu Shastra | Factors That Impact A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Designing A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Interiors Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Exteriors Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Selecting The Right Site
- Vastu Guidelines | Construction Of A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Rituals For A House
- Vastu Guidelines | Non-Residential Buildings
- Remedies For Vastu Defects
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Hi sir i want to buy a east face plot in gated community. There is a compound wall around the total venture. This plot soth face is agriculture land. My doubt is if any problem when road hit comes when they make a venture. Please tell me your suggestion sir. Thank you.
You dont need to worry about the future. If that happens, you can always remedy the situation. As a plus, you have an East facing road. So if your heart says you should buy it, go ahead. However if there is any doubt in your mind, avoid it.
I wish to purchase a house of 30*45 dimension where i have 2 issues
1. entire 28 feet is facing The junction road on its east side, around 2 feet on South side is exempt from direct hit of road.
2.builtup house is not rectangular small portion of the house at NW and SW is extended ( 20 feet out of 35 feet building).
Does these have any negative affect ? Pl advise.
Your site is fully facing a T junction which is not ideal as per Vastu. But you can try out the remedies suggested in my post.
I am in north facing plot . Our road is dead end at east .we are the last house. We have the main door as east facing . The main door position is correct or not ?
A house at a dead end is not ideal as there is a tunnel effect flow of air towards the dead end. So the wind can be quite strong. Also the privacy to the house is affected. But you could consider planting high hedges in the front to reduce the effect of the wind and protect the privacy. The door position is okay.
Need you suggestion on the below Street Focus plot for buying and constructing a house.
Points to Note:
This is North West Corner site. 30 feet road on the North , 40 feet road on the west.
There is a Street from the west at Exactly North west corner at 90 degree. The road exactly hits the North West corner(ofcourse with a road on the main road on west side T junction )
What is your suggestion to buy the NW corner Plot ( 50 feet * 50 feet) . If there is a phone number, I would like to call and talk.
West road hitting NW is not considered bad as per Vastu. But get a ‘feel’ of the site before you buy it – if you feel good in it, then go ahead.
Hi sir i am planning to buy a plot which is having north and east main streets, north road is ending after this plot, but there is small street ( 5 to 7 feet approximation) only walkable is going to back streets, and the south side an house, east road is ending after 3 houses please give me your valuable suggestion may i buy or not ?thank you.
This site is not considered a dead end site and so you have nothing to worry about.
Sir, I see a plot is two side facing East & north. East side 30 feet & North side 40 feet , the road come from East it’s end after some distance and North it’s also end after some distance
As long as yours is not a dead end site, you have nothing to worry.
hi sir,
i am interested in plot which is east facing but the road ends at north direction. also the plot is second last from the dead end. shall we proceed further with this deal or not?
Hi sir,
We are planning to buy a plot of East and south in which road is hitting at East south
Can we buy and what is the remedy to avoid bad effect. Can we leave the part with veedipotu and construct house?
East road hitting SE is not considered good as per Vastu. But don’t worry. Try out the remedies suggested in my post.
Dear Sir,
We are planning to purchase a individual villa house which is west based house. It has two roads -West side 25 feet and South side 40 feet. We liked the house with all other aspects. There is a road hitting on the South East Side. i.e. 40% of south side.
Please give me valuable suggestions in this regards.
A south road hitting SE is considered okay as per Vastu.
hello sir,
my daddy having a site facing north side, & road hit from north side , can u plz give suggestion regarding this
If the road coming from the North hits the NE corner it is good , however, if it hits the NW it is not considered good as per Vastu. But there are remedies as suggested in my post.
Great post, I appreciate you and I would like to read your next post. Thanks for sharing this useful information
Thank you for the appreciation.
Hi Sir,
We are planning to buy 30×40 feet site east facing house but house is T junction
| Plot | east facing
_____ |_______|_____
30 feet road
_____. _______
| Road |
| 30’ |
Can you pls suggest if this property is good to buy ??
A site facing a T-junction is not considered good as per Vastu. But don’t worry. Try out the remedies suggested in my post.
Sir , plot is east facing and there is road ( T)hitting to middle of the plot(east face).please give me suggestions. 28.4×74=230. Squares.
Build a high wall in front so that you cannot see the spearing road from the site.
Three side roads to house is preferable or not, east facing house, north and west side roads
A site with more than one adjacent road is very good.
Namaskaram sir,
We are planning to purchase a house which is west side of road.the house is at the end of street.any road not hitting .west side 40feets road,north side small drainage nala 60feets.east side another house,south side another house. north side is end of street. Please give me valuable suggestions.
This is a west facing site and is okay according to Vastu. Buy it if your gut feeling says it is okay.
Plot facing north side. its northeast corner is extended a little bit.
Front size 28foot.
back size 27.9foot
length side size is 82foot
n other side 84.5foot where northeast corner is extended.
Pls suggest that this plot is suitable for residential purpose.
A site with the North East extending is a good site for residential purpose..
I have an option to purchase a house facing NE 26* but the road is in front of the house and covers entire front of the house (T point) on both the sides houses are there and on the front side on (sides of approcahing road ) one side is park and other side its house.
Kindly guide
Build a high compound wall in front so that you cannot see the spearing road from the site.
i have a plot for which i have main road on south side and remaining east, west, north sides are sub road. South and north side road is 100 ft facing in length where as 79 ft facing in length is on the east and west side road. I need a one entrance on main road which is on south side and one more entrance from other side. So, my querry is from which side i need to make an entrance.
It all depends on the plan of your house and disposition of the building within the site. Good to have a second entrance from East or North.
I am planning to buy a site which have roads on four sides (25’E, 25’N, 25’S and 40’W). But west side has T-junction exactly at center. I am very much interested in it but many saying it has veedi shoola on west side so better not to buy. Is it good to buy the site?
A plot with roads on four sides is considered a good one in Vastu Shastra. However a spearing road in the centre on the western side is not good. So to cancel the negative effect, you can build a high compound wall opposite the spearing road, so that it is not visible from the site. Whether to buy the site or not is your call. go by your instinct.
Sir, I have a family Property in my mother’s name (North facing dead end property with road on the north side). The land is 60*30 (60 facing road). I wish to construct two duplexs each 30*30 with a shared wall. Initially want to construct only one duplex on the right side leaving the left side vacant for garden. Would love to hear your opinion! Thanks in advance.
So you plan to build the site in the west part now, leaving the open space in the East, which is a good idea.
Dear Sir,
I have a plot with 25 feet road on the South and 20 feet road on the West. It is a SW Corner plot. The size of the plot is 80 feet facing South and 82 feet facing West. 80′ x 82′. The 25 feet East-West road on the South of the site approaches from East and takes a right turn towards North on the West of the site. After two plots the South-North 20 feet road reaches a dead end. The SW corner is a L- shaped corner. I would be thankful if you could please let me know on which portion of the site that I should build a house. I am planning to build a house around 1500 to 2000 Sq. feet on part of the land. Since the South side is 25 feet road, I would like to enter the site from the South. Please give me your advise.
Build the house in the SW corner so that there is more open space in the North East corner.
I have seen a plot which is West facing, it is last but one plot. And towards right ( which is south facing) towards dead end.
Towards left (north road). Is it recommended to buy.
So it is a corner North-West site. It is a good one.
plot is 200sq yrds, it is north facing, but the road is not continuing further towards west. There is another plot.Is it good to take this plot.
The one you are considering is not a dead end plot an hence is okay.
IT is not considered a dead end site. A north-west facing site is an okay one.
Had purchased a plot facing north , mine is plot no 14 and road running from east to west ends at pkit no 18
Is it ok
A north facing site is a good one.
I have a plot facing south direction. But it is neither not at dead end, located at T junction. It means in front there is a 33 ft. road after that on south side opp. of my plot 33 ft. road is there. Does this come under Veedhi Shula. If yes what is the remedy?
I could not understand your query. Any how as a a remedy you could raise your compound wall in the SW so that the road is not visible from the site.
Hi sir,
I have a north east facing plot, which has a T junction and the road is coming from the north. It is hitting the north corner of the plot. My query is which t point will it be considered as- north, north east or north-notthwest.
It will be taken as a spearing road in the North which is considered ok.
we want to buy a west facing middle plot of the row.there is a road going from south to north in front of this plot.but from south west corner one more road is joining this road
covering 80%of the it good to buy?.can we keep main door at west of north west and a garage to avoid road thrust? the first road is not only for this plot.much before our plot starts .thats for entire row.the second road only joins in front of this plot.we are told that is dangerous veedhi sula.please advise us
It is not ideal according to Vastu. But you could raise your compound wall in the SW so that the road is not visible from the site.
sir,I have 45*30 east road facing plot. 45 ft road side. There is a 20ft dead end road at south east corner towards east. is it ok?.
A spearing road in the SE is ok.
We have a site west facing, road hitting South side of west. We build an apartment(8 flats) that site
We gave that for a hostel for lease
What are the remedies for that apartment
It is not ideal according to Vastu. BUt You could raise your compound wall in the SW so that the road is not visible from the site.
Planning to purchase a east facing villa which is towards south West side of the North facing gated community. There is a road in West and community’s north side road ends at the West Road. Can I buy?
You need to focus only on your individual site and do not have to bother so much about the gated community so much.
hello sir,
I am moving my institute from a T shape plot( NW pacing ) to a plot NE facing and road coming from north and going to east , East is dead end to a electric substation .
Pl suggest , i am doing a right move.
An electric substation close to the site is not ideal. But a NE facing site is good. So you decide, based on the ‘feel’ that you get from this site.
Iam looking to buy a commercial property (building) facing south. The property has a South of South-west veedhi sula. The street sees the property on South of Southwest but the whole property does not see the street.
And the building and street is divided by a main highway road which is more than 100feet wide and has a broad divider in the center of the highway road. Please tell me, does the veedhi sula still apply?, is the building good to buy?
Actually with such a wide highway, I hardly think that Veedi Shoola applies. But just to reassure yourself, you could raise your compound wall in the SW so that the road is not visible from the site.
Please suggest on corner plot which is east facing and the other open side is South which has a road.
since it is an east facing site, you use the entry from this side. on the south side, you can build a high wall so that you do not see the spearing road.
We hv seen a site with north facing and it’s with veedhipootu? Can we consider buying this ?
if the spearing road is in the NE, it is okay but otherwise, you can build a high compound wall so that the site is not visible from the site.
Sir, I have a 40X60 west facing plot. The road is approaching from west side and hitting north-west part of plot. The road hitting 2/3rd facing of plot i.e.25ft & remaining 15ft of south-west is covered by opposite plot. Is it good one ?
A spearing road in the NW part is okay.
South phase plot:
I purchased 45X60=2700 sq.ft. plot. Plot facing south direction like T junction.
Frontage 47, front to back:60.
Around 75% of the frontage hit by strait road.
What is the Vastu remedy for this plot.
Kindly suggest
If the spearing road is in the SE, it is okay, otherwise you could raise your compound wall in the front so that the road is not visible from the site.
Dear Sir,
I have north east facing site front road having inclination towards north west. It is 6000 sq ft road 75 X 80. Where should I locate pooja room?
Ideally in the NE.
We have a ground +2 floor building which has main entrance towards North. The building has Roads on North and south directions.
A new road has been laid which is hitting the south west corner of the building from south direction.10% of the total width of the building is hit by south west road and we are facing much uncertainty.
Please suggest a remedy
Thank you
It is not ideal according to Vastu. BUt You could raise your compound wall in the SW so that the road is not visible from the site.And use the north road for entering the house.
planing to buy a plot with east facing
there is road on east side of plot n gets ends along with the plot
should i go ahead
| | R
W| |E O
|___________| A
According yo me nothing wrong with this site. But the final call is yours based on how you feel about it.
Hi Sir,When we bought a house 1 year back just my left neighbour was building within a year our house is sandwiched between buildings,now I can’t build,please tell me a vastu remedy so I can leave happily without vastu doshas.
Make sure there is ample sunlight and air entering your house. Keep all windows open during the day.
HI Sir,
I am going to purchase a plot for comercial purpose which is south facing and there is road hit on south west side. Is it suitable for bussiness.Please give me a Remedy.
|R |
|O |
|A |
|D |
| 40 | |
| | |
E|88 85|W |
| 40 | |
It is not ideal according to Vastu. BUt You could raise your compound wall in the SW so that the road is not visible from the site.
Dead end site facing north,w est is road ends shall buy this site.
Hi Ram,
Dead end is not ideal. But make the decision based on how you feel about this site instinctively.
i sir,
I have planned to purchase 30X6 0=1800 sq.ft. plot. 30 feet of plot road facing south direction like T junction. The entire 30feet is facing 30 feet wide road.
Hi Babu,
Effectively your site is a a dead end. That is not ideal according to Vastu. But if you feel happy with this site and want to buy it, you can go ahead. Just make sure you have a high compound wall in the front to mitigate the effects of the wind rushing down the road towards the dead end.
Hi Vinod,
I cannot understand your query.
Hello Sir,
We are planning to buy a house which is East facing and it’s the dead end of the road towards its left. Do you think its ok to go ahead sir?
Hi Sachin,
An east facing house is good, but one at the dead end is not ideal. So make a decision based on how you feel in this plot. If you and your family members get a positive vibe, go ahead.
Hello Sir,
I am planning to purchase a house, i liked the house with all other aspects but when vastu consultant visited the place, he told the house may not be so auspicious for us since the house is at the dead end.
The property is east facing .
Please reply me back as your analogy with vastu and architecture sounds practical.
Hi Amarashree,
An east facing house is good, but one at the dead end is not ideal. So make a decision based on how you feel in this plot. If you and your family members get a positive vibe, go ahead. Ignore the vastu consultant as another consultant will have a different opinion.
Hi sir,
I have a 1200 sq yard plot which is north facing and there is a road hitting from the North side to the plot.. Is there any problem as per vastu? If so pls give me a remedy..
Hi Ravishankar,
If the road is hitting on the NorthEast corner it is okay.
Hi sir,
I have a 600 sq yard plot which is north facing and the entrance is also north and there is a road hitting from the south west side to the plot.. Is there any problem as per vastu? If so pls give me a remedy..
Hi Gaurav,
If the entrance is from the North, you need not worry about the road on the SW. You can however keep a tall compound wall on that side.
Hi sir,
my query is ,”i have one plot with 75 sq yard which is north facing and dead end road in east side .
Is it any problem as per vasru kindly suggest.
Hi Ravi,
Since it is not a dead end on the side it is facing, it should not be a problem.
Hello sir/madam,
We have seen a plot of dimensions 30* 50 and very much liked it, it’s a rectangular shared and entire plot is East facing but tilted 27 degrees towards South from East. Please suggest us whether it’s good or not to go for it. Thanks a lot in advance.
Hi Lalita,
A tilt in the orientation will not affect the vastu much. The important thing is that all of you liked it. So go by your gut feeling.
Hi Sir,
I am planing to buy a east facing house and there is a small road hitting on south west corner(10 ft out of 30) of the house. Can I buy this house or please let me know how it looks like.
Hi Mahendar,
The spearing road is not an issue and you could build a high wall or tall plants in front of the road. But the final decision is yours. Go by your gut feeling.
I am going to buy apartment. This apartment constructed on plot which is the last of plot of the street and street block at this plot. Plot facing road in north direction. There are two apartment construct on each of floor. One facing east and other facing west and i m looking for east facing apartment so this apartment coming in dead end.
Hi Arvind,
If you are on a higher floor the ill-effects caused by a spearing road are reduced.
I’m planning to buy a plot which is abt 35ft (frontage) east facing and bounded by road on the north side 65 ft..the plot is on a main commercial road.. But we have a small hospital right opposite our plot.. What should I do
Hi Rohit,
The site has roads on the North and East sides which is a very good thing. But a hospital opposite to it is not good as it can have a negative effect on your sub-conscious mind especially when you see sick people going in every day. If it is possible to block of the view towards the hospital, then you could consider buying it. But then the ultimate decision is yours.
I have peculiar question about an apartment. The site of the apartment is a right angled triangle site.where SE corner is not there only NE SW and Nw is avaliable. In this plot 3 apartments are constructed in each floor. NOW I am looking at a flat on Nw corner one. The site is having North by road and east diagonal road. Please advice me to buy a plot on this property.
Hi Nagendran,
There is nothing wrong with the apartment you have in mind. But your decision depends on the internal planning and your gut feeling. If you are convinced that the plan suits you and you feel good about it, then go ahead.
Sir,i wish to buy a flat with the dimension of 36*45 facing North direction but in last of second row from compound wall…Plz suggest whether it is best or let me go for 30*60 ..I have taken for investment purpose only…
Hi Durga,
Go by your gut feeling
Hello sir.. I am planning to buy a 10 years old house which is in a dead end facing north side… is dead end house safe or dangerous?? If soo, plz tell me any remedies..
Hi Preeta,
A house at a dead end is not ideal as there is a tunnel effect flow of air towards the dead end. So the wind can be quite strong. Also the privacy to the house is affected. But if you really like everything else in this site, then you could consider planting high hedges in the front to reduce the effect of the wind and protect the privacy.
Dear Sir,
Thank you for taking my query. I am considering to buy a SE facing land. The shape of the land is somewhat like ‘D’ where instead of circular curve it is angular. The front face does not curve immediately like the ‘D’ shape at the bottom, but its like 5 sided ‘D’. And although the plot is big in size, there are three ant-hills at the front side and there are two mango trees behind. Please advise whether to buy.
Hi Sanjay,
The shape of the site is okay and there is no need for concern. But the ant hills are not good for construction of a house, as it is full of holes and makes the soil infirm. Also there might be chances that snakes live in the holes. So before construction, it is better to remove the anthills. Relocate any snakes, fill the holes with stones, gravel and cement and level the land.
Hi we have identified a plot Which is a shape of a trapezium. Backside north to south is longer and the front side facing east is shorter in length. The difference is not much though. The the road runs on the front side east facing ends at this plot. While there were positive vibes about this plot we would like to take advise about vastu aspect .
Hi Tania,
This site is a gou-mukh plot that has a narrower front and a wider back. This is considered good in Vastu.
We are considering a townhome. The house is not yet built. As per the Plans, East side of the house is attached with the another house. The plot faces north. The site slopes- high in the front and then slants towards the back. North is higher than the south. The builder is taking advantage of the front elevation to build a basement, which also opens at ground level at the back. We have access to north, south and west sides with windows- there should be light in the later half. I have not had a situation where I had no light from the east. At the back are the school fields. Also, the road itself slopes. So, the west side is also higher than the east side.
Is such a plot OK?
Hi AG,
The builder is rightly taking advantage of the site slope. You need not worry about the slope of the land, because your house floors will be at one level. But your disadvantage is that you will not be getting light from the East. However if you have ample light into the house, then I guess it should be okay. But you need to make the call. If you feel positive about this property, go ahead.
Hi I am buying a 3 bed room apartment in the first floor of the property with 30 feet road on the west side of the property. The main gate to the apartment community is at north- west corner of the plot. And my apartment is north facing and entrance is at North. The total plot area is 38 feet west and 60 feet north. And the plot is at T junction by west- south west , but the exposed plot area is just 4 feet width. Does it have a big impact to my apartment in the first floor and do i need to do any remedy for it.
Hi Suresh,
No it will not have any impact on the building. But you need to be convinced that this apartment is the right one for you. You should spend some moments in the apartment and ‘feel’ the vibrations. If you feel positive about it, then go for it.
There is plot next to the building we just constructed two years back. Both are West facing. The new building has north facing main doors, 3 floors. My neighbour of the vacant plot adjacent to the north side wants us to take his plot for sale. But the problem is it has a road hitting on that plot. Is that plot which is west facing to the road, bought by my husband. He is a businessman. He wants to buy that but little hesitant because of the road kuthu. Please advise.
Hi Mangala,
It is ideal to acquire the adjacent site as you have control over it and can ensure ample light and ventilation to your existing building. But if you have some reservations about the spearing road, then it is better you don’t do anything in a hurry. Think about the pros and cons and how you actually feel about the site.Only then make a decision. It is finally your choice.
Hello Sir, I am planning to buy a plot which is East facing 40 X 60 feet dimensions. There is road which is coming from North to south . And a road from East is hitting the plot at North East from East. The road hits the plot around 13 feet out of 40 feet.Is this plot gets t-junction veedhi shoola ? Dead end ? Is this plot is good as per vasthu ? Please let me know .
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Thanks you sir. Lavanya.
Hi Lavanya,
A spearing road from the East hitting the NE corner of your site is good as you can get more light and ventilation in the NE corner due to the presence of 2 roads at the junction.
Recently we have purchased a south west corner facing plot which has a road on its south phase.At south south west corner of the plot there is a road coming from south and forming a T junction. from the time of purchase we felt a little bit bad. can u tell me what are the remedial measures for that plot and how can we escape from harm ful effects of it?
Hi Kumar,
Why and what do you feel bad about? Is it because someone has told you negative things about the oncoming road? Now that negativity has set in, you should do some sort of ritual to make you feel positive. Get the site cleaned, and organise for an elaborate pooja/prayer at the site. The continuous chanting of prayers, the enchanting vision of the priests repetitive actions and fragrance of the incense and smoke does a lot of good to your senses. It will definitely uplift you. Do not bother about the oncoming road. When planning the house, just make sure the house part is not in line with this road. You can keep the car porch there. But even after all this, you still are not feeling good about this site, then sell it and buy something else.
Hello Sir.
I am considering to buy a plot facing north.My plot is on the entrance of dead end road(street).Road enters from east side and totally closed at west side means every traffic who enters into the street has to go back to east side(after making U- turn) to out of the street.
My house is just on the entrance (north facing) after that are 07 house in my side and 08 houses(facing south) opposite side. Pls advise me should I buy the same plot or not?
Thanks & Regards:
Hi Aman,
If your proposed site is not near the dead end, it is okay to buy it. But like I always say, if you have any hesitation or bad feeling about it, then avoid it. On the other hand if you liked it along with your family, then go for it
My site is 40×60 feet Gated Community).West side is 40feet,road based and 60 feet is south side ,road based.East side is next flat and North side is park, No road. I plan to build shop in SW CORNER AND MAIN ENTRANCE IN SOUTH AND HOUSE ENTRANCE IN EAST SIDE .Is it good site and plan is Ok if house entrance in East but main entrance in South. Very eager to know your reply at the earliest.
Hi MS,
Having an East entrance is good. So considering your site orientation, the best option is to have the gate entrance on the South side.
Sir, I am going to purchase a north facing house it is an extent of 30X55 feet. I am karkata raasi, aslesha nakshtra. Is the north facing house is suit for me? But the plot is having in front road which is proceeding from West to East direction and it was hit by 24 feet road which was proceeding from North to South direction. The said 24 feet road hit the plot only 7 feet at Northeast-north. It is seems to be T-junction. It is auspicious or not?
Hi Ramana,
You are forgetting that there will be other family members living with you. As it is, vastu compliance is very difficult to achieve in small sites in cities. If you start looking at your horoscope and then the horoscopes of family members to ensure that you get a perfectly vastu compliant house, you will be disappointed as it is not possible. So be practical and make do with what is possible.
Your site is at a T-junction but since it is in the NE corner, it does not matter. The best test for buying a site is to “feel” it. When you spend some time in the site, do you feel good or bad? That will be your answer.
Sir … Thanks for explaining things very scientifically.
I have zeroed down on a few properties in Dehradun in Uttarakhand to buy one for my family.
Request to please put these 5 properties in descending order as per their Vaastu-compliance and selectivity. Please also add your explanatory comments. Thanks in advance.
1. A North-East facing 60′ x 60′ square plot with two roads on its two side – one road(running from South-East to North-West) in the front on the plot’s North-East side and forming a T junction at the plot’s northern corner with a small stretch of road (running from South-West to North-East with both ends as dead-ends)on the plot’s North-West side.
2. A North-East facing house on a 39, x 117’rectangular plot with one road running from South-East to North-West in the front on the plot’s North-East side and ending at a T-junction two plots away from this house. The North-East front has a lawn with heavy fruits trees and a porch leading to a garage on the north-west.
3. A South-West facing 40′ x 100′ rectangular plot with one road in front running from South-East to North-West (where it meets a dead-end four houses away from this house).
4. A south-west facing house constructed on a SSW facing plot with a small stretch of road in the front running WNW-ESE direction and meeting a dead-end at the end of the house.
5. A ESE facing 60′ x 120′ plot with a small house and a 40′ road in front running in NNE-SSW direction.
Hi Vinod Kumar,
The best solution when you are faced with so many choices is to stand in the property and ‘feel’ it. Also include your family members. The property that gets the most votes for the positivity that it radiates, is the house for you.
Dear Sir,
We are buying a flat in an apartment. The main gate of the apartment is on the west side and there is small road on the West, There is one more road running from North to South. The west side road in not a regular road. It is surrounded by 3 apartments. Is it ok as per Vasthu
Hi Shanthi,
You need not worry about the site vastu. Your focus should be on your individual flat. If you get a positive vibe from it, then go ahead. You only need to ensure that the apartment is easily accessible by the roads.
I have a question regarding buying a house on an intersection. It is not the main highway kind of intersection but interior roads in a colony. Thus it is not a very busy intersection. The house is on the north – west side of the intersection. The house with the main entrance faces north. The other side of the house faces west.
The house seems to get a lot of light because it has windows all around. However, I hesitate because it is on the intersection. The garage is on the south-east corner of the house. The current owner of the house has put a lot of trees on the west and south part of the house to shield from the main road. What is your opinion of such a house.
Thank you!
Hi AG,
It seems like a good house. The trees on the South and west side will reduce the heat to the house and the fact that it is a corner site is a bonus as you can get ample light from two roads. But before you buy it, ‘feel’ the place. If you feel positive while standing there or thinking about it, go ahead and buy it.
Thanks for the info.
I am looking to buy a plot which is north facing. Its a T junction, a normal road runs east-west and road hit to this plot at north.
Plot frontage is 42 feet, there is a road comes from north and width of the road for 30ft starts from North East corner and covers entire NE and 10 feet in NW part. That is, 100% of NE and 50% of NW are having road hit in north.
Reading your responeses above tells that NE road hit is good but in my case there is some part of NW also having road hit. Would like to know your opinion on this.
Hi Praveen,
You can consider this plot as a dead-end plot. Like I always say, the decision is to be taken by you. Visit the site as many times as you want to, with your family members and ‘feel’ it’s vibes. If you feel happy and positive while standing in it, then it is good for you.
We have seen a property with a road on east and low ground on east but there is a road on west also on the higher ground.. Opposite the road on the west side, there is a college hostel and there inner compound road hits our plot.. The compound road is always closed by a gate.. So no traffic passing through that gate.. Please advise if it is a good plot because everything else inside the house is per vastu. So very confused and would really appreciate your advise. Thanks
HI Sweety,
You cannot expect a perfect house. As you say the arrangement of the house is perfectly as per vastu. So why hesitate. You can use either road. It does not matter.
Mine is a South facing 30X40 site at a T Juntion. The road hitting straight is from South(around 26 feet making it look like a south east T junction) and other road is east west road where there are 6 houses each on both sides of my home. Is it a problem site? Is so are there any remedies?
Hi Riju,
A T-junction is not ideal but not bad either. Just make sure you plant some taller hedge plants or a high compound wall in the corner where the road hits your site., That way you cannot see the oncoming traffic from your house.. Burt do not do it in such a way as to block of the sunlight to your house.
Hello Sir,
We are considering buying a newly constructed east facing house. The house has a septic tank to the east (outside the main house but inside the fence line). The soak pit/drainage field associated with the septic tank is very big and extends beyond NE corner of the HOUSE. However, if we look at the entire LOT, soak pit will be to the east of the LOT. Should we be concerned about anything?
Thanks for your help in advance!
Hi DKumar,
Look at the big picture (whole lot)! But be sure to keep the soak pit maintained.
I have a plot south and west road, south to north length 90 feet, and west to east 40 feet. I want to make house east facing. there is NE TO NW Electrical line is passing, pole is NE corner, I want to make 3 bedroom house SW Corner, please send me help.
Hi Olivera,
Consult an architect in your area who will visit your site and then assess how best to design the house.
i want to purchase a site with dimentions 35 40 site having north and west roads
the west side road around 28 feet till the house and becoming 20 feet towards south
is it good or bad correction???
Hi Chandrasekhar,
The road width will not affect you adversely especially since it is one of the two rads adjacent to your site.
I have purchased a residential site which is at T Junction. It’s East Facing Plot. It’s almost 80% of the East facing side is facing the road coming from the east side. The thing is that the Opposite road hitting the site is a dead end road and road coming from west is dead end. pls advise .
HI Sudhakar,
If your site is at a T-junction, facing a dead end road, then it is okay as the amount of traffic will be limited.
Our house is facing T junction. Its south facing. Our main door is facing to east. Can you please let us know if it’s good according to veedi shoolas.
Waiting for your reply.
Thanks in advance
Hi Santosh,
What difference will it make to you by knowing whether it is okay or not. You cannot shift your house from a T-junction. Many times, “ignorance is bliss” and it is better to know if something is bad or not. Instead focus on the positive aspects of your house like an East facing entrance etc.
We want to make a triangle shape plot vastu compliant. It is a 90 degree triangle where the base is from north to east, south is one corner and south west is not there. Plz advice
Hi Saraswathi,
Build a rectangular house along the straight sides of the house.
I have following queries:
1. What to keep below puja room if we setting puja room so puja is done while standing? We want to increase the height of puja room from the ground level.
2. Idols should be of marble or brass or ashtdatu?
3.General placement of idols in puja room?
Hi Rohit,
The answer to your doubts is upto your personal beliefs.
Sir, i’m planning to buy a constructed house.There is an unused well to the south side of my next site on the right hand side.from my house south west window I can see the well which comes to south east of next site. can i buy the house?our house is compounded. the well comes after the compound only.also the house is 24″x60″ width and that ratio ok.also after 30″from north and 12″ from east, internal staircase starts from east to west in west side of the that brahmasthan?
Hi Umayal,
You have too many questions and I cannot answer them because I have not seen your house. But all that you are talking of does not matter. And seeing a well in the next site from your window will not affect you adversely.
Our house (building) is facing the north north-west road shoola (T-junction) .Ground floor was given to a bakery,we reside in the 1st floor,and 2nd floor is the terrace.The 1st room of the 1st floor is just opposite to the road (where we reside).The door of the 2nd room has been opened towards the east.The shops which we are giving for rent are being left in quite a short period.We are facing all the problems that has been given in the (vastru-shastra) website.We have thought of making a staircase in front of the shop in order to escape the direct facing of the north facing road.Please suggest us what steps should we take further.
Hi Sabitha,
A shop needs visibility and putting a staircase in front, will only obstruct it. I think you need to look into other aspects like the condition of the shops, the location etc for your problems.
I’m planning to purchase a residential site which is at T Junction. It’s East Facing Plot. It’s almost 80% of the East facing side is facing the road coming from the east side. The thing is that the Opposite road hitting the site is a dead end road whose entire Length of road is only 150 feet. So should I consider this as T junction road, if yes then can I purchase the site?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Ramesh,
Since the road hitting the site is only 150′ and a dead-end one, it will be serving only a few sites and so it will not be a busy road. So you can consider the site. The advantage is that it is an East facing site.
I have purchased a site 15X55. Its facing is North. It has two roads one road is proceeding infront of the house ie., West to East and another road is proceeding from west to south and takes turn towards west at my site’s South west corner. Is it considered to be road potu? or veedhi soola?. It is good site or not?
Hi Ramana,
If the road in the South West is hitting your site, then it is Veedi shoola. If it is caressing your site, then your site is a corner site which is a good site.
Hi sir this s deepu I hope ur doing good n my question s I took a new site recently east facing but opp t road hits t east facing from north side s it good t construction
Hi Deepu,
I am assuming that the spearing road hits your site in the NE corner of the site. It is fine but build your porch/ garage in this corner and the rest of the building in the remaining part of the site.
North facing plot size 20’*50’and T junction hit only 5’on N-NE
Is it good for health & wealth?
Plz suggest thanks
Hi Tushar,
A spearing road from the North that hits the NE corner of the site is considered good as per vastu. So rest easy.
Dear Sir, My house is facing East and is in T junction. The road beside my plot is in North-South direction and another road directly faces my house on East side and covers full length. Pl let me know is it good Vastu house or any remedies required. Appreciate your valuable suggestions urgently. Thank you in advance. Regards, Kumar
Hi Kumar,
Your site is effectively at a dead end of a spearing road. So ideally you should have your main door from the side and not on the front (East) side. But if your main door is in the front, then place a mirror above the door so that you believe that you are reflecting away the negative, spearing energy that is directed to your house.
i am planning buy site south facing and north side dead end road at exactly center . is it good or bad
Hi Dinesh,
You have to make the decision. When you approach the site what do you feel? Do you get positive vibes or negative vibes? I suggest that you stand inside the site and close your eyes and feel it. Then go by your instinct.
My own house since 2001. I m 38 yrs. I have been divorced twice. My dad died 6 months back. Mom shouts always at me. Has memory loss. Plz help. The plan of my home. The maingate is in the S. Corridor centre. My bedroom is in NE corner. NE n NW are bedrooms. E is the middle bedroom W is a full drawing room. SE is the kitchen and the study law chamber for dad is in the S with a sitting lobby. SE corner servants toilet. i lost job 3 months back. Plz help me what can i do. Nowadays i feel v afraid n sad.
Hi Farhana,
According to Vastu, your house seems to be quite okay. No doubt you are going through a difficult phase after the death of your dad. But you do not have to link all your troubles with the vatsu of your house (in which you have been living for the past 13 years). Think of it as a passing phase and try to reflect on your life and make necessary changes. Good luck!
I am Planning a villa Plot the layout of villa no 13 is attached the north road is hitting the north west direction . The portico is on the north east portion and open space / garden towards north west . However this is inside a layout not a common road .Please advice
Pramod Goel
Hi Pramod Goel,
Since you say this is not a main road, but a layout road within a gated area, the amount of traffic will be limited and should not affect you adversely.
i am planning to buy plot having south and east facing road and electric dp pole in east. so main entrance can be built only in south side. is it good to buy such plot.
Hi Ganesh Malpani,
It should be fine but keep the main door on the East side if possible.
Dear Sir we planning to buy an plot N-S 25″ E-W 27. The plot is corner site facing south and west. In west side one road passes normally but in south side a road hitting from south to north direction and other one passing through east to west. we are planning to built house by east face. further to this op to south west there is a spiritual bajana mandhir. Does this have an impact of vastu in-auspicious if so what are the negative effects and remidies?
Hi Vinod,
A south west site is okay. In fact you have the advantage that it is a corner site, so there is ample light. But the bhajana mandir might be a source of constant noise and disturbance in the long run. From your description I gather that your site has a spearing road. You can read more about it in my post on VEEDI SHOOLAS.
I am planning to buy an apartment. The plot is facing North and has a road hitting from the North, the road is hitting 3/4 of the building on the Northside(NW). This road is not a dead end and it automatically flows to the right in the West direction. the apartment has two flats per floor one facing south and the other facing north. I am planning for the flat facing north which is in the back side. Does this have an impact of Veedhi Shoola? if so what are the negative effects?
Hi Siva Prasad,
Since your flat is in the back, you are not exposed to the spearing road. So it should not bother you.
sir i saw a plot in bellary city the plot facing is east the plot is in the dead end of the 30 ft road the plot size 28 x 55 ft ,road facing side size is 28 ft the road comes inside the plot fully can i purchase the plot
Hi AV Suresh,
This plot is at a dead end of a road and east facing. I do not see any reason why you should be concerned.
I have constructed a house of north facing, but at north west side road came about 4 feet, as per vastu this is not good, please get me the suggestion for good vastu
Thanking you with best regards
Hi Krishna Prasad,
Your site is called a Veedi Shoola because it has a spearing road. You can build a high compound wall in this part, so that the spearing road cannot be seen from your site.
Dear Sir,
First of all thank you very much for this wonderful website.
I am planning to rent an apartment/townhouse with two floors and basement car garage. The apartment faces a retention pond – it holds water for short period of time when it rains. There are other apartments on the other side of the retention pond. I wanted to take your advise before I sign the lease. Will it be okay from Vastu stand point? If not, are there any remedies or it’s completely not advisable.
Thanks a lot in advance. I will eagerly await your response.
Hi Shree Ganesh,
The pond could be a mosquito haven since it is not around throughout the year. It’s your call.
Dear Sir,
I am having one old house West Open Size 39ft X 85ft. I want to built new house their, Please give me some suggetion.
Thanking you
with best regards
Hi Rajesh Patel,
You need to hire and take an architect to your site. Some tips on selecting an architect have been described here.
Dear Sir
I am planning to buy a plot to build a house and one of the sites available is pie shaped (triangular with one rounded margin, almost 1/4th-1/5th of a circle). The round margin (the biggest dimension) faces north and has a road on this side but another road joins this road right in the middle of plot (a T junction on north side). This is the biggest site available and rest of plots are smaller and ither rectangular or trapezoid Irregular arms). Would is be auspicious to build on this plot considering it is roughly triangular in shape. Is there any way to build on it without getting problems from vasstu dosha in this case?
Hi Sukumar,
I think it is better to look at another site, even if it may be smaller because from an Architect’s point of view, to build a vastu compliant house on a triangular site will be a challenge and there will be a lot of wasted space around the house. So effectively the built-up area possible in a triangular site can be only as much as that on a smaller site.
hello sir
we want to buy a site ….we have two site option to buy…i’l describe you…one is at the main road having only one road at the north side… all directon has packed it is the old house 20’x55′ is the size……& another is having a rode on two side tht is south-west & the size is 36’x40’….which one to buy…tel me sir…waiting for ur reply sir i just confused about these two sites
Dear Ruta,
In such a situation, you need to take note of the neighborhood, the lay of the land, the nearby houses (do they look prosperous or old and derelict), the dimensions of the site etc. But most of all you need to stand in the site and try to get a feel about it. Go for the site that has a good feel.
But all this aside, as an architect I can say that a 36′ x 40′ site is better proportioned than a 20′ x 55′ site and hence easier to design on. Wish you good luck in your choice.
Hello Sir,
Iam from Bangalore, Iam constructing the House & is alomost completed. It is NW Corner, There are only two sites in the western side, On the wetern side, the behind site compound is bit inside, which make S-Sw road hit, Kindly give me the solution for the same.
Dear Mr Kalpesh,
I am sorrry I haven’t understood your query